Chapter 28

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My neck is starting to hurt and I'm getting tired of sitting here pretending to sleep. I'm doing my best though because the more information that I gather, the better chances I have of escaping. I know that Zach is probably going on a rampage right now trying to find me but he will think that I'm just leaving to keep them safe. He won't know that I was taken by Azael. Poor Claire she is probably angry with me right now. I hope she finally understands that what I did was for the better. I hope that when this is all over they will all know that I love them and everything I did was for them. I concentrate harder and push my thoughts to the side so that I can focus on the discussion they are having.

"She didn't really put up much of a fight. I have to say I was very disappointed. I was looking forward to seeing what she could really do. I mean when Calvin came back here last time she had beaten him pretty bad. I guess our boy can't fight as well as he thought." Ezekiel says before letting out the most irritating laugh I've ever heard.

"You can laugh and joke all you want. She used powers on me. Man I was lucky to get out of there alive. If she had done it to you, then you wouldn't be standing there so smug." Calvin screeches.

"Enough! I'm not going to sit here and listen to you two argue like pubescent girls." Azael yells.

I'm listening to them all talk and yell around me. I mean aren't they supposed to be really dangerous people. Why are they wasting their time arguing right now? I feel like I'm back in high school listening to teen boys arguing over whose diddle is bigger. Maybe if I play unconscious longer I can get good information and get out of here.

"We have her and that's all that matters. She is capable of causing a lot of damage so you are lucky that you caught her off guard and got her back here without incident." Azael says.

I can hear someone approaching me and the urge to open my eyes is overwhelmingly strong but I need to make sure that they don't know I'm awake yet. My heart is beating in my chest. I hope they can't hear it because it sure feels like it's going to explode out my chest. I feel someone rubbing my stomach and I want to shrink away from it so bad. "It looks like that idiot Zachariah has sped our plans up." Azael laughs out.

"You can't be seriously thinking about keeping that traitors child?" Ezekiel asks disbelievingly.

"Well at first, I was angry. Why would I want my bloodline ruined by that white wings blood. But then I got to thinking about how lovely it would be to raise it to help take him down. I mean he was planning on using my own flesh and blood to take me out. It's just too good to be true!" He exclaims.

"We should make her abort the child and I'll make sure that she has strong children that we can build a real army with."  Ezekiel whines.

"The child stays! That's final. She will give birth to this one and then you can have fun creating the rest. I won't hear another word about it!" Azael yells at him. It sounded like he threw something but I'm not ready to let them know I'm awake yet so I try my hardest not to flinch.

"Did you make sure that she's bound well? I wouldn't want her getting loose and us having to chase her down. It's important that we keep her here. She should have the child in about four months. Hopefully then we can use the child to make her see that we are doing what's right. With her and her offspring we will be able to take the Watchers out and do whatever we want."


"Zack, we have searched everywhere and can't find her. She did good covering her tracks. I've got the guys seeing if they can find anyone to do a tracking spell so that we can find her."

I barely hear Liams words over the sound of my heartbeat in my ear. My emotions are all over the place right now. One part of me is angry because she just thought it was okay to leave all of us. The other is scared. I've never really been scared before so this is a new emotion I've had to get used to. I'm worried that her father will get her or already has her.

"Have you already searched all hotels and motels close by?" I ask him.

"You know that was the first thing we did. There is no sign of her. I'm not sure which way she could have went. Alex went back to her old home town to see if she is there or if anyone has seen her. No luck yet." Liam reports.

"I told you she was too much of a risk to keep around. If Azael has her we could be in big trouble. I should never have let you keep her alive. If we find her I'm going to put her out of her misery. There is just too much at stake. We can't chance her siding with him." Gabriel pipes in.

Anger rushes through me. Anger like I have never experienced before. This always happens when Lily is threatened. I get angry and want to kill someone. The anger consumes me and I swing at Gabriel. He wasn't expecting it so he went flying across the room. When he turned back towards me his eyes were glowing. I know he's about to try to kill me but I won't let him because the only thing that matters is keeping Lily safe. Even if that means defying everything that I am then so be it. I brace my self and release my wings getting ready for the ultimate fight to death, all in the name of love.

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