Chapter 16

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My alarm went off and I groaned shutting it off-I forgot to turn it off again.
I rolled back over closing my eyes not wanting to wake up and soon enough got to the point in which I was having a dream. A pleasant and relaxed dream.
"Hey babe! Can I have a soda?" Someone called from the living room.
"Yuppzioos! Just wait I'm getting a bagel!" I said smiling while I threw together a bagel and soon enough just brought it over and ate it on the couch grabbing a soda out of the fridge on the way. "Yay! I love you." She whispered.
Then I blinked-raven black curls and those mesmerizing eyes plus my favorite smile it was...but I couldn't be.
"L-Leigh-Anne?" I stuttered.
"Yes." She answered me. "I'm so sorry, for everything." I said.
"I know. You told me." She looked at me. "I love you." I blurted out and she nodded her eyes lighting up. "I love you too Jes." She whispered kissing me again. "Now you have to get up." She whispered and I snapped awake.
I sat up sighing and running my hands through my hair.
11:30. Wow I had a good night. The interview was at 2:00 so I still had time to kill. Should I call Leigh? I bit my lip my hand stopping over my phone.
She may still need time but I really was in a shock-but still, I really wanted to see her.
But no, no, I'll wait she still needs time. I still haven't exactly told her what happened the night we went out entirely, because I think we both needed time to process anyways.
I slipped on sweats and a tank top and left my hair in a lazy bun. I put my phone away and went outside to the garden of our flat and lay back in the lawn closing my eyes. It felt nice out today. My phone buzzed with a text a few minutes later and I looked down, smiling unknowingly.
It read:

Leigh Leigh.
Hey babe!;) I'm coming over in a few to prep for the interview!! I missed u loads an I'm so srry baba! See you soon luv you! Xx Leigh.

I grinned; the cheeky flirt! I couldn't help texting her back.

Guess that means u luv meeh! Lol yay! Can't wait to see how gorgeous you're  gonna look love!;) xx kisses-Jesy.

I smirked and put the phone away fiddling with my necklace and just letting the wind blow through my hair.
My phone buzzed again and I looked down.

Oka babe might wanna close ur eyelids bc this chick's gon b so hot she's gonna burn ya eyes out! Xx Leigh.

I busted out laughing at Leigh's texting habits.

Ma'am, ur ghetto-arse better be here soon! I'm waiting;) -Jesy

I smiled and lay back again closing my eyes and drifting off from time to time humming stereo soldier and doodling on my phone app doodle buddy. It's fun when you're bored!
I was laying down and humming oath to myself with my eyes closed.
"You're already a great singer babe don't worry." Leigh-Anne's honey-like voice right next to me made me jump. "Argh-Leigh!" I turned around and threw myself into her arms and she hugged me into her body.
"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time and giggled. "Honestly Leigh I'm really sorry, I wasn't expecting that to happen." I said and she nodded burying her face in my neck while I stroked her back. "I understand Jes." She said after a beat and I nodded. "Thank you for understanding but I promise...I'm fine with it." I said quietly and she looked up. I was shocked; she looked like she just rolled out of bed. But that just made her look even more beautiful. "Positive?" She asked; her voice cracking slightly. "Yes 100%. We have time after the interview to actually talk about it, I'll make time." I said and she raised an eyebrow.
"Oh really now?" She asked. "Yep." I giggled.
"I'm really sorry Leigh Leigh now come here! Enough of all the deep shit!" I said and she laughed pulling me into her arms. "I'm sorry too Jes now I think we're almost late so lets go!" She said.

I smirked and pointed at the time.
"HOLY!-" Jesy shouted and we untangled ourselves sprinting into our flat to put on some clothes. Soon enough Jesy walked in wearing ripped black leggings, a black top a grey leather jacket and black boots.
I decided on grey Adidas hi-tops, my skinny jeans, and my black run dmc short-sleeved shirt with my sleeveless denim jacket for the finish. When I saw Jesy though my mouth dropped-downright gorgeous.
"Well what do you think?" She asked nervously.
"I-" I started.
"Come on love, I don't bite." She said. "It's g-great." I said and she nodded turning around to face me and stared at me.
"Well well lookie here about who's talking?!" I said smirking and she closed her mouth.
"Well then I see how it is!" She pouted and I giggled. "Aww I'm playing girlie! I love you!" I said and she giggled laughing and hugging me.
"You better!" She said.
Well, I thought-I really do mean it-I love my Jesy Nelson wether she knew it or not.

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