Chapter 32

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I'm woke up by commotion from outside. I hear my father yelling and feet running around in a chaotic mess. It's hard to hear what they are saying. I've strained and tried to focus but no matter how hard I try, I can't hear what they are saying. One think I can hear is my father's voice getting closer. Whatever is going on he's coming to taunt me about it.

"Should we move her sir?" Calvin asks him as they enter the room.

"No. It's best if we just set up here. My biggest weapon against them is in this room. Have our first line of defense ready on the top ground. I also want guards on every entrance to the camp. They need to be on high alert. If anyone sees anything I want to be notified immediately. If they manage to enter, it's important that we know what way they are coming from. Calvin I want you and Ezekiel in here with me. Go and give my orders and get back here asap." He orders.

Who are they talking about? It can't be Zach. He wouldn't come here. Even if they knew I was here they wouldn't risk their lives because I'm sure Gabriel gave orders to stay away.

"Well daughter you should be proud of yourself. You're little lapdog and his friends have arrived. Did you reach out to them and tell them where you are? If you did just know that their deaths are on your hands and if I have to I'll rip that child out of your stomach right in front of your friends and let them watch both of you die!" He evilly tells me. From the look in his eyes I know he's not lying.

"I didn't tell them anything! Even if I had Zach would never risk his or the Watchers lives just to save me. He knows I'd never work with you so he would have nothing to lose." I tell him.

Ezekiel approaches me and rubs his repulsive hands down my cheek. "See you should have just joined our cause and right now you would be with my seed. Zachariah isn't strong enough to get you out of here. You just brought them all to their certain death and if your father has to rip that abomination out of you it will be the most delightful thing that I could imagine."

"Stop taunting her and stay on guard. We can't let our guard down. Who knows if they have any tricks up their sleeve." My father tells Ezekiel as he knocks his hand from my face.

"Who's the lapdog now, huh Zeke." I taunt him back. It doesn't do me any good though it just earns me a back hand across the face from my father. I swear I can see stars and there is a ringing in my ears.

I'm not sure if Zach and the guys really did come but if they did I hope they are careful. I don't want any of them getting hurt to get me out. But at the same time I feel a little glimmer of hope and feel some of my strength returning.

"Boss, It appears that they have made it passed the troops on the top. Everyone is guarding all of the entrances and exits." Calvin informs him as he quickly enters and shuts the door behind him. Ezekiel hurries and helps him bolt the doors.

"If you guys are as strong as you say, why are you hiding behind doors and letting the others fight your battle? Are you really that cowardly?" I ask Azael.

"Quiet girl before I go on and get the show started without your friends." He warns with a dagger at my belly.

I can't help but gulp as my throat feels with dread. I'm not sure if he means what he said but either way it served it's purpose because I quickly get quiet.

I try to tune out their talking so that I can focus on what is going on outside the doors. All I can hear is a bunch of yelling and screaming. If Zach has made it inside, I have no clue because it's impossible to make out his voice in all of the chaos.

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