Chapter 21

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"NEVER AGAIN!" Jesy shouted slamming the door and barring it shut once we ran inside. I agreed panting.
NEVER AGAIN AM I GOING TO MCDONALD'S AGAIN! I collapsed on the couch. "Sorry Jes, never again." I said catching my breath.
"Ya see? Nando's would've been better!" Jesy huffed collapsing in the armchair. "Fine, Nando's would've been better." I grouched pulling out the uneaten fries from my bag once I had sat up on the couch.
"Oh Leigh-Leigh." Jesy sighed when I started popping them in my mouth. "What's up babe? You jealous?" I pressed my lips to my fry. "Oh you know I'm way better than that fry." Jesy pouted sticking her tongue out at me. "Mhmm, at least that's what you keep telling yourself." I winked, secretly enjoying the idea of kissing Jesy.
"Oh I know I am Betsy!" She threw her hands in the air in her hillbilly accent while I turned on the telly. I giggled patting the seat on the couch besides me. She smiled sitting down patting my head and stole one of my fries. "Oi!" I complained while she popped it in her mouth.
"What are we watching?" She asked. "We are watching evil dead." I declared when it popped up on the screen.
"But it's scary!" Jesy said as soon as the words crawled into the screen. "Well I am Leigh-Anne Pinnock right?" I stated throwing my legs over the back of the couch.
"Fine but I'm blaming you for it." Jesy pouted and I grinned slyly. "You could cuddle me." I winked twirling a lock of her hair in my fingers and she giggled.
"If I get scared I probably will." Jesy confessed smiling mischievously at me.
"Oh don't you look at me like that young lady!" I scolded her. "Okay okay, geez mum." She whined in a Scottish accent grabbing my finger.
Jesy squealed falling off the couch and right onto the floor bum-first. Then she burst out laughing; I couldn't help laughing too. "Hey! It wasn't that funny!" She fake-cried once she stopped laughing. "Jesy, you gotta admit-it WAS pretty funny!" I retorted in fits of giggles. I felt her get up.
"Oof!" I huffed when she sat down right on my belly. "Okay Jes-y-you win!" I giggled and she nodded. "Oh don't worry about putting your weight on me baba, I'm a woMAN!" I chuckled.
"This is my full weight." She replied confused. This was how heavy she was? Now I was confused, what the flying fuck? She used to be heavy-er no offense to her.
I sized her up seeing her belly was smaller-I gasped when I realized how skinny she was. She shrunk.
"What?" She asked.
"Oh Jes-did you do that to yourself?" I asked sadly. "Do what?" She asked innocently frustrating me. "This! Why Jesy? We all told you that you are beautiful!" I said touching her belly. "It wasn't my idea." She said quietly taking away my hand from her stomach.
"But Jes-you AGREED-you went through with it!" I was frustrated.
"Leigh please." She sighed twining my fingers in hers giving me a funny sensation. "It was your decision and you said yes-and you didn't need to." I ignored her.
"Actually I did! Do you know what it feels like to be called fat-and being the 'least talented out of the four'? It hurts-I couldn't say no."
That made me madder than I already was-but I wasn't mad at her-I was mad at our stupid fucktards we called management for putting her on pills-on drugs, I'm serious; she was so beautiful with her curves. And now they're almost gone; she didn't need to take any pills; she was beautiful and still is-she even said she wasn't going to do it-and that was a broken promise now.
"It doesn't matter you're not getting anywhere with stupid pills! I'd rather work my ass off then take some bloody drugs!" I shouted instantly forgetting about how insecure she was when it came down to her insecurities.
I could see her tearing up and she released my hand-damn it. I knew I had said way too much. "Sorry Jesy-I'm so sorry!" I apologized lowering my head in shame while she moved away from me.
"Used to it." She sighed curling up on the other end of the sofa hugging a pillow and let a few tears fall quietly; I sighed, the poor girl. I instantly regretted shouting, she was going through a hard time-everyone was.
"Jesy I'm sorry, I have such a big mouth-I didn't mean to hurt you. Because honestly, like I said with Perrie and Jade ages ago-we love you for who you are-you are always going to be beautiful-to er well to me." I said. She nodded chewing on her lip; making her look cute. "Thanks Leigh. I guess." She laughed lightly.
I nodded. "Can you come back pleease? I don't wanna be lonely!" I gave her the big brown eyes.
"Aww, alright." She crawled over and curled up next to me on the couch with her pillow.
"Popcorn?" I asked a few minutes into the movie after the first kill.
"Sure." Jesy nodded focusing on the telly. I got up getting some popcorn and setting it in the microwave.
I pressed start and decided to scare her to lighten up the mood. The popcorn started to pop and I turned out the lights seeing Jesy jump on the couch; I giggled slightly.
I crawled over behind her on the couch and waited for Mia to drive David's car into the lake. "BOO!" I screamed when the evil spirit rose out of the water right in front of her.
"AAAAHHHH!" Jesy screamed grabbing her pillow for dear life.
I burst into fits of laughter falling on the floor and rolled back and forth clutching my stomach while Jesy buried her face in the pillow.
"LEIGH-ANNE FREAKING PINNOCK!" She screamed hitting me with the pillow. "I'm sorry Jes! Ouch!" I squealed and jumped on her, "I'm sorry boo it was just some fun." I giggled kissing her forehead. "Don't ever-a-again!" She clutched onto me and I giggled nodding. "Okay I promise I won't scare you but I have to get the popcorn." I giggled removing myself from her and she nodded sitting up and clutching her pillow; she was so cute when she did that. I poured the popcorn into a bowl accidentally burning myself slightly and then went back into the living room and pulled Jesy into my arms taking some popcorn.
We watched people gag right in front of the camera and ate popcorn; my heart was beating fast but it wasn't because of the movie really-more like because I was so close to Jesy. She pulled the blanket over us and I snuggled into her comfortably feeling drowsy, I saw her smile and then turned my attention back to the movie putting my arms around Jesy and lost myself in the movie.

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