Chapter 40

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Perrie's snores were the only thing audible in the plane cabin, I was playing games on my phone, strangely Leigh and Jesy hadn't texted after Leigh and I's last conversation yesterday.
Normally they would text Perrie and I in the morning, how odd. I watched as one of the passengers three rows down from Perrie and I met my gaze, shying away. I sighed, I knew I was going to regret that outburst sooner or later, but it was necessary, I mean who the fuck dares to send a bloody threat to my girlfriend?
To my Perrie Louise Edwards?!
No-one! No one has a right to do that, no matter how much they hate her, you don't send a death threat! But how did they find her number in the first place?
Was Perrie lying to me about who it was?
I saw Perrie's phone lying on the seat table, right next to my hand.
No bad Jade, you don't look into someone's text messages, not even your girlfriend's messages, I told myself, but that wouldn't stop me from taking her phone and switching it on, Perrie didn't bat an eyelash, she was sound asleep. Knowing I was going to regret this as well I unlocked her phone, feeling guilt shoot through my body, but it was overcome by the fear of finding something much worse than a cheating message.
As if we were all in danger, as in all of Little Mix. I opened Perrie's texts, there was one from Leigh-Anne and Jesy, one day ago, and then I saw them, the newest messages, all from a blocked ID.
Ya miss me? X
Why don't you just realize how unrealistic your relationship with her is

You better not let her see this, I promise you you'll be sorry love x

I'm going to make your life a living hell babe xoxo

The last one scared me a lot, I couldn't believe this, my mind was spinning in circles, was this related to the car chase in New York? Did all of the strange things happening to us have some sort of connection? Was there someone I know in charge of all of this? Perrie never mentioned anything about it being this bad, and I didn't think it was that bad either. My eyes were most likely about to pop out of their sockets while I re-read the messages, coming to realize how dangerous this-this thing was-what it could be capable of.
"Jade?" I gasped lightly feeling guilt roll over my body, I saw Perrie watching me through an open eye. Hurt shone brightly in her eyes. "What are you doing." She asked, her blue eyes clouded with emotions. "It's not what it looks like pez." I whispered; she shook her head biting her lip, great what had I done? "Why don't you trust me? I told you I'd never betray you, because I love you, I even lost my purity to you." She whispered. "Perrie I swear-" "Jade other people have fucking personal space you know, I don't get into your personal shit so chill the fuck out and dump me already if you really thought I've done something wrong." She hissed.
Ouch, those words were hurtful, but I couldn't blame her for thinking the way she had. "Perrie I do trust you, please calm down." I whispered trying to keep her voice down. "Calm down? That's my phone Jade!" She retorted. "Okay just-" "Just what, tell you who I'm with? Oh well for fucks sale her name is Jade, I love her and only her why would I cheat?" She said sarcastically.
I sighed in relief, she thought I was snooping, more like preventing. "No pez, I'm trying to get this thing out of your life." I stopped her words by crashing our lips together. Her eyes widened seeing the texts. "I'm sorry." She apologized when she realized what I meant. "You had your reasons, I'm sorry too, but I promise I wanted to protect you, and keep you safe." I kissed her once more.
"What did it say?" She asked after a moment of silence.
"Er, I'd rather not babe." I didn't want to scare or shake her anymore than she already was. "But-" "No Perrie we can worry about it later, so for now, it's blocked okay? I'm right here, go back to sleep my beautiful angel." I finished blocking the thing and handed Perrie back her phone after screenshots and deleting the texts. "Okay, thank you Jadey." She whispered quietly kissing me quickly before settling down in my arms, her warmth sent chills up my spine, nice loving chills.

