Chapter 5

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I woke up to see Zayn snoring softly beside me and I chuckled-I loved watching him sleep.
Soon enough he woke up and we decided to wake up the girls too. "Oh what if they're having a...moment." I coughed out. "Ehh, it'll be fun! Come on." He said and pulled me out of the bed. I felt my heart flutter when his fingers made contact with mine. "Fine." I whined and followed him out, twining our fingers together after a moment of hesitation and grinned when he didn't pull away.
"You like this zaney?" I grinned and he gulped. "I guess yeah." He said in a small voice. "I do too." I whispered quietly and saw him smile. We went to the girls' door and Zayn knocked quietly while I just snorted. "What?" He turned around so we were face-to-face.
"You said I was corny so why would you knock?" I said. "Because you are corny!" He retorted. "No I'm not!" I whined and pouted.
Then he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.
I gasped when I felt how warm and soft his lips felt. Then I couldn't help but kiss him back and he smiled, I did too-it was amazing. I pulled away hearing a squeal from their door and smiled when he leaned down to press his forehead on mine. "Niall-there's something I've been waiting to tell you for-well a while now." He blushed rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled at him. "And what would that be Zayn?" I encouraged. "I like you." He rushed.
"I like you too." I smiled kissing him once again before pulling apart
"We're even now." I declared and threw open the door.

I woke up to find Perrie sleeping soundly besides me-gosh how beautiful she looked when she was sleeping, no flaws anywhere.
"Jade?" She groaned and woke up I looked down at her-she was so cute when she woke up! Now she looked like she was the smallest. "Hmm? Morning." I said.
"And I don't get a kiss?" She pouted and I caught my breath. "But I-have m-morning b-breath." I stuttered. "Do I look like I actually care?!" She pouted and I gave in. "Fine." I said smirking and dove at her; she squealed when I pinned her down in the sheets.
"Morning love." I said cheekily and leaned down to kiss her.
I felt her immediately start to kiss me back as soon as we made contact. This was amazing, and I wanted more. I was just running my tongue over her lower lip when the door flew open. I gasped and Perrie pulled away clinging onto my arms, the guys were choking on their own spit and laughing, I don't know who was redder-me or Perrie.
"EWWWWW! I didn't need to see that!!!" Niall and Zayn choked out and started to gag.
"What the hell you guys!" She stuttered and I shot them my best death glare.
"It was time for us to leave, thought you'd want to say bye." They said and I sat up, twining my fingers in Perrie's. "Well we don't." I said looking at Perrie. "Why not?" Niall pouted, Zayn gave him a small reassuring smile and I noticed he was-holding Niall's hand! Damn finally.
"If you two are together then what's the problem with us?" I said and it was their turn to go red. "Well-you guys are..." "what?" Perrie said pulling me closer. "It's uncomfortable." Zayn said and Perrie inched closer to my face. "Aww so you don't like it when I kiss my Jadey?" She said. "No-I-oh gross! Stop the love!" Zayn said when Perrie smashed her lips to mine and rolled us over so she was on top.
"Oh-UGH GROSS!" Zayn shouted. "Then get out." I said around Perrie's lips and the door slammed shut.
I let her kiss me for a while longer and then pulled away and we started laughing while we heard fast footsteps fading away. "Come on, let's go." Perrie said and pulled me up. "Okay." I said giving her a quick peck on the lips before heading to my room.
I got changed into my Adidas high-tops, some jean shorts, and a sweater, today would be fun. Then I walked downstairs to see Niall coming out of the kitchen with a bunch of twix bars in his mouth. "Niall. James. Horan." I said in a dangerously angry voice and he froze, stuffing the bars in his mouth at a lame attempt to hide it.
I laughed and went over to yank them out of his mouth but they were already gone by the time I reached him. "Three seconds-ooh that's a new record!" I teased him and he quirked an eyebrow.
"Okay now that you're done-out. Of. The. Kitchen!" I said and shoved him out. He laughed and ran out grabbing my phone. "HEY!" I shouted and started chasing him around Perrie and I's flat.

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