Chapter 1

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Chapter one guys :)

"What are we going to watch?" Jade asked literally bouncing up and down and I held down an aww. She was sooo adorable when she did that-whoa-back to the movie- "how about ummmm......." Leigh-Anne scanned the movies. "let's pick randomly!" she said and everyone agreed so we got our tickets to some random horror movie and went in.
"I'm gonna get food! you guys get us our seats!" I called. "Okay!" Leigh-Anne answered back and led Jesy, Harry and Rose, Louis and his girlfriend Eleanor inside. "I'll help Perrie with the popcorn!" Jade bounced over to me, uum ookay uh.....
"Perrie!" Jade's waving her hand in my face, "sorry." i said and we walked over to the popcorn stands.
We got four popcorns, four drinks and some candy. I was carrying the popcorn and the candy while Jade was carrying the drinks. While we walked inside I almost dropped the popcorn when I got my jacket caught on a railing. "Shit!" I cursed feeling someone's hand keep me from falling. I turned to see Jade looking at me with a concerned expression on her face, "Thanks Jadey." I said smiling fakely and she saw through it easily I know. "What's wrong Perrie?" she looks at me. "nothing, why do you ask?" I smile brighter. "You know you're going to have to tell me eventually Pear." the way her little pink lips moved when she talked.
If only I could tell you....
she sighs and lets it go and I nodd. "Let me carry something at least, Pear." Jade whined and I nodded, handing her some of the candy. When she reached for the snickers I was handing her I brushed her hand. Oops. I pulled away, feeling the heat rising to my cheeks-thank god we were in the hallways where it was dark. "Sorry." Jade mumbled. I nodded and we went into the movie.
"Got it!" I chirped to everyone while Jade came in behind me. "Awesome!" Harry grabbed the popcorn out from my hands and started giving it to everyone. "What took you guys so long?" Louis looked up at us. "N-nothing." I stuttered. "You guys had a magic moment?" Louis teased. "N-no why-would we?" I can't tell who's blushing even more me or Jade-wait JADE? I just stood there until he shut up and went to my seat with Jade following behind. There was only two seats left, one next to Leigh-Anne and then the other one at the end of the row. I decided to sit next to Leigh-Anne and then Jade wedged herself into the last seat. We shared a popcorn and a drink then spilt the candy, then we turned our attention to the movie. I was a sucker for thrillers so soon enough I was flinching or getting chills-the movie was actually getting to me. I looked over to Jade and she wasn't doing any better, sitting there and stuffing popcorn kernels in her mouth nervously.
Then I started to turn around.
Someone shrieked and I couldn't help the half-scream that left me and I jumped ontop of Jade's lap, spilling some popcorn kernels. She shrieked when I wrapped my arms around her neck, burying my face in her neck while Leigh-Anne was dying of laughter. "Damnit Leigh-scaring the shit out of me!" I cursed against Jade's neck. "aww, Pear, it's okay baba." Jade giggled and slid her arms around me and I realized I was still sitting on her. "Oh-I'll um." I was probably as red as I could go but Jade shook her head. "No no, sit with me baba! Please. I'm kind of scared" she whispered and I have to admit-I like this better. "okay." I smiled and we watched the movie holding each other, so it wasn't that bad I don't think I've been happier than I am now.


"Mates-the movie was awesome!" Jesy said when we were coming out. "Yeah, by the way who screamed?" Harry asked after blinking loads of time from the popcorn I probably got in his eyes. "Ummm.." everyone saw me. "it was you!? Oh wow, no wonder Leigh-Anne was laughing her arse off!" Louis chuckled as I turned red again.
"ooh and to make it better she jumped on Jade!!!" Leigh-Anne started to double over cackling and so did the rest of the group except for Jade who was just smiling beside me. "Aww I think it's cute." she giggled quietly and I blushed again when she put her arms around me.
We dropped everyone off until our limo finally pulled into Jade and I's flat. "Thanks mate!" I called to the driver and pulled Jade out of the car. She giggled and waved to the driver and followed me in, I loved the way she did that...every time she let me take her hand and lead her forwards, or just how comfortable she was around me.
"Pear! you're doing it again!" suddenly Jade's in front of me and waving her hand in my face-zoned out again damn. "Sorry." I murmured and unlocked the door without moving my eyes from her face when she stepped in backwards. I followed her inside and we didn't say anything but I locked the door behind us.
"Jade?" I really want to tell her but I'm afraid. "Pear?" She was so close! We were inches apart. "Do you want to tell me something?" she said and inched closer. "Yes. Maybe." I whispered and it was taking all my will to not step closer and lean into her, so I stepped back and gasped when my back hit the door.
"Come on Pear, I know something's bothering you!" Jade said and I realized she had me trapped against the door come on Perrie tell her! I screamed at myself. "I'm in-" I stopped, she was so close to me. "Please tell me I could help." Jade said. "Jade-I-L-." I stopped myself from saying it, no she would hate me for loving her-we're girls for gods sake!
"Please Perrie." Jade breathed. "I'm sorry, I can't Jadey." I whispered but she didn't move. "Jade, please move." I sighed but she was looking-no-staring me in the eyes.
"Jade." I whispered but as if she didn't hear me her hand made it's way to my cheek and sparks flew from where she made contact with my skin and her face kept getting closer and closer-her perfect lips.
"Perrie." she whispered- she's going to kiss you! A voice in my head screamed, should I let her do it? I don't know what to do so I just stay frozen as her lips kept getting closer and closer...kiss her back! the voice screamed, no what if I do something? I keep arguing with myself and she's almost there I swear if I move an inch we'll be kissing.
I'm about to give in and close the space between our lips when my phone goes off.
Yay! I got a text message I got a text message!
It started blaring that over and over again and Jade snapped out of her trance and realized how close she was to me. She stumbled back. "Jade, what are you doing?" I tried to grab her hand but she inched back even more. "sorry." she whispered and mumbled something I swear sounded like 'fuck!' and raced upstairs.
I looked down at the message and saw who it was from:
Tulisa, uh oh... i gulped and opened it anyways.

Tulisa: What did you do?!

oh no something was wrong. I texted back.

Me: nothing y?

Tulisa: there's a picture of you and Jade saying you two were about to kiss

Me: we didn't!

Tulisa: Okay we have a board meeting tomorrow, 3 pm, be there, I need to talk to you two.

the last text scared me but I know there's no way around it so I went upstairs to get to bed.


Feedback is appreciated :) - hey guys, need to disclaim that this story will contain internalized homophobia and some violent scenes, just so you're aware. I wrote this years ago when I was on my own way of navigating the spectrum, bear with me, I'm editing as I go when I have time but I'm also a full time interior architecture student, so pls cut me some slack. Thanks and love you all anyways - C

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