Chapter 10

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The distinct hustle of footsteps and faint mumbling approached the council room, making their heads turn to the entrance. He saw his friends slowly enter with curious looks on their faces, slight yawns could be heard as he briefly felt Minho pat his shoulder in reassurance.

Thomas honestly didn't care if they didn't agree with him, he knew what he was doing and he would find Teresa. He couldn't live without her.

"What's up with the meeting, greenie?" Gally spoke, confused as he quickly noticed the serious expressions on their faces.
"Something wrong, hermano?" Jorge asked, intrigued as he lightly stretched his arms. Brenda silently stood next to him as she stared at Thomas's serious look. Something happened.

Harriet took a seat next to Brenda, watching Minho cross his arms across his chest as she waited for meeting to begin.
"I thought we had the meeting with the runners yesterday." Sonya spoke, confused on why they were having another meeting.

"It's not that kind of meeting. We're going back to WICKED." Minho responded, determinedly as he stepped forward. There was silence filling the air for a few minutes as faint sounds of rustling leaves could heard. Thomas stood motionlessly next to Minho, his brown eyes still held that stubborn glimmer as he waited for their words to sink in.

"Are you crazy, greenie?" Gally shouted as he found it hard to believe they wanted actually go back to that death trap.
"Why do you want to go back?" Sonya asked, concerned as she stared at their determined gaze.

"Did something happen, hermano?" Jorge responded, intrigued yet confused at the same time.
"We are safe now. We don't have to go back there." Harriet spoke, angrily as she found it her responsibility for all girl immunes.

"Quiet, shanks! Only me and Thomas are going back to WICKED. I'm leaving Harriet and Gally in charge until we get back." Minho shouted, authority in his voice as he raised his hand in the air. He was helping Thomas in his mission regardless on what they said, he didn't want to see that empty look in his brown eyes again as he knew Teresa was the key to his happiness.

"Why are you going back there!" Gally shouted, angrily as he demanded to have answers to his confusion. The others stood silently, glad that Gally voiced the exact thought swirling in their minds.

"Teresa. She's alive." Thomas spoke, quietly as he slowly stepped forward. His brown eyes darkened at the thought of her trapped in WICKED, helpless in her coma.
"She's dead, hermano." Jorge responded softly as he saw how Thomas couldn't process her death.

"She's not dead. It's WICKED." Minho answered, loudly as he ignored the sympathy looks directed towards Thomas. He knew Thomas wouldn't stop till he found Teresa safe and in his arms. It was his job, Thomas didn't get killed in the process.

"Alright. If Minho says they go, they can go. Just be careful. Let's go, Sonya." Harriet spoke, calmly as she processed Minho's words. She trusted him and hoped they weren't risking everything they built. Sonya nodded in agreement with Harriet as she slowly bought out the flat trans generator and placed it on the table.

Thomas intently stared at the metal device, feeling like he was one step closer into finding her as he felt instant hope bloom inside his chest. He noticed the fainted words printed onto its surface as he silently read it in his head.

Property of WICKED, Flat trans generator 7, Terminal 9, Sector 14.

"You could be walking into a trap, Thomas." Brenda spoke, frustration in her voice as she saw the stubborn glimmer in his brown eyes. Jorge nodded alongside her as he silently watched Minho escort Harriet and Sonya outside. Thomas's head snapped to her, still finding it slightly awkward due to their last conversation at the cliff side.

"I have to try, Brenda. For her." He responded softly as he remembered those pleading beautiful blue eyes of hers. He lost her once, he won't lose her the second time. Never again.

"What I don't understand is that your going back there for that traitor! Even if she is alive!" Gally shouted, angrily as he still couldn't believe they were going.

He suddenly felt himself being yanked by his collar by a pair of strong muscular hands and slammed into the wall, becoming face to face with Thomas's angered face. His brown eyes darkened and his jaw clenched as he glared at Gally.

"Don't call her that." He threatened, quietly as his grip tightened on him, causing Gally to groan painfully. He held him there for a few minutes as Gally struggled to move. Jorge and Brenda stood stunned and froze at their heated exchange, not knowing what to do.

"Calm down, Thomas. Let him go." Minho spoke in a rush, placing his hand on Thomas's shoulder as he saw what just happened.
Thomas breathed in deeply, gritting his teeth as he held his anger back and slowly released Gally. He had no time for this, he had to find her.

"You don't have to worry, Brenda. I have a plan." He whispered, quietly as he unclenched his hands.
"That's a first, shank." Minho responded, a smirk growing across his face as he tried to lighten the ominous mood.
He glanced at Minho, his lips tilted up into a small smile at Minho's words as he understood what they meant.

"Fine. Just make sure you come back in one piece." Gally spoke, irritated yet knowing there was nothing he could do to change their minds especially Thomas. He exited the room.
"Are you sure about this, hermano?" Jorge asked, hesitantly as he noticed his darkened brown eyes.

"I'm getting her back. Where she belongs." Thomas spoke, determined as he stared at Jorge. He needed to see her beautiful blue eyes again, run his fingers through her dark raven hair and simply breathe in her presence.

Jorge nodded in return as he quickly spotted the same expression on Minho's face. He noticed Brenda was silent for a while as he glanced in her direction, noticing her intently staring at Thomas.
"How do even know she's there?" Brenda asked, slowly as she wondered how Thomas knew Teresa was being kept in WICKED.

"Telepathy. Hard to explain but it's their thing." Minho responded, quickly as he saw Thomas nod in agreement. Brenda gritted her teeth, not liking being kept in the dark as she forced a smile towards them. She and Jorge exited the room, leaving the room to be engulfed in silence.

"Are you ready for this, shank?" Minho whispered, breaking the silence as he grabbed his guns from his storage. He glanced at Thomas, noticing his intense gaze as he threw some guns at him.

"No one is going to stop me." He whispered, quietly as he caught the guns and quickly reloaded them. He would get her back, she was everything.

Author's Note: Please do comment what you think so far of the story. It really helps motivate me by hearing your thoughts. I'm hoping to update soon :)

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