Chapter 9

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Trigger warning - verbal bashing

I woke up to feel something around my waist-what the hell? I was fine having a dream in which I was Dobby and I could disappear! It was awesome because I couldn't stop pranking Leigh-Anne and Jesy by leaving their knickers wet in their beds and when they'd start chasing me I just-'poof!' But anyways-I felt pressure around my waist and then legs tangled in mine-it was almost like I was about to be kidnaped or something.
I considered hollering for room service but then I remembered-we had to leave today so I was here with Jade. I looked down and there she was, snoring softly like nothing ever happened. She looked amazing in the dim light-the way the darkness framed her face and how her hair fell perfectly around it-oh nachos I'm lovesick. I leaned down and left a kiss on Jade's forehead and tried to fall asleep again but I couldn't.
I waited again and closed my eyes but I couldn't fall asleep-ugh. Oh well, guess I'm going to just stay awake-so I propped myself up with Jade in a better position and cuddled her closer again, brushing her hair out of her face and behind her ear, and stroked her face gently with my fingers. She sighed in her sleep then nuzzled her face into my neck and I smiled-this was one of the best moments in my life. It was silent while the sun was rising slowly and our flat was rather quiet-it was hmm...peaceful.
I looked down at Jade and smiled-here I was with the one person that meant the most to me and I loved it. Slowly I traced my fingertips around her face, feeling how soft and smooth her skin was. I trailed my fingers to her forehead, her soft eyebrows and her cheekbones, then her cheeks, her jawline, and...soon enough her lips. They were full and buttery soft-more than perfect, great-now I have the biggest urge to press my lips to hers again; I felt her shiver and her arms tighten around my waist while she turned that her lips were on my neck and I almost yelped from the sparks that radiated from that single spot on my neck. Gods how I want to kiss her. But I hold it back and kept looking at her in the rising sun.
She was beautiful, the sun framing her face with a warm glow and how her skin shined...
"Stop staring Pear." I heard a mumble and almost flinched-she was awake! Oh gods I hoped I didn't say anything aloud. "Sorry." I mumbled pointlessly looking down into her warm sparkling eyes, gods I'm an idiot.

I woke up to feel someone brushing tracing their hands around my face gently, the touch sent sparks from wherever they touched my skin, I didn't open my eyes yet but shifted from the electricity they left wherever they touched, putting my lips on their neck and couldn't help smiling-it was Perrie and this moment was just perfect.
I slowly felt myself start waking up so I opened my eyes to see her looking down at me with her eyes full of... maybe love. I felt the corners of my lips pull up in a smile automatically-she was gorgeous. "Stop staring pear." I mumbled quietly smiling when her cheeks started burning.
"Sorry." She whispered and I giggled and leaned up into her ear.
"I think it's cute." I whispered and she nodded blushing madly. "What time do we leave?" I asked curiously and she looked at my phone. "In two and a half hours the plane leaves at-9:30." She said and I nodded. "Sooo it's seven right now?" And she gives me a 'yes silly child' look and I nod, excitement flooding through me-we would be gone for four days. I nodded and slipped out of my bed after her.
"I'll help you love." I said and she smiled wrapping her arms around my waist. "Thank you baby, luv ya bunches." She said in a failed attempt at an American accent making me laugh and kiss her nose. "You are so cute!" I giggled; she smiled.
I pulled out of her hug and skipped into my bathroom to brush my teeth and make my hair look decent. "My bra doesn't fit jadey!" I heard a squeal and held back my laughter while I walked out of the toilet feeling fresh. "Perrie! This is um... my room." I giggled and she turned the deepest shade of red probably existing and scuttled out of my room leaving my purple bra on the floor. "Aw come on! I love this one!" I complained and put it away and hopped into the shower. Then I walked into Perrie's room where I was hit in the face with an ACDC shirt.
"HEY!" I squealed and threw it off but she kept chucking clothes around her room. "What am I supposed to wear!?" She almost growled frustratedly. "How bout you shower and I'LL pick out what you wear." I said and she nodded calming down and scooted into the shower. I settled on a pair of cream-colored jeans, a grey hoodie and her caramel-colored boots, that should be comfy for a plane ride.
"I'm leaving them here!" I called, slipping my hand in the door and leaving her clothes on the bench.
"Okay!" She called back and I closed the door completely and went downstairs grabbing my phone and texting Jesy.
Get me biscuits.
I flopped down on the sofa while I waited for her reply and logged onto twitter signing into our group account.
I decided to say good morning and follow some of our fans.

