Chapter 17

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I awake to Claire giggling next to me. I open my eyes to see her staring at me expectantly.

"So where were you last night? I woke up and you were gone.. Then this morning here you are next to me in that get up." she says pointing at my clothes.

I look down to see I'm dressed in a large white t-shirt. Maybe last night wasn't a dream after all. But why did he put his shirt on me and return me to my room?

"It's too early for this," I say while rubbing my temples. My head is pounding. Yes that's what large amounts of liquor will do to you. Apparently even though I heal quickly, hangovers are still a bitch.

"Here take these." Claire says handing me aspirin and water.

"They were beside the bed. Did sexy give them to you? Did you go talk to him last night like I suggested?" she asked with a smile while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Nope. I don't really remember much." I lie.

"YOu are so lying. I've known you forever and that face says "I finally got some good "D" from sexy." she says excitedly. Sheesh you would think she was the one that got laid.

"Claire I'm being honest nothing happend. Just let it drop." I say with irritation.

"Alright. Whatever but when you are ready to admit it I want the details." she happily says.

Claire and I take turns showereing and getting dressed. I open the door to go downstairs and in barges Calvin. He didn't seem tobe too friendly this morning.

"I hope you ladies had a good night." he says with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. Claire doesn't seen to notice and begins to tell him about our night of drinking.

I began feeling uneasy with the way he was staring at me and decided to go on down and wait for them there. "I'm starving. I'll see you guys downstairs." Calvins eyes never left me as I exited the room.

It was eerily quiet as I made my way to the kitchen. I expected to see the guys eating but they must have decided to start their day earlier. My belly is rumbling so I make my way to the refregerator to get some eggs to cook for breakfast. I was so busy trying to find something to stuff my face with that I did not hear anyone enter the kitchen. Warm arms engulfed me in a hug from behind and I was pulled up against someone's body. I was about to turn around and smack them when his scent hit me and In immediately knew it was Zack. He has such an enticing scent of woods and cologne.

"Good morning beautiful. I hope you slept well?"

"It would have been if I didn't have to wake up to play twenty questions with perky, Claire." I irritably mumbled. Yeah I was a little upset that he had moved me back to my room. Is he embarrassed for others to know we were together?

He chuckled, " Aww someone missing me? I knew you would be addicted to me. What shall I do?"

"Haha. Don't get the big head. It was just torture waking up with a hangover, Claire asking questions, and to top it off Calvin was acting super weird. I could have avoided all of that if you had just let me stay in your room."

He quickly turned me around and was now facing me with a look that was no longer playful. "How was he acting weird? Did he say something or do something to you?"

His demeanor was now one that looked like he was ready to go into battle. I quickly reassured him everything was okay. " It's nothing. It was just me over exaggerating. I shouldn't have drank so much I woke up with a hang over and I'm really irritable. So where are the guys?"

"Don't change the subject. Lily, if you are hiding something it makes it harder for me to protect you."

"I wasn't changing the subject and I'm not hiding anything. Why did you put me back in my room?" I had been waiting to ask him that question.

" I told you there was no going back after last night. Lily you are mine now, but we can't let anyone know. It would mean certain death for me and you. The Watchers have rules and there are harsh punishments for breaking them. If Gabriel found out he would order your death and that is something I can't let happen. I trust the guys but they are very loyal to Gabriel so we can't chance anyone finding out." He said these words with such conviction that I know he truly believes what he has said.

"So none of you have ever had a relationship? Why is that even a rule?" I

"Well, we are here to keep peace between all supernatural beings and to make sure that there is a balance. We also make sure that there are no more nephelim born. We are forbidden to have a relationship or procreate. That's why we have to be very careful. Don't worry though as long as nobody knows everything will be fine. I'm just trying to protect you."

"She doesn't need your protection big boy. I've got your back Lily. Tell them Calvin, I've got a mean right hook. So where's the food? I'm starving." Claire is always hungry.

"I was going to cook something but looks like we are out of eggs." I turned to her and Calvin and see that he is now glaring at me and Zack.

"It's okay. I'll send Jeremiah to get something. I need to go see him about some other matters anyway. Just call me if you need me." Before I had time to answer he was leaving.

"He sure is good to look at going." I look over to see Claire oggling his retreating rear.

"Well I'm going to get my bathing suite on so I can enjoy that pool before we go."

And just like that Calvin and I were alone. I busied myself with trying to find something to snack on while waiting for breakfast. I spotted a cupcake in the back of the fridge. I know that I shouldn't but it is definitely calling my name. I feel a pair of arms come around me like earlier and become shocked stiff. The only person it could be is Calvin. This is the second time he has hugged me like this and I am extremely uncomfortable. I go to move but here angry voice from the door.

"What the hell is going on? Really Lily, you already have stud muffin and you want Calvin too? What kind of bullshit is this?" If it was possible I think steam would be coming out of her ears.

"Claire, It's not what you think. I was going for my cupcake and Calvin gave me a hug." I try explaining as she leaves the house.

"Lily that's not the type of hug a friend gives a girl and you know it. I was encouraging you to go for Zack but I guess you just wanted what was mine. You can Fuck off. I'm going for a walk before I hurt someone."

I would have tried to calm her down but I know that Claire would probably just get more agitated. It's better if I let her cool off then try to talk to her. I return to the house to think about what just happened and try to figure it out myself. As I sit on the couch, tears begin to flow down my cheaks. I really don't know if I could take losing Claire. She has always been my number one person. The cushion beside me dips with the weight of someone but I don't bother to look up and see who is there. I feel a hand on my back rubbing it comfortingly.

"Shhh. It's okay." I instantly recognize the voice as Calvins and move away from him.

"What the hell do you think you were doing back there and why would Claire think I am trying to steal you?" .

"Well she isn't blind Lily. Even she sees the way I feel about you." he says as he inches closer and goes in for a kiss.

I could not believ he was trying this, especially right now. He must be drunk. "What the hell are you talking about Calvin? You need to apologize to me and go find Claire to apologize also."

"Fuck that I'm not apologizing for anything. If anything you should be apologizing for fucking that white winged bastard and allowing him to touch what is mine. You act like you are too good for me. Look I tried to do this the nice way but I think the hard way could be fun too. It sounds kinky and I like kinky." He begins to approach me with malicious intent in his eyes. I'm trying hard to process everything but I'm in a state of shock by his words when a set of beautiful black wings burst from his back and he pounces at me.

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