Chapter 34

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Leaving Azael camp was hard to walk through. Almost every step that we took we had to step over bodies of my dads army. Liam said that he didn't know what happened but they were all battling and all of a sudden everything got quiet and very still and all of my dads men just fell to the ground lifeless. Gabriel said that when I had ended Gabriel I must have sent some sort of signal to them and killed them where they stood.

The reality is I don't think any of us truly understood what I did. I just knew I wanted to end all of the fighting and bloodshed. But another part of me was heartbroken over Claires death and had me bloodthirsty and I wanted them all dead.

Gabriel came back with us to the compound. He's been very quiet except when bickering with Claire. He can say what he wants but I know he enjoys her quirