Chapter 31

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Perrie (a/n you're going to be seeing these a lot more often)
"That's a wrap girls!" Annecka said waking me up from my comfy spot on the sofa. "Yay!" I cheered letting out a toothy yawn.
"Well goodnight you girlies." Jesy flopped onto the couch on my belly. "I'm not a cushion Wilma!" I complained in a lazy hillbilly accent. "Come one Wilma lets get you home." Leigh-Anne giggled poking Jesy's side. "Eep! Okay I'm coming BETSY." She heaved herself off me, wait-why did I get the feeling that she was skinnier than before? She wouldn't do that to herself right?
"Jessica Louise Nelson!" I called before she could leave with Leigh-Anne. She flinched turning back around. Jade shot us a confused look. "Yeah berry?" Jesy asked confused; how was she not ashamed of what she did? This isn't what Little Mix was about. "I can't believe you did this to yourself." I said pointing at her belly; what the fuck she's nearly lost all of her curves! She was amazing with them. "Did what?" "Don't play innocent Jesy I can see the difference, baba you need to love yourself." I pulled up her shirt a bit seeing her now tiny waist. She set her hands on mine before I could see completely.
"Jesy!" Jade gasped her eyes widening in shock. "Guys I'm sorry, I'm really sorry-I didn't know what to do please forgive me." Jesy whimpered. "Jes this isn't what we're about-this isn't Little Mix, you were beautiful with your curves-I would kill for a body like yours, please don't ever do this again, I'm sorry that you felt like you had to, really." I pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry guys, really." Jesy looked down. "Jesy never again okay? We love you, whatever pant size some asshole company says, it's not real." Jade said joining the hug with Leigh-Anne.
"Okay." She pulled away; Leigh took her hand giving it a squeeze. "Nanite girls." Leigh said. "Nanite baba." I hugged her and Jesy then followed Jade out the studio to the car. "You want to drive?" I offered. "Sure." She gave me a small smile. "Here ya go." I handed her the keys feeling sparks fly up my arm again when I made contact with her. The car ride back to the flat was silent; just the music from the car, and each of us were in our own little world. I skipped out on dinner earlier, I've been trying very hard to surround myself with working on the album now.

"You hungry?" Perrie asked reading my mind while we walked up the steps to the flat. "Kinda yeah." I admitted feeling my tummy growl. "I'm going to pick up some pizza if you want." She offered. "No it's okay, I was going to go to Nando's with Jesy." I felt bad the moment I said that; I could see disappointment on Perrie's face but if she needed space, then I would let her. "Oh, okay, see you later." She tried for a smile. "Okay bye." I took my phone walking to the door while ringing Jesy.
"Hello?" A voice asked on the other end. "Hey Jes! Lets go to Nando's yeah?" I tried to hide my disappointment. "Are you okay Jadey? And hell yes Nando's please!" She asked me in a Yorkshire accent.
"Kind of, but please just come, Leigh already knows." I sighed. "Jay you can tell her, see you baba!" Leigh's voice startled me. "Shucks Leigh Leigh! Scaring me." I gasped. "Sorry baba, it's okay I'll see you later." She giggled. "Right, see you soon Jadey." Jesy said. "Okay." I hung up looking down at myself. I was still wearing her jumper; oh well. I walked into the cozy restaurant getting the waiter to lead me over to a quiet table towards the back. Soon enough I spotted Jesy making her way inside in shorts and a jumper. I waved to her; she spotted me telling the waiter and made her way to me.
"Hiya baba, what's wrong?" She pulled me out of my seat to give me a quick hug before sitting back down. "Did Leigh tell you anything?" I asked. "Oh no baba, she said I should hear it from you." She said. "Okay, well Perrie's shutting me out right now, something's wrong with her-I know something's up with her, but she won't tell me, I'm scared for her." I said. "Whoa! This is a lot, so she's shutting you out and you're scared for her?" Jesy blinked. "Yes, what if she's in danger!" I whispered.
"Pez wouldn't do that baba honestly she's got herself a level head most of the time-" "here are your orders ladies." The waiter set our food in front of us breaking up our conversation momentarily. "Thank you." I said before turning back to Jesy. "It doesn't have to be her-someone else could be behind this, but she won't talk to me-and I don't think she wants to be a 'thing' anymore." I frowned at the thought, what if Perrie did break up with me? What if I was just a fling for her?
"Babes, Perrie wouldn't do that to you, she couldn't break up with you, she loves you just as much as you love her, she just needs some time." Jesy held my hands squeezing them to give me comfort. "But Jes you should've seen the way she looked when I saw her yesterday, she was broken-and I tried to help her, she didn't let me." I complained; I'm so thankful to have Jesy-she always listens to us girls, lets us ramble on about our problems and let it all out. "Just give her some time baba, knowing her she'll be back in no time." Jesy reassured me.
"Okay okay, but I can't do this for too long." I said. "You won't baba, she'll be back." Jes gave me a confident smile. "I appreciate it Jesminda." I started to smile, Perrie would stay strong-she's a fighter. "Anytime Jade Amelia." She chuckled kissing my cheek. We finished our food talking about normal weird things and headed home together. "Alright this is my stop love, I'll see you tomorrow." Jesy attempted a posh voice.
"Okay Jes I'll see you tomorrow and tell Leigh nanite!" I leaned up to wrap my arms around her neck in a hug. "Nanite babe." Jesy chuckled kissing my forehead and we went our separate ways towards our flats. I avoided the dark streets walking as fast as I could possibly go, there's been enough incidents out late these days. I stuck the keys in the door to mine and Perrie's flat. "I'm home." I called into the flat.
"Heya Jadey." Perrie called. "Where are you?" I closed the door locking it behind me. "Uh, in the living room." She answered. I walked in seeing Perrie curled up on the couch munching on a piece of pizza watching-well what do you know! The notebook. "Can I join you?" I asked. "Yeah." She said not taking her eyes off the telly. I crawled over to the side of the couch, resting my back against the comfortable cushions losing myself in my thoughts. I felt Perrie's gaze switch to me at one point in the movie; I just stayed where I was.
Soon enough I let out a yawn, I think I'm calling it a night. "Nanite pez." I yawned closing my eyes. She murmured a reply but I didn't hear her drifting off into dream world.

