Chapter 20

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While Perrie lugged me along with Riley and Coby I wondered what we were doing; and we had just met these two lads. They were quite nice and rather non-homophobic if I can say.
We chased the boys down the block and down the street until they dove into a small little cozy subway shop. I giggled bouncing behind my girlfriend when she licked her lips seeing the food inside.
We walked in holding hands and saw the boys waiting for us by the counter. "Welcome to subway girls." Coby flashed us a goofy smile and we giggled our thanks and my stomach grumbled telling me my McDonald's wasn't enough to satisfy me this morning. "What's the biggest thing they own?" Perrie asked. "Erm, the 12 inch-" "okay! Sounds great! I want it!" She said.
My mouth dropped open.
"What?" She asked.
"Oh my god you don't know your own girlfriend? Ah!" Riley gasped dramatically slapping his hands lightly over his cheeks. "Oi! I do know her! I just still can't believe how she eats and doesn't put on a stone!" I said-it was completely true anyways. "Are you kidding love? You're a little fry with legs!" Perrie/Rose defended herself.
"I'm a cute fry with legs." I smiled innocently at her and she laughed biting her lip.
"Fine you're a cute fry." She said quickly kissing my forehead and the boys oohed and awed before turning around to order.  We sat down in a cozy little corner Perrie across from me and Coby next to me while Riley sat next to Perrie once we ordered; ooh now was a great time to tease her.
As soon as an idea hit me I flashed her a cheeky smile watching her scrunch up her forehead in confusion; ah this would be fun.
My phone buzzed with a text seconds later.

What are u playing at?:3

I looked up to see her confused face, she was so cute. I quickly typed in a reply and hit 'send'

Aw not much babe;) you look cute when ur confused btw xxjxx

I looked up to see her giggling and blushed after reading the text; I smirked knowingly.
Then my phone buzzed again.

NAWW thanx boo! But u better not try anything :3 xxxx

I chuckled grinning cheekily at Perrie again before typing in another reply.

I'll try not to ;) xxjxx

Perrie read the text and bit her lip sighing while I flashed her an innocent smile. My phone buzzed again.

Oh stop it already I kno ur not innocent!! Xxxx

I batted my eyelashes innocently at her typing in another reply grinning.

Haha ur rite but still thou ;) xxjxx

I smirked when she read the text; time to get started.


Jade kept smiling innocently at me and my phone buzzed again with a text.
Haha ur rite but still thou ;) xxjxx

I furrowed my brow in confusion; but that changed into a grin when the food arrived.
"A 12 in-" "right here!" I raised my hand and the guy turned around looking a bit shocked. I almost bursted out laughing. "Oh-okay, enjoy your meal?" He said it in the form of a question and I nodded holding in my laughter until he walked away.
"Ah, he was shocked!" The giggles slipped out of my mouth and everyone laughed with me including Jade who flashed me yet another cheeky smile.
I turned to my food and yes-a HUGE sandwich was mine!
Suddenly I loved America. I took a huge bite; wow this was good! I kept eating until I felt someone's leg on my thigh. Jade.
Uh oh.
I felt her leg brush my thigh softly and I chocked on my sandwich.
"Whoa you okay?" Riley asked giving me a glass of water that I inhaled. "Fine." I said looking at Jade who almost burst out laughing at me. I shot her a look while she smiled sweetly at me. I tried to go back to eating but I felt her hand on my thigh again. I stopped eating and forced myself to swallow carefully so I wouldn't gag or anything seeing Jade playfully smiling at me. I shook my head quickly while Riley and Coby talked and her hand moved coming dangerously high up my thigh; making me shiver in pleasure and bit my lip to hold it in while she started to trace little circles on my thigh.
Gods I wanted to pounce on her but we were in a restaurant with people for gods sakes.
I felt her hand continue to trace patterns on my thigh; I focused as well as I could on eating. Then her hand started to move again but I immediately grabbed her hand under the table to keep it in place feeling my face turn bright red. I excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom quickly and heard Jade tell them something before getting up and following me.
She followed me into the toilets.
Yes they were empty; I grinned.
I closed the door as soon as she came in and pushed her up agains the wall crashing my lips onto hers; two can play at this game now. 
I moved my lips against hers and placed my hands on her toned stomach feeling her smooth skin. I heard a tiny moan slip out of her mouth while she tugged on my fake lip piercing and pulled me closer tangling her hands in my hair when I pulled away, leaving her shocked. I could tell she wanted more.
"Oh I know what you're doing babe; two can play at this game." I winked licking my lips and kissing her one last time before walking out of the toilets.
I slipped into the booth and started to chat with the guys seeing Jade slip out of the toilets looking just a bit sexually frustrated; I smiled slyly laughing silently at her when she slid into the booth and immediately grabbed my thighs with both of her hands; I gasped.
The guys turned around and I pretended to cough; they shook their heads at us and started talking about a Lakeside soccer game.
"Soccer?" I asked trying to keep Jade's hands off me but she refused and grabbed my thighs again and I jumped underneath the table.
"Yeah-soccer, you know, run around a field with a ball." Riley said pointing to his feet. "Oh! You mean football." Jade/Shianne said laughing.
"Yeah, you Brits call it that? Then yes." Coby flashed us a toothy smile.
"Ookie, I'm good." I said biting my lip when Jade's hand went towards the inside of my thigh; OH GODS SHE DIDN'T. I jumped and grabbed her hand; sadly this didn't go unnoticed by the boys. "Rose you okay? Seriously!" Coby asked me and Jade/Shianne was on the verge of bursting with laughter.
"I'm fine, there was like-uh-a fly-and I er-well, I-don't like flies." I said shooting Jade a murderous glance while Riley laughed and Coby started a conversation about goats, she smiled sweetly at me and smirked still tracing patterns on my thigh.
"Jade, please s-stop." I whispered.
"Fine." she complained releasing me and I sighed greatfully digging into my sandwich before she could change her mind and joined into their conversation of talking barn animals, today was not bad.


Hahaha Jade is a little trouble maker isn't she??;) anyways this is another chapter done! I feel good about it, and my throat is still a little sore but at least my voice isn't gone!!!!!! Anyways, I have a little something planned for this story as well-I hope you guys like it, im not sure what im doing-i swear im just typing now!

A few questions, but for science

a-should i keep sam in the story

b-what do you all think of ziall?

c-well, thats it really.

Okay cupcakes, nanite sleep well and all i love you all-feedback is appreciated, dont forget to check out my niam oneshot its not the best but i posted anyways alright bye! xx


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