Chapter 3

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We rode in silence for hours. Time seemed to be passing very slowly but I'm not sure how long we had been on the road. The sun was beginning to go down again and one thing I'm sure of is I'm getting very tired. I didnt even bother asking him where we were headed. He seemed very angry when we left my house and I did not want to push my luck and have him take that anger out on me. Im not sure what he is but I know that he's not human and Im not about to test him. Throughout the ride, I would sneak glances at him to see if he appeared to be calmer. He had said that he was going to explain everything to me but so far he has not told me anything. We pull into the parking lot of an old hotel. It looks very shady and I hope he isnt expecting me to stay here.

I realize that's exactlyhis plan when he says, "Stay here! I'll get us a room for the night." He then shut the car door harder than was needed.

He's so bossy. The only reason I had came with him was because I wanted to know more about who I am. I know I probably shouldn't trust him because we just met, but something inside me keeps telling me to trust him. Plus, he has kept me safe so far. There is no telling what that Ezekiel guy would have done to me if he wasn't there. My mind quickly goes crazy thinking of all the horrible things he could have done to me. My thoughts were interrupted when Zack got back in the car and slammed the door again. He proceeded to drive to the back of the hotel.

"Come on. Let's get settled in and try to get some rest. We are going to need it because we have several more hours before we get to headquarters." He seems to be avoiding eye contact with me now every time he speaks to me.

We enter the room and he goes to the car to get my things." Here princess! Your precious clothes that you wanted to risk everything for." He said while throwing my bag at me.

Okay, so now he wants to vent and he thinks he is going to take it out on me. Hes crazy if he thinks Im going to sit here and let him treat me like crap. I quickly let him know how I feel. " You asshole! You act like I am being spoiled and think you can talk to me any kind of way. I just wanted to get a few clothes and a picture of my mom. I have nothing else of her because you are making me leave my home. Up until a couple of days ago I led a normal life. Yes I wanted answers but I had a job, friends, and a home. Then, you had to enter my life. Now everything has gone to hell. Since I met you, I have lost everything and I am no closer to knowing anything. And lets not even mention the fact that there is some creepy guy who flies that is trying to take me." By the time I was done speaking I was crying. What is wrong with me. I have hardly ever cried before.

Zack didn't even say anything. I had my head in my hands sobbing and I felt something warm envelope me. I looked up to see it was Zack. I have to admit it feels good in his arms and I feel much better after venting. He had the most affectionate and loving look in his eyes. I buried my head in his chest and continued to sob. He never spoke just comforted me while rubbing circles on my back. When I was finally done crying, I cleared my throat and apologized.

"It's okay Lily. Im sorry I was being insensitive. I am just got angry because tonight could have ended differently if I wasn't with you. The thought of you getting hurt makes me very angry. I should never have taken it out on you. Why don't you go on and take a shower. I'll take one when your done and then answer all of your questions." He was stroking my face as he said everything and I couldn't help but feel electricity run through my body every time he touched me. I calmly shook my head yes, grabbed my things to shower, and reluctantly left his arms.

It felt good to have the water run over my body. I stayed in the shower for a while and enjoyed the steamy water draining down my skin. When I was done showering I quickly dried off, put my clothes on, brushed my teeth and hair, and exited the bathroom. I was anxious to hear what Zack had to say and finally have all my questions answered. Zack stood up from the bed and slowly made his way to the bathroom. He paused in front of me and bent down to give me a kiss on the forehead. His lips felt nice grazing my skin. As quickly as he had kissed me it was over. He went to the bathroom and quickly shut the door. I was frozen in the spot for a few minutes. I couldnt help but miss his lips on my skin.

I went to the bed and laid down. I have to admit it felt nice. I didnt think I would enjoy the bed so much. I laid there thinking about him and waiting to get my answers. Within minutes I was asleep and dreaming.

I was in the bed still but there was fog everywhere. I could hear humming from across the room. I rolled over in the bed and could see someone sitting on the other bed facing away from me looking out the window. I went to say something but was shocked into silence as she faced me. She was even more beautiful than I remembered her. Her black hair was flowing down her back and she was dressed in a white gown.

"My dearest Lily, I have been trying to reach you. It's good to see you my child." I was shocked to see my mother across from me. I have been trying to reach her forever and finally she was here.

"Mom!" I raced across the room and hugged her tightly. It felt nice to be in my mothers arms again. We were both sobbing and hugging each other.

"Lily, listen I don't have much time but I have a lot I must tell you. You must trust Zachariah. He will keep you safe. Do not trust anyone else. Not even those closest to you." She said with a sorrowful look in her eyes.

"Who is Zachariah? Are you referring to Zack?" I asked. She slowly nodded while smiling.

"There are some bad people out there and they are trying to keep you from your destiny. You were meant for great things and they will do everything in their power to twist you to their will. I tried to stay with you as long as I could and shield you from this world but God had other plans for me. I couldn't keep you from your destiny forever. Unfortunately, I will not be here to help you along the way but Zachariah is good and will be here for you. Oh, Lily I miss you baby. I have to go but please don't forget what I have told you." Her voice began fading along with her until I was left alone in the room.

At least I had thought I was alone. I heard an evil chuckle from behind me and the room around me began to change into something else. I could feel something wet on my feet and looked down to see that I was standing in muddy swamp water. I turned around to see who was behind me. As I did, I noticed I was now in a dark, muddy swamp. The trees were draped with Spanish moss and looked very creepy as I turned to see who was with me.

"Even in death, that woman is a nagging pain in my ass. Hello darling. Fancy seeing you here. You are even more beautiful than Ezekiel described you." He said with the most evil smirk on his face.

He began to approach me and for every step he took toward me, I took one back. It was hard to move in the mud and I had to be careful because I did not want to fall.

" Aww sweetheart, I just want to talk with you. Don't back away from me." Even though his words sounded sweet, I could tell that they were anything but.

"I have come to have a chat with you about your future. Dont listen to that foolish womans words. She doesn't know what she is talking about. Her and Zachariah are trying to fool you. Everyone keeps talking about your destiny. I say to hell with that, I have other plans for you beautiful." He said while making his way closer and closer. I turned to run and was having a hard time getting away because the mud seemed to be holding me in place. The closer he got to me, the more panicked I was becoming. I began to feel like I was going to vomit. I didn't know who this man was but I could sense that he was bad news. Whatever he had planned for me was not good. This is who Zack meant wanted me. I looked down at the mud while I was trying to struggle free. When I looked back up he was right in my face with the most sinister look in his eyes. I began to scream.

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