"Nanite pez." Jade yawned quietly distracting me from the telly momentarily. "I love you." I mumbled quietly enough for her not to hear me, she went out like a light. I've been avoiding her for at least a week now and it's hard-it really is, but I'm keeping her safe-AND this helped me think of her present, her birthday was the day after tomorrow-and I think I'm satisfied with what I got her, it's got to be perfect.
My phone buzzed, yeah, I'd reconnected it to a new number. I looked down:

Unknown: don't get too close, it's a warning xxx

I shut off my phone, too tired to care about anything at the moment but that really annoyed me, great they found my new number-oh well.
I watched her as she slept, her face was so adorable, incredibly beautiful-flawless, as always it was incredible-and then there's me.
I turned off the telly throwing away the trash and then walked back into the living room seeing the Geordie cuddled up on the ground snoring softly looking in complete piece.
"Fuck Jade, I can't even resist." I mumbled under my breath scooping her up in my arms and carried her into my room with me. I changed her pants to shorts and crawled into the bed next to her wrapping my arm around her waist. I don't know what the hell I'm doing; she said she was giving me space-and I didn't want it but I know it's necessary-to keep her from this stupid stalker of mine, no matter how hard and painful it is, because I really do know that I love her and I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.


"Come on there's food in the kitchen!" Someone whispered. I ignored it. "Pez!" They hissed again poking me. "Noo Jade." I buried my face in the pillows. "Get up we have an interview after recording!" She said. "Later!" I complained keeping my eyes shut. "Come on pez!" She squealed; ah her voice is so freaking adorable! I pulled the covers over my head; I was way too tired. "GOOD-MORNING MY CUPCAKES!" Someone shouted from downstairs; well there goes my peace and quiet. "I'll be back." Jade whispered and headed downstairs-victory! I cuddled up in the duvets of my very cozy bed.
Just while I was close to drifting back off to my dreamworld I heard my door open quietly; I ignored it as best as I could managing to drift off slightly.


So how was that you guys? I know I haven't updated as often-and I'm reeeally sorry for that! But high school is sorta starting to control my life and plus soccer-GAH, but at least we won our game yesterday!!!!! XD we beat RYSA 6-1 I'm proud! But my feet hurt, eh well I'm still proud!

Anyways back to the situation-I have decided to make a sequel to this story, would you muffins like that?

Jesy: well I would hehe *wink*

Me: noo not you! The mixers you fry!

Jesy: I'm not a fry! :3

Me: haha yes ya are Jes!

Perrie: how insulting for Jesy! *eats a fry*

Me: did you just magically get a pack of fries pez?? o.o

Leigh-Anne: you literally just ate Jesy then....

Jade: where did my biscuits go guys? *looks around confused*

Me: errm, someone may have been hungry this morning and uh-accidentally eaten them? *turns red*

Jade: 0.0 WHAT

Perrie: calm down bubba, we can-


Me: well gotta go mixers before she bites my head off! *runs away from Jade and hides behind Leigh-Anne*

Perrie: well we should go! Haha comment for the sequel you muffins, and we will be back the next chapter! Love you all lots like-


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