Chapter 23

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"Okay, go ahead."
I walked out from the port first with Perrie following me behind another security guard and Tulisa.
"-Jade look over here!" "Tulisa are you mentoring the girls!" "Jade please marry me! I LOVE YOU!" "PERRIE look at the cameras!" "Perrie how are things with the band!?" "Tulisa how does it feel to be the girls' inspiration?!"
The flashes blinded me while the fans started to cheer as we walked through crowds towards the awaiting plane. The cheering increased when I looked up seeing the fans jumping up and down seeing me and smiled hesitantly; I mean of course I love the fans-it's just that management and security said no interactions today since the incident on the day of the interview-Kiernan calmly said it was an attempted murder and one of them could easily be holding a concealed gun so our security increased yet again and here we were being escorted to our plane in a MOB of security.
"LOSERS! JADE HAS NO ASS! YOU FLAT ASS!" Someone shouted and I blinked.
"Bony ass! Bony ass!" A small group of haters are chanting and started to move towards us. "Tulisa?" I asked but I couldn't find her.
"Perrie." I mumbled trying to find the familiar dark blonde hair that belonged to my best friend, but security wouldn't let me turn around-my heart was beating fast, where was Perrie?
"Perrie?" I called slightly louder feeling my heart start hammering against my ribs.
"Jade!" Her voice made my head turn.
"FLAT ASS! Go back to where you came from! You're an infant." The haters were suddenly screaming in my face and shouting obscenities and I felt dampness in my eyes.
What did I ever do to these people to make them hate me?
"Jade!" Perrie ignored her security guard and started shoving through the crowd to get to me-"No one likes you, you're a piece of shit-attention whore!" A hater suddenly screamed in my face just as a pale hand pushed them roughly back and wrapped their arms around my waist pulling me protectively into their body. I breathed out shakily in relief hiding my face in Perrie's neck feeling a sense of security wash over me while she folded her arms around me.
"Tell it to security lowlife." Perrie faced the hater giving the girl a cold stare barely controlling her anger while I felt her arms locked around me. The group smirked but she disregarded them walking away with me in her arms.
"I'm here Jadey." She muttered firmly holding me close to her while she pulled me away from the haters that tried to follow us and push through the crowd of fans, but it didn't work while the fans pushed them back and I felt a tear slide down my cheek against Perrie's warm skin.
"Don't cry love, please get inside now, go." Perrie shouted over the ruckus and gestured towards the plane.
"Wait-Perrie where are you going?" I asked uncertainly grabbing her hand.
"I'll be back baba I just need something-I promise." She quickly and gently kissed my cheek before walking back towards the crowd while someone else's hand slipped into mine leading me to the plane. I looked to see Tulisa and felt more relief wash over me. "You're fine Jadey." She hugged me.
Once we reached the plane I turned to see Perrie strolling through the crowds with her head held high, her eyes locked on my face and I allowed a shy smile to tug at my lips while my beautiful girlfriend walked up the stairs and smiled as she stood in front of me. "Please don't cry baba, you're a beautiful girl and my best friend-I love you." She wiped my tears away and I nodded smiling; the fans cheered.
"Jerrie! Jerrie!" They chanted. I smiled holding back the urge to lean in and kiss the Geordie; she smiled. "I love you too pezza." I whispered and she was pulling me into her arms and carried me into the plane behind Tulisa.

I carried my beautiful girlfriend into the plane controlling my anger and set her down gently beginning to pull away so that I could go and tell off the haters but she pulled me down on top of her and locked her arms around my neck kissing me passionately.
I heard all the comments they shouted at her; I was about to explode but as soon as she pressed her lips on mine, all my troubles melted away into the kiss while I concentrated on kissing her back.
Her lips still made me melt into her touch, feeling her love-I could feel our love as it got stronger and stronger by every moment we spent together and I couldn't think of any other way that I would rather be-its as if it's still our first time-being with her never got old.
"Pezza thank you so much." Jade said breaking our kiss and wrapping her arms around me tightly.
"You're welcome Jadey, don't worry about what they said-haters are little shits-mkay? Braveheart Edwards is here!" I raised my arm like I was holding a sword.
Jade started laughing. "Okay-then I'm super...uh, Super something." She said thinking.
"You're superjadey!" I invented getting a giggle out of her in return. "See you're smiling-HOORAY FOR BRAVEHEART EDWARDS!" I cheered; she giggled again tackling me in a hug and knocked us over onto the ground.
"Ouch! My bum-I think it's bruised now." I fell bum-first on the ground with Jade on-top of me. "Sorry boo-do you need an icepack?" She kissed my forehead. "No-it's fine hehe-gods I still remember when I burned my arse." I grew red when I thought about the time that I had burned my bum-I was drinking tea and somehow it just decided to spill over me-it was hot; I screamed and screamed while I think it was Jesy who saved me and dumped a bucket of water on my head-it was so embarrassing and Jade was there too. "THAT was HILLARIOUS-I'm sorry babe but that just killed me-it was a kneeslapper!" I scrunched up my face in a pout while Jade started to laugh and her face got that cute expression again; mission cheer up my beautiful girlfriend accomplished!
Soon enough we settled in the plane and were all cozied up watching scary movie 5 as it played on the cabin's telly, laughing our arses off.
It's hilarious how the characters are so random and weird; I think my favorite character is the maid called Maria! (Yeah, the only thing that sucks is-that is just plain racist!) but I may say it's absurdly hilarious!
"Can we watch Disney now?" Jade giggled once the movie finished. "Aww!-er I mean sure thing babe!" I said when she gave me a dark stare. "Please don't hurt me miss!" I begged curling up into a ball. "As long as I get a kiss-that hurt my feelings!" Jade pouted playfully; giggling. "Done." I fake-sighed in relief and kissed her on the lips for a brief minute before allowing her to put a Disney movie in the DVD player.
"How do you work this thing?!" I asked looking at the DVD player. Jade looked at me shaking with laughter and pushed the CD in the media player while I turned red from embarrassment.
"Er just checking to see if you really know your stuff." I mumbled with my face red. "Why thanks for checking, now come here you Geordie!" She giggled wiggling her arms open for me. I smiled lovingly at her and went to her welcoming arms and let her hold me; sometimes like just now I forget that she's older than me since I always try to protect her-but I also like it when she holds me and protects me-it makes me feel safe.
She patted her belly and I smiled curling up on her body giving Jade a quick peck on the lips before resting my head in the crook of her neck and breathing in her familiar scent while The Princess and the Frog started; I loved how she felt like home to me.

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