Chapter 22

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I've debated leaving but I know that it will be useless. It's probably better if I just go on and let Gabriel end me. I've played a million different scenarios in my head. Right now I'm favoring just telling him that everything is my fault and asking him to just punish me and leave everyone else alone. Maybe then Claire and the guys can go without any punishment and live a happy normal life.
"He's here! Whatever you do, don't look him in the eyes and only speak when spoken to. He hates being interrupted and I'm sure he has plenty to say." Jeremiah informs me.
"Sheesh he must be really grumpy and think he's the shit! I don't think we will be friends. Is he at least pretty to look at?" Claire pipes in.
"For goodness sake shut up! And whatever you do, don't put the moves on him! I don't know why we are even allowing you to be here." Jeremiah says.
" Because I won't go. You know it and, you know you like having me around." Claire says with a smile.
My head is hurting listening to them drone on and on. I'm just ready for Gabriel to come on and get this over with. Maybe it will be quick.
I can't control my heart beat.. It feels like it's going to pound out of my chest. I wonder if he can hear it? Is he going to rip it out of my chest? That would be brutal. He's an angel he can't be that brutal can he? What am I talking about? Angels can be vicious. I haven't been is this world long but I can assure you that they aren't just beautiful peaceful creatures like stories and movies like to depict.
" Why are your all just sitting around and not doing something? Where is Zack?" Some big burly dude says as he bursts through the room door. He has golden blond hair and piercing blue eyes. His chin has a little stubble like he forgot to shave this morning. Let's not even get started on his arms. They look like he can crush a watermelon with his biceps. His voice is booming and he looks very intimidating. I can feel the power radiating off of him.
" I trusted you guys to handle everything down here while I take care of everything else. You can't even do that! Why the hell is he still in a coma and why did nobody call me?" He says while looking me straight in the eyes. Is he asking me or is he just thinking about what to do with me. Am I supposed to answer?
"Helllo, Is anyone going to answer me!" He yells.
"Dang man don't hurt yourself! Hotties shouldn't get so worked up. Here let me rub your shoulders. That should calm you down." Omg I can't believe that Claire is speaking. She's approaching Gabriel and he's backing away with a look in his eyes that I swear looks like he is scared. If i wasn't scared that he would smite me right away I would laugh.
" Someone get her before she violates him! I knew we should have tied her up and put her in the room down the hall." Jeremiah says while rubbing his temples. I'm not sure any of these guys will make it through "Claire time".
"Who the hell is she and why is she here?" Gabriel demands as he watches Liam drag a drooling Claire from the room.
" Sorry sir, she's a human friend that got mixed up in this mess and we are trying to keep her safe until we get things sorted out." Jeremiah pipes in.
"Well keep her away from me. I don't like frolicking and playing with humans like y'all do!" He says with a sneer on his pretty face. I really am trying to restrain myself from wiping it off of his face. He truly thinks he's better than everyone. He's completely different from the others.
"Why is she still here? I thought that you would have already taken care of her before I got here. She's proven she is an abomination and needs to be taken care of before she takes out everyone." He says while glaring at me. If looks could kill I would be dead.
"Sir we thought that we could wait and talk with you about everything. If you could just talk to her..." Jeremiah is cut off as he is thrown across the room and smashes into the wall. I'm shocked and trying to figure out what happened because nobody even touched him.
" I told Zachariah that keeping her around would be the end of us all. But he's stubborn and doesn't listen. Always trying to see the best in everyone. You my child will cause never ending suffering and destruction. It is time I put an end to all of this mess now!" He says this and points his finger at me. I close my eyes and wait for the end.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Is the last thing I hear as the room goes black.

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