Chapter 5

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I awoke to a knock on the door. I opened my eyes to see Zack peeking around the door. "Rise and shine, cupcake. It's time to come and meet everyone before breakfast. Put on something that's easy to move in because we will begin training after." He said with a smile.

I glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. The urge to throw it at his smirking face was very strong. I guess he knew what I was thinking because he quickly disappeared out the door. I'm not sure if I have any workout gear so I quickly look through my things and select some shorts and a tank top. That's the best I can do on short notice.

As we entered the kitchen, the smell of all the food overwhelmed my senses. There were some mouth watering smells in the room. I was too distracted by the food to hear what the guys were saying around me. "Hey, Earth to Lily. I was trying to introduce you to everyone but you went into LaLa Land over there. Are you okay?" Zack said while waving his hands in front of my face.

'I'm sorry, I was focusing on the smell of all this smexy food." I murmured in a daze while eyeing all the delicious food.

"Smexy? Well thats an interesting way to describe food." Jeremiah said while chuckling.

"Okay, guys this is Lily. Azazels daughter. You all know about her and I expect you to treat her with respect." Zack said to everyone.

I finally looked up and noticed there were other people in the room. They were all really big men. Oh yeah that's right, he said that I am the only female Nephilim. I guess I won't be making any new girl friends here.

"I believe you have already met Liam and Jeremiah. I would also like to introduce you to Joseph, Alex, Jasper, Jacob, and Elijah. They are all Watchers. You can trust everyone in this room and they will be helping to train and protect you." Zack said.

I looked at each man as he introduced them. They were all very handsome, well built, and intimidating men. They are way bigger than me and look like they can crush me. "Nice to meet you all. I look forward to getting to know you. Now if yall don't mind, I'm going to dig into this delicious food. I feel like my stomach is going to eat me if I don't get something in it soon." I said as I sat down, never taking my eyes off the food.

"Hey, I wouldn't eat too much right now. Once you start training.." Liam didnt get to finish what he was saying because I put my hand up motioning for him to be quiet. I really just wanted to eat. I hadn't had a good meal since all of this stuff started and just realized that I am starving.

There was so much food. There was pancakes, bacon, and fruit. I ate until I couldnt eat anymore. There was chatter going on around me but I wasnt really paying attention. When I was done eating we all cleared the table together. I have to admit for guys they are pretty handy in the kitchen.

Zack took my hand and led me out the front door. He was taking me to show me the training grounds. I dont know what they were going to train me on but Im kind of eager to learn. Zack had told me that I have many powers. I wonder what they all are. OOHHHH maybe I can control weather. That would be so cool. My favorite super hero was always Storm, from X-Men. She was really bad ass. My childhood friend, Alexis, and I used to act out scenes from the comic book. I was always Storm and she was Rogue.

"This is where we will train daily. We eat breakfast at 6 am sharp and then report here. We train for two hours in the morning and two in the evening. Dont worry, today we will start out with simple stretches and defense moves." Zack said, interrupting my rambling thoughts.

When I looked around I noticed that we were in a big open field with soft grass. I guess at least it will cushion my fall if they knock me down. I'm not really looking forward to that. They have way more training experience than me. I hope they take it easy on me. This is when I realize, it's just me and Zack. I guess the other guys had things to do. Or maybe they just didn't want to be bothered with training me because I was way behind them in training.

"Okay, so what weapon do I get? Maybe a blow torch, laser gun, or a flaming sword?" I asked eagerly.

Zack was laughing so hard he snorted. " You watch way too many movies. We dont use weapons, only our natural abilities. Nephilim are very strong, heal quickly, and are extremely agile. We train like a soldier would and use those natural abilities to defeat the enemy."

"I've never noticed any amazing, natural abilities that I have. Are you sure that you have the right girl. I mean I heal quickly and see ghosts but Im not strong or agile by any means." I said.

"You haven't noticed them because you were raised as a human. Jenna made sure that she hid any abilities that you had with her magic. Here on the field, you will learn to tap into and use them." Zack responded.

He started by showing me some basic stretches. Okay, I can do this. They are just the basic stretches like I used to do in physical education at school. Next, he told me to face him and watch the moves so that we could practice together.

" We will start with the heel palm strike. This move causes damage to the nose or throat. I personally think that the throat is more effective. To perform the move you need to be in front of your attacker. With your right hand, flex your wrist. Aim for their throat or nose and jab upward from the nostrils or underneath the chin and jab upward at the throat. Make sure you pull your arm back qui." Next all I heard was a choking noise as I jabbed him in the throat.

"Hey, I was pretty quick. OMG! I never knew I could do something like that. Did you see how fast I was? OH, are you okay." I asked as I knelt down by him to check on him. Sheesh you would think that a trained Nephilim would recover quicker than that.

Before I realized what was happening he grabbed my arm and flipped me to the ground and put his foot to my neck. " Nice move. I really didn't expect you to pick it up so quickly. Next time expect the unexpected. You were too excited and gloating too much to anticipate my next move. To be successful and stay alive you will need to learn to focus on the fight and nothing else. If you get distracted, it will be over quickly." Zack said standing above me. I took the hand that he offered me and stood up.

That butt hole fooled me. I think he liked that way too much. He continued to go over more defense moves like the elbow strike, how to escape a bear hug attack, and how to escape a headlock. By the time that we were done, we were both sweaty and exhausted. Even though I'm tired, I have to admit I enjoyed that. I can't wait to learn more.

"Okay, that's it for the morning training. You can go shower and you will resume your training this evening with Jeremiah." Zack said dismissing me. He didn't sound his normal self. I wonder whats wrong with him. Earlier he seemed to be in a decent mood. Maybe my training was disappointing to him or maybe he was regretting saving me. I must admit, Ive turned out to be a real pain in the behind.

I start heading back to the house and realize that my stomach is talking to me. Maybe Liam was right. I think that I'm going to be sick. I was busy trying to make it back to my room before I emptied my stomach in front of Zack. I didn't even say bye to him as I ran for my room.

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