Chapter 7

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I got into the drivers seat of my car and started the engine while Jade sat in shotgun and Perrie and Leigh-Anne sat in the back. "Boo-why did you sit up front?" Perrie pouted. "Aww pezza on the way back!" Jade said and I couldn't help giggling at how cute they were together, plus I was still with Jordan right now but to be honest-well, I wasn't feeling it anymore.
"Hey guys, we should hurry I'm starving!" Leigh perked up and we all agreed-I was pretty hungry. We reached the grocery store and parked in a reasonable spot before putting up our hoods and hats again.
"I'll get a cart!" Perrie skipped away and Jade followed her. "Me too." Leigh said and I followed her. When I got to the entrance I saw Jade and Perrie arguing about who was going to steer and who was going to actually look for the food. "Jade will-Perrie you're the cart patrol!" I said and they pouted like five year olds, "but I wanted to get the food!" They both said at the same time. "You two are so immature!" Leigh giggled.
"You can't be talking little missy!" I started poking her cheek repeatedly until she tried to bite my finger. "Oi! Do I look like a fry to you?" I said. "Yes! Yes you do!" Leigh giggled and I stuck out my tongue at her. "Ooookay since we're all immature lets go! We're getting the uhh... frozen stuff!" Jade called. "That's basically all we get." I said. She frowned. "Then get cookies or something!" She called before following Perrie around a corner, leaving me alone with Leigh-Anne. I noticed her looking at me when I turned back around and she blushed looking down, confusing me. "Righties-food time!" I said trying to avoid the awkwardness when I felt the heat rising to my cheeks. Leigh nodded and followed me to the crackers and all that.
I snatched bags of crisps off the shelf, some crackers, cookies, and all that-even taking a melon for no absolute reason. Leigh raised an eyebrow at me when I put it in the cart. "Really? A melon?" She asked. "Don't hate the melon." I said like a child and she rolled her eyes playfully and we started heading to the checkout. While we were at the back of an aisle picking out some more nachos I saw Leigh bounced over. "Ooohh! NACHOS! Gimme!" She squealed and tried to take them from me. "Leigh!" I whined and she snatched them away.
"Hey! Give them back!" I whisper-shouted. "Noooo! They're mine!" She squealed and I grabbed her waist pulling her back to me and spun her around so that I could get the nachos again. "Jesy!" She whined and I smirked, taking them out of her hands and throwing them in the cart. "You can't eat it in the store baba!" I said. "But I'm hungryy!" She said. "We'll eat in a few." I said realizing that I was still holding her waist and how we were face-to-face, but Leigh didn't seem to care or notice. "But I want to now!" She pouted making it look cute-I cleared my thoughts as best as I could. "Well come on then!" I said and pulled away from her my cheeks red from blush. She followed me and we payed as quick as we could-praying the cashier wouldn't notice who we were.
Then she gasped and I silently cursed our luck. "Oh-my god! You're Jesy and Leigh-Anne! From little mix!" She said and we both smiled tightly. "Yes we are-would you like an autograph?" I asked her and she nodded-it usually kept them from going crazy. I whipped out a sharpie marker and signed the piece of paper she gave us then handed the marker to Leigh-Anne; smiling at the excited girl.
We handed it to her and bade her goodbye before walking out of the store as quick as we could. We reached the car and found that Jade and Perrie weren't back yet. I cursed and looked around where were they?
"If they're not back here in ten I'm leaving!" I declared and Leigh nodded, she was oddly quiet. Then I heard the crunching. I went over to her and saw her with a bag of nachos. She looked at me and her eyes widened. "At least give me some Leigh-Leigh!" I said and she smirked handing me some. We ate in silence until we saw Perrie and Jade coming back from the store laughing like idiots.
"Took you long enough girlies." I said and they unloaded the food into the car and we left. "What happened to you two?" I asked them when we walked into Leigh and I's flat. "We ran into a few girls and had to keep them quiet before the whole store heard us, plus the cashier." Perrie said. "Really? You sure you weren't smooching in the back before that?" Leigh added and they both jumped up. "What!? We were NOT!" They said and Leigh raised her hands. "Just checking my cupcakes!" She said and they relaxed I laughed and went into the kitchen getting out some chicken and Doritos. Leigh got nachos while Perrie had chicken, fries plus something else and Jade-obviously-got a biscuit. We went into the dining room and started talking about our songs and then random things.
"So have you two made out yet?" I asked Perrie and Jade spit out her food. "Uh-noooo." Jade said and Perrie shook her head while her mouth was full of fries, chicken, and-never mind I give up-that girl never let food go to waste. "Do you plan on it?" Leigh asked. "Maybe-why do you want to know about our love lives?" Jade asked tiredly. "Because we do." I said. "Well, come home with us and you'll find out." Jade said trailing a hand seductively over Perrie's arm and me and Leigh choked on our food. "Oh MY GOD-Jade you perv!" I said while Leigh started trying to breathe again and she just laughed, "exactly now moving on!" She said and Perrie laced their fingers together while we kept on talking.

We hadn't realized how late it was until I had enough sense to go on my phone-it said 10:40 wow that was fast! "Wow, well that was fun girlies we'll see you tomorrow!" Jade said pulling Perrie to her. "Wait! Pezza before you go come here!" I called and she did. "Yea Leigh?" She said. "You've got to go to an interview in New York next week-just you and Jade. Jesy and I are going to stay here for another interview." I said remembering the news Tulisa gave me this morning. Her face fell a bit. "For how long?" She said. "Four days in total." I said. "When do we leave?" She asked. "Tomorrow." I said and she pouted. "It'll be okay pear you'll see us in a few!" I said hugging her after Jesy. "Wait we're actually doing that?" Jade asked, confused and Jesy just shook her head, sniggering. "You didn't think that management would just talk about it?" And Jade nodded after a second, frowning. "Why are they splitting us up? I thought we were waiting before going to North America." She said. "I know, but maybe this will get their interest. At least in New York most already know and have heard wings. It's a start."
"Fair enough, we'll see you guys later then." Jade said yawning sleepily, and Jesy and I couldn't help cooing over the sleepy Geordie and pulled her in for a goodbye hug.
I closed the door behind them and waved bye after they pulled out, I couldn't help admiring how cute they were! "I'm going to finish the laundry!" Jes called and I called back. "Kay!" And headed up to her room looking for my Adidas high-tops. "Did Jade come up here?" I asked and she nodded; I groaned: the girl never failed to lose something that was mine. "Found em!" Jesy called pulling the out of her sock drawer.
Typical Jade.
"What are we doing tomorrow?" Jesy came up behind me, "I don't know-ugh I'm nackered, I'm going to sleep." I decided and chucked my shoes into my room. "You sure you're good?" She asked and I nodded turning to face her.
"Night Leigh." Jesy hugged me and I couldn't help pecking her cheek. "Night Jes." I left her with a smile on her face as I went to grab the laundry.

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