Chapter 10

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Well omfg I feel so fat! I'm about to burst after only 2 tacos! Can I believe it?! No, well here it is!

P.s - trigger warning my loves. Thanks.

As soon as we climbed in the back of the van with Jesy I couldn't stop thinking about how good that kiss was. The way her lips felt against mine, wow, that probably means something. I burrowed into Jade and closed my eyes. I was so happy she was coming.
I also saw Jesy holding Leigh's hand and smirked, I knew something funny was going between them but didn't say anything and just closed my eyes and listened to Jade's heart beating, it was comforting. the four of us made small talk until of course Jade had to say something.
"'Ey, Jess." Jade's voice rumbled from her chest and Jesy focused her attention on Jade.
"Hmm?" She said. "Is there something you two haven't told us?" Jade asked looking at their hands and I looked up to see Jade smirking. "What do you mean? Wh-NO." Jesy and Leigh pulled away; I laughed into Jade's chest quietly.
"You sure?" I asked.
"Yeah, uh, would've told you two wouldn't we have?" Leigh and Jes said looking down. I just decided to let it go. Even if it was suspicious. But who cares? I would be happy for them, I bet one of them likes the other, I'm 100% sure.

What the hell was that? That was just weird, While we rode to the airport I locked myself into my brain and let my mind wander in my head. It was confusing in here. Haha yeah, really as if I'd know what it was like to be in my head, well I don't.
My thoughts were jumbled with little mix, nachos, our album, my friends, and Jesy-Jesy?! Now I am REALLY confused. Sure I wasn't into relationships but why Jesy? She was just like everyone else, long-term relationships-and I don't do that because something always splits everyone apart-so why bother? I don't think I'm trying to be bitchy but relationships are very fragile things that can be easily broken and torn apart, you're happy for a bit but then something happens and boom, you're heartbroken.
"Leigh!" Jesy's melodic voice broke me out of my trance and I looked out the window seeing people coming and going from the baggage claim-oh great. We were here.
Kiernan, the driver got out and helped us with our baggage and I turned to see Tulisa in over-sized glasses and her hair in a cap; I couldn't help laughing-she looked like a teenager for once. "Well girls, morning! How's it going?" She smiled at us and I heard Perrie and Jade gulp quietly but Tulisa didn't notice. "Great!" I whisper-shouted and everyone giggled. We gave Tulisa a group hug and then I turned to Perrie and Jade walking a bit away from the rest and they followed me. "You guys have to tell her." I said when I turned around. "No, we can't Leigh." Jade sighed after exchanging a glance with Perrie. "Yes you can! You-" "Leigh-no we can't, think about it! The band-Little mix-US. What if our relationship ruins everything? Neither of us can afford to lose that." Perrie said even though I could see how much they wanted everyone to know; I did too-then again it was their choice so I would leave it to them.
"Guys, she's our manager-she's Tulisa! If she truly loves us like her own daughters, then she won't give a flying fuck about your sexualities." I said. "I know but I don't want to ruin our careers." Perrie said after smiling a fake smile at Tulisa who nodded but for a split second I saw a frown before her normal face took over her facial features and she turned back around to talk to Jesy. Oh great now she suspected something. "Okay, just-if you tell her, know that me and Jesy. We'll support you guys 'Kay?" I said and they nodded. "We love you Leigh." They said and I pulled them into a hug. "I love you guys too." And then we walked back to the rest. Me and Perrie got the suitcases and also that's when the paparazzi found us-damn it. I heard flashes and shouts of 'girls! Turn this way!' And stuff like that I smiled once for the cameras while security held back fans. I signed a few things as well as the other girls before we disappeared into the airport.
We walked for a while trying to attract the least attention we could. We went a little further and decided to go to the snacks area.
"I'll see you two on the plane." Tulisa said to Perrie and Jade after she hugged Jesy and I and kissed our foreheads. "Love you cupcakes!" She said before turning and disappearing to a donut stand.
"Going to the loo." Jesy said and left us. Hopefully the girls will get the nerves to tell T.

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