******a while later*********

"-So how are you two doing? You've been rather loved up, especially on your anniversary trip in Paris right?" The interviewer asked with her big smile plastered on her face while a picture of Jade kissing me in front of the Eiffel Tower popped up on the screen. Leigh-Anne and Jesy awed with the crowd, Jade's cheeks turned pink, I was blushing as well. "We're doing great thanks. I'm glad we're going strong for about, ten months? We celebrated our anniversary last weekend and well, she's a great girl." Jade blushed while laying her head shyly on my shoulder. "Oh my gosh you two really are the cutest couple of 2013!" The interviewer squealed at Jade's actions. "They're so cuddly at home, it drives us nuts!" Jesy scoffed good-naturedely. The crowd whooped.
"Sure, but why can't I spend my down time with my girlfriend?" I whined flicking Leigh-Anne's shoulder. "Oi I didn't say anything." She defended herself, laughing. "Well that's the last of my questions for you girls, good luck on the second album! Ladies and gentlemen, Little Mix! Thank you for coming back to New York!" The interviewer said and the red recording light turned off once we waved goodbye, that's another interview over with!
"Yeeaaaas, that's the last interview for today!" Leigh drawled lazily throwing an arm around all of our shoulders to bring us into a group hug, ending up with all of us on the floor. "Well Leigh aren't you a charmer." Jesy said sarcastically while Jade and I laughed, she had been at the bottom of the pile. "Whoops." Leigh flashed a cheeky smile. "Well I love you guys!" I blurted out randomly, I don't know why, some nagging feeling told me I was drifting in my own world too much these days. "Aww come on! Group hug!" Leigh and Jesy shouted crowding Jade and I in their arms again for a bone-crushing hug. "Little Mix!" I heard someone call. We pulled away smiling and linked our hands together, walking out following Jesy who was in the lead.
We were herded outside to the car, seeing mixers while we began to walk down the stairs. Their screams increased when we drew closer, I met the other four girls' eyes, we smiled and separated, each running to the nearest section of fans. I made my way to a group of mixers to my right, I loved our fans so much, they were the best things out there besides the singing. "Hey guys." I greeted. "Perrieeeee."
"Holla Pezza."
"Perri perri chicken!"
"Hi pez!" The fan's excited voices responded. I began to sign a bunch of things and take pictures. A little girl ran up to me and hugged my legs. "Hi Perrie Edwards! I like little mix very much." She smiled, aw how cute! "I like seeing you cute little things as well baba." I reached down to pat her head, she let out an excited squeak, she reminded me of Jade. She had a little bow tie necklace on. "Could you sign my bow?" She asked shyly, seriously she was getting cuter by the second. "Of course, what's your name?" I ruffled her hair lightly and signed her bow tie. "Annie." She answered. "Nice to meet you Annie." I held out my hand for her to wrap her tiny fingers around two of mine, shaking it as best as she could and ran back into the crowd. I moved down a bit to the other mixers, I signed more things and made a bit of small talk before I felt a hand poke my belly.
"Time to go pez." Jade smiled shyly at the mixers. "Jade! I love you and Perrie together!" Someone called, aww jerrie shippers. "Jerrie loves you too!" I giggled. The fans almost blew my ears off when Jade kissed my cheek.
We have to go now mixers, hopefully we'll be back one day!" Jade said. "Come here babas." I pulled as many mixers into my arms for a hug as I could.
"Bye Jerrie!" The fans shouted after we pulled away, I felt good, I was making people happy as well as my friends and family, I was giving back to them. We waved until the car doors closed. "So what to do now?" Jesy asked once everyone piled in. "Ooh! Niall told me the other day about a club three streets down from Madison square garden! Because girls, we are in order of a celebration!" Leigh-Anne's eyes lit up in excitement. "Well Leigh Leigh, aren't you in for it?" I shook my head jokingly, she was such a party animal sometimes. "Yes! Can we please go? Perrie? Jesy? Pleeeeeeeaaaase!" Jade squeaked in excitement, out of the four of us, Leigh and my girlfriend were usually the party animals of the group, but I haven't seen a drunk Jade in a long time, and I was really hoping to keep it that way. Jesy looked at me, I shrugged, she nodded coming to an agreement. "Alright, we'll go." I said turning to Leigh and Jade. "Yay! Thankyathankya!" Leigh squished us in a hug, and Jade kissed me. I kissed back smiling then broke away to make a quick video of us in the car. "Mrreweeaaaaa." I whined when Jade pulled my hat over my head.