Morning mixers! Bout to head over to the airport who ate pancakes this morning? <3 XxJadexx

I watched as the comments flooded in like a waterfall. I favorited some and even retweeted some then signed out to text Jesy.

course girlie! :) u guys r leaving me anyways I don't want t be lonely they're my replacement for you!!!:)

I giggled and texted her back again:

Ookeyy!! I WILL MISS U

I put my phone up and heard Perrie coming down the stairs lugging her suitcase with her. "Well, we must be going ma'am, it was nice to meet you." She tried in a posh accent and I just laughed putting my arms around her petite waist. "We'll have fun pezza." I smiled. "I wish they could come!" She yawned and I agreed but brushed it off. "It's fine maybe next time! Plus we're going to New York!" We started squealing and jumping up and down-we were going to New York. We calmed down and Perrie pulled me into her arms leaning down to press her forehead onto mine. "You ready?" She said and I pulled away slightly to look her in the eyes. "Hell yes!" I cheered melting into those beautiful crystal blue orbs. "Sounds great." She said and I nodded. "No flirting!!" I said and she giggled against me. "Why would I? You're the only one I want." She said and blushed, making me blush as well. "This is going to be great." I said and we pulled away when her phone buzzed. I waited and she turned around. "We have to go, the van's waiting outside." She said and I nodded feeling her fingers lace with mine. "Let's go." I said and she nodded and leaned down to kiss me and I leaned up to meet her lips. This kiss was full of passion and love, probably one of the most passionate kisses I've ever had and when I pulled away I grinned. "Now that was a proper kiss." She smirked and bit her lips teasing me; I already wanted more! but I told myself no and instead took her hand and led her out the door and into the van.

While we were going to Jade and Perrie's flat I started scrolling through twitter-wow we had a lot of followers! Over 1.1 million-that was amazing!
I tweeted a few people and followed some of our fans and retweeted some tweets that I liked and then as I went down the long list of tweets one caught my eye:

@Littlemixoffic why can't it just be Perrie, Jade and Leigh? They don't need Jesy, she's ruining their image because she's fat and can't sing as well as them!

My heart stung at those words, what was the problem with being curvy? I knew I was... fat, but the girls didn't even seem to care, ugh! I ran a hand through my hair and put my cap back on-then there was another tweet

@Littlemixoffic You guys don't need Jesy-the band would be way better without her!

And another

@Jordanbanjo How can you date Jesy? She's a fat ass that can't sing and will never fit in with the girls

The tears were already welling up; all I needed was for one more to break my heart.
And I found it.

@Littmixoffic How is Jesy even friends with any of them especially Leigh? I would be sick if I was Leigh

I just felt my heart break to pieces and scatter, I was almost broken. My eyes started to brim and I sniffed as quietly as I could but Leigh heard me and turned around. "Jess?" I shook my head and she sighed but gently laced my fingers in hers and lifted my hand to her lips, kissing my hand gently. I felt sparks run up my hand and I smiled weakly.
"You can tell me, I'll help you." She said.
"I'm fine Leigh." I said and she turned back around but didn't let go of my hand which I actually liked, I loved how Leigh's very presence could calm me down. She nodded and I was glad she let it go, I'd just have to wait for the airport. The last tweet kept replaying in my head; each time crushing my heart even harder-what if they secretly didn't like me?
What if-what if they didn't like me? And Leigh?
My heart stopped at that thought-no Leigh-Anne to help me when I needed a friend-fuck what would I do!? My anxiousness kept growing the whole ride to Jade and Perrie's flat. I really need to get to the airport FAST.

Heyy no a/n today I'm really busy but here it is:).

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