Chapter 32

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Jesy and I decided to hitch-hike to the girl's flat because knowing them and the fact that they haven't made up yet-they were going to have some serious morning struggles! We made a B-line for the girl's flat to avoid stray cameras and slipped into the girl's flat-oh Jadey, always leaving the door unlocked in the morning nope nope!
"GOOD-MORNING MY CUPCAKES!" Jesy greeted loudly. I chuckled hearing footsteps bounce down the stairs, finding ourselves with a flustered Jade. "She won't wake up." She huffed pushing her hair back from her face. "So you two didn't make up?" I felt slightly dissapointed-we were going to tell them about us, I looked at Jesy.
She looked down shaking her head. "No, I said I would give her space." Jade sighed looking down biting her lip. "It's okay, we'll wake her up, this is gonna be a special one!" I winked pulling out something from my bag. Jade's eyes went wide-we started to laugh. "Just for emergencies ya know!" Jesy chuckled starting to walk up the stairs. I tiptoed towards Perrie's room with Jesy and Jade behind me. "Leigh!" Jade giggled softly. "Aww I haven't played a prank in weeks!" I chuckled slinking into the blonde's room seeing the other two stay at the door. Perrie was fast asleep snoring softly in her bed all cuddled up in the duvets as if she didn't have to go to work today-that was about to change.
"Pezza wake up!" I whispered. She groaned cuddling further into the duvets; here goes!
I positioned the foghorn under the duvets and counted down on my fingers so the other two would know when to run.
"AHHHHHHHHH GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Perrie screamed shooting off the bed; I started to laugh so hard my stomach was hurting, Jade and Jesy weren't any better clutching onto their stomachs laughing very hard.
She saw us all laughing and jumped out of the bed. "LEIGH-ANNE!" She yelled-my eyes widened-holy crap she's going to have my head! I got up making a mad dash for the door. "OUT THE WAY!" I shrieked pushing past Jesy and Jade running down the stairs and bolting into a closet. "GET BACK HERE LEIGH!" Perrie shouted skidding to a stop stumbling down the bottom of the stairs still in her pj's with her pink-blonde hair in a mess on her head. I crawled out of the closet slinking up behind the blonde, honking the horn right behind her back and ran out the door.
"GAAAAHHHHH!" She shrieked jumping forwards; I started to laugh again while the Geordie dove into the couch trying to calm her breathing. I saw Jade and Jesy laughing at us with a phone in hand, then Jade started typing and showed us the video proudly. "Instagram I see, Jadey ." I mused pretending to stroke an imaginary beard causing the girls to choke in laughter again. Perrie just gave us the 'I'm going to kill you guys' look. I batted my eyelashes innocently at her. "Oh you know you're not innocent Leigh!" She wiggled a finger in my face. "Yeah yeah-get dressed ya platypus you." I shooed her finger away. She grabbed a pack of trail mix on the way up. "You have 40 minutes by the way." I added at the end. "SHIT WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING BEFORE!?" She hollered racing back up the stairs. I chuckled looking down at my phone seeing a text from Annecka appear and unlocked my phone.
'Recording's been moved back thirty-had a meeting with the rest of modest, please pass on the news to tell the rest of the girls love'
"Recording got moved back thirty minutes-PERRIE BE HAPPY YOU'VE GOT AN HOUR!" I yelled the last part towards the upstairs-wow the neighbors are probably loving us right now, being woken up at lets say: hmm-9:30 by a foghorn, then again a few minutes later plus hearing the neighbors sounding like they're going to kill each other. We Little Mix girls are quite a handful-well apart from me, I do end up doing the washing and taking care of the girls-Jesy does too but mostly I'm the motherly figure of this silly group. "Well guys! What to do?" Jesy asked cheerfully in an Aussie accent. "Well I already miss her." Jade sighed flopping down on my lap. "Aww Jadey misses baby Perrie." Jesy cooed pinching her cheeks. "Jesy!" I chuckled attempting at lightening the mood; Jade's face didn't change-I shook Jesy off and placed my hands gently on the small Geordie's arms. "She will come back to you Jadey when she's ready-she will tell you what's wrong, don't push her too hard bubba, she loves you." I said. "Yeah, I mean come on who can't love Jerrie?!" Jesy declared. "Sandwiches." I commented; Jesy grew pale. "Anyways! Perrie won't leave you baba, she's loved you for quite a while." I comforted my little Geordie friend. "I know, but we are going on tour soon." Jade said quietly. "Yeah, and you two will be as tight as ever." Jesy said still shivering at the thought of sandwiches. "Thanks girls, but I want to do something for her when she's ready-maybe at one of the gigs?" She asked. "What!?" We shouted. "What is it too much?" She sounded slightly frightened. "Oh no, it's okay bubba! I was just in a slight dream world there!" I said. "Oh, well what do you girlies think?" She asked with her puppy dog eyes. "Awwe the classic!" Jesy face-palmed. "Of course we'll help you, are you sure you're ready for it?" I asked slightly envying her-Jesy and I had to keep it under the radar-it's already killing me, we've been together for a week now but it's killing me.
"Of course I am, I'm starting to think that she's the one-but I'm so scared-I'm really scared that she's going to leave me-she could have anyone she wants, so why me?" She started blabbering on about how Perrie was the perfect human being to ever walk the earth.
"Hey hey hey hey-JADE!" Jesy snapped her fingers in Jesy's face. "Sorry, but I can't lose her!" Jade fretted.
"You won't."
Another voice startled us. We all turned around to see Perrie in sweats and a sports bra. Jade melted as soon as she saw the blonde. "Lets go Jes." I whispered pulling my girlfriend out of the room, giving the Geordies their well-needed moment. "Do you think they're going to make up?" Jesy asked while we relaxed on the couch together. "I hope so." I sighed while she played with strands of my hair, I rested my head on her lap. "Jade really loves her; and the poor thing's birthday is tomorrow-Perrie hasn't done anything about it either-I just don't want them to fall apart." I admitted; I shivered at the thought of having to take sides with one of the girls if they broke it off, ignoring one while going with the other, my heart would be broken for them and I would lose two of my best friends-not just one-but two.
"Lets think positive babe, they apologize to each other-they don't have to be lovey-dovey yet but they just have to be on the same page-as in 'in love' page ya know?" Jesy leaned down to kiss my forehead. "Yeah, we'll get through it." I smiled when she leaned down to press a quick kiss to my lips. I smiled pecking her lips once more, we will get the Geordies through this.
"Hey guys? Did you eat yet?" Jade yawned walking into the room while I shifted carefully from Jesy's lap. "Yes." I answered covering the fact that I saw a slightly concerned expression on her face-we had pancakes this morning, and they were good! "You don't want anything?" She asked curiously. Jesy shook her head chucking while an excited Geordie ran into the kitchen coming out with a pack if biscuits later. She dove onto the couch sighing in delight and popped one in her mouth. "Yum." She stated. "Now I see why you asked." Jesy joked; the petite Geordie only blushed taking a bite of her food while starting up a small conversation with Jesy about how one of us might end up living as loners in a house with 40 goats and bags of nachos. "I could live with that!" I said once she said nachos. "Well Leigh Leigh of course because of nachos!" Jade giggled. "Honestly though!" I said seriously. Everyone laughed at me.
"So what did Perrie say?" I asked. Jade shrugged, "wasn't listening." She said. "Jadey, you can tell us." Jesy urged her on. "It was nothing." Jade sighed. "Then what's wrong?"
"She doesn't care about me, I-she probably doesn't even remember, or the fact that I never have breakfast without biscuits." She sighed. "Tell me what she said." I urged her setting a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Er she just said she needed a bit more time, it's nothing really-I just miss her!" She sighed. "Jade." Jesy pulled her in for a group hug. "Don't think about it buba." I said pulling away. "Yeah, sorry." She yawned pulling back from Jesy who shot her a reassuring glance. "Alright girlies recording!" Perrie shouted doing her best not to stumble and take an uncalled trip down the stairs. "Leggo peeps!" Jesy cheered jumping up from the couch.
Jade kept slightly close to me while we talked in the car; strangely Perrie didn't think highly of it, I could tell that Jade's heart was hurting from being away from Perrie-bless her poor soul. I draped a friendly arm around her. She immediately fell asleep on my shoulder, "aww look at that cutie!" Jesy whispered. "I know." I chuckled quietly not wanting to wake her, Perrie's knuckles were white against the steering wheel. "Something wrong pezza?" I asked worriedly, I know something's up. "N-nothing Leigh Leigh, I'm hung over a few lyrics." She sighed. "You need help?" Jesy offered. "No I want to do this for her." She directed her eyes towards Jade. "Aww okay I get it bubba." Jesy started to smile, Perrie smiled back but I saw through her-it wasn't a true pezza the goofball smile, it was slightly off. "Whatever ya need, all of us are here for you mkay?" "Got it Leigh." She tried for a smile again; I let it pass and went back to deciding on a present for Jade from Jesy and I.
"Well we're here." Perrie mumbled after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "Okay bubba thanks for the lift." I said in an American accent. "No problem Leigh." She said absentmindedly hooping out of the car giving me a small smile and Jesy helped me wake up Jade. She woke up and sighed when she saw us; I felt bad for her, but something was going to happen today-I can just feel it.
And Perrie has something to do with this.
I can tell.


