Chapter 12

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The room she was occupying must be cold, the smell of antiseptic filling the air as she briefly felt the scratchy bedsheets. The revelation of being able to communicate with Thomas, she soon found out as her cheeks flushed red, remembering his heated dreams of them.

Tears of happiness streamed down her cheeks that day she discovered their telepathy could still work, she didn't realise at first until she randomly entered his dreams, meaning when he was asleep. He was always dreaming of just him and her, together.

Teresa unknowingly had a small smile growing on her face at the thought of how many dreams they were in, exchanging kisses to each other. She sighed fondly thinking about him, making her feel lonely when he was awake and she was left sinking back into the darkness. Her only company were the faint voices of doctors and machines.

At least she pushed their telepathic connection enough that he now knew where she was and that she was still here, alive. Teresa needed to see his brown eyes again, wrapped up in his arms and breathe in his presence. She missed him so much.

The doctors were briefly heard walking around in the room, their footsteps occasionally closer to her then they would fade into the distance.

They were checking up on her, preventing her being able to wake up and escape this dark empty void. Tears of sorrow blurred her vision as she didn't know what they were aiming to do, just knew they wanted to keep her asleep. Her only hope was him.

Soft mumbling of the girl's voice could be suddenly heard, making the doctors snap their heads to her in disbelief and confusion. One of the doctors slowly approached her, leaning down as he tried to listen to the girl's words. She was quietly mumbling Thomas's name over and over again, a tear escaping from her closed eyes.

"Contain subject A1 immediately. She's trying to wake up." The doctor spoke, concerned as he frowned at the girl and gestured towards the necessary injection. The soft mumbling became quieter and quieter until she was silent once again.

"We can't afford to let this happen again. She must be kept under control." The doctor shouted, annoyingly as he stared at the charts of subject A1. The other doctors nodded in agreement as they went to tidy up the medical supplies they used on the girl. There was silence filling the air again.

The sounds of blaring sirens and flashing lights quickly echoed into the room, making the doctors stare at the sirens in alarm. Loud voices and hurried footsteps could be heard in the distance. Something happened.

"I'll stay here. Go find out what's happening." The doctor spoke, slightly worried as he saw the other doctors exit the room.  He glanced back at subject A1, finding her still silent and asleep behind the curtain.

None of the other doctors came back, making him more worried as he briefly heard a distant scream. Loud footsteps were quickly approaching, the blaring sirens continued as he stood near the door. Did something happen to them?

He hesitantly opened the door, wanting to take a peek on what was happening but only met a Kel-Tec KSG shotgun aimed to his face. At first glance, he thought it was just a WICKED guard but the weapon pointing directly towards him, said otherwise. It was a intruder.

Author's Note: Please do comment what you think so far of the story. It really helps motivate me by hearing your thoughts. I'm hoping to update soon :)

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