"Oi I can't see!" I felt the phone get snatched from my hands. "What we got here Betsy!?" Jesy asked in her hillbilly accent. "Lemme see Edna!" I wailed trying to pry off the hat. Jade and Leigh-Anne were laughing. "We got bam bam in a situation Wilma!" Leigh cackled evilly in her hillbilly accent. Soon enough the video was finished when we reached Jade and I's flat, Leigh and Jesy shooed us into our hotel, reminding us to be at their flat by 9:00. "Thank you for agreeing to go out babe." Jade smiled once more jumping on me.
I chuckled spinning her around in a circle.
"I love seeing you smile poopey." She pecked my lips once more, then kissed over my whole face. "Eek! Jadey!" I giggled falling onto the couch, Jade was still kissing my face. "What. Pez?" She asked innocently between the kisses. "That tickles!" I squeaked when she kissed my nose and neck lightly. "I was hoping for that." She grinned starting to peck my face again. "Jeeeed!" I squealed, both of us in a little fit of laughter. She gave me a long passionate kiss then rolled off my body.
"I love you." She giggled holding her hand out for me to take. "Love you too." I kissed her once more after she helped me up and led me down the hall. "What should I wear?" Jade pouted in frustration while opening her suitcase, her lower lip jutting out, gosh she could just get fucking cuter by the minute couldn't she? "Hmm, c'mere biscuit." I kissed Jade's nose leading her into the closet and pulled her over to the where she was keeping her dresses. I eventually found one of my favorites for Jade and took it out, it was thigh-length and sleeveless, purple colored. "This one?" I faced her. "Yeah, thanks beautiful!" Jade smiled pecking my cheek and taking the dress. "You're welcome." I laughed going into our room.
I decided on a blue dress and smokey eye makeup with a pair of nice sandals instead of heels, I needed a serous break from those things. I added a last touch of foundation and lip balm on my lips then walked out of the bathroom. "You ready pez?" I heard my girlfriend call from the room. "Yes babe, do you have the keys to the flat?" I called back. "Yeh." She answered and I heard steps coming back down the small hallway. "Wow." Jade's voice said from behind me. I smiled, loving the effect I had on her and turned around. "Is it okay?" I blushed shyly, what if she didn't like it?! "It's better than okay, as always." She wrapped her arms around my waist to bring me close to her, my amazing and loving Jade. "You don't look bad yourself." I said seeing how the dress perfectly fit her body's curves, downright beautiful. "Why thank you love." She smiled.
"What time is it?" I asked after giving her a soft kiss. "Hmm, 8:40, we have twenty minutes." She smiled tilting her head to the side, looking at me beneath her lashes. "Can we cuddle? Please?" She asked after a moment of silence. "Of course we can babe, come on." I smiled pulling my girlfriend to the bed, playing music softly on my beats speaker I got for Christmas.
"C'mere pez." Jade whined pulling me by my waist from the speaker. I landed on top of her with an 'oof' we both giggled. "Okay Jade." I laughed turning around in her arms to see her sparkling brown eyes. Staring at me. "Hi." She whispered. "Hi." I smiled at my girlfriend. She wound her arms around my neck, I felt her playing with my washed out pink hair. I leaned down to kiss her, she smiled into the kiss, moving our lips together. I propped my body on my elbows to keep myself from falling on Jade. "Mmm, don't worry about falling babe, you're not that heavy." She said kissing my neck. "Baba." "Naw babe come on." She mumbled into my ear and pulled me on top of her. "Hey!" I giggled. "Told you." She kissed me full on the lips again.
I heard Cyndi Lauper's 'Time after Time' come on. "Well pez, that's old school babe." Jade broke apart from our kiss looking at me. "I know." I blushed kissing her again.

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