Hi muffins sorry for the wait-I'm currently updating this story and working on deep down inside my heart and finishing up my next chapter for mute at the moment-plus my bloody cell analogy project that I don't want to do >.<, so yes to the sequel? I received a few comments saying yes so I guess I'll makes sequel-I don't know what to name it yet-I'll ask you guys in the next chapter and you say which title you like better yeah? :) and just saying NEVER I MEAN NEVER fall asleep during biology-my teacher will. Ruin. Your. Life!! Hehe and well that's it, I have a busy schedule but I update because I love you all so much.


1 What do you think Perrie is going to do?
2 Will she run away and tell Jade?
3 Do you think Jade is A's target?

Yeah I decided to call the person A, except it's not going to be someone called Ezra teehee, if I have them in the story don't go all 'you're copying PLL' just let it be mkay? It has to be part of the story for the plot to carry out-well I'm going to go-please comment or give me feedback! I love hearing from you all and it helps me for ideas for this story and inspires me to keep reading <3

Perrie: just get me and Jade back together already-I MISS MY BABA!
Jade: I MISS YOU TOO BABA! *runs to Perrie*
Perrie: Jadey!
Jesy: Aww the little lovebirds lookie! :P
Leigh: No one ate my nachos today-I'm so proud of you all! *gives everyone Nutella*
Me: we had to lock Niall out hehe.
Me: uh-oh.... We'll see you loves later
The girls: BYEE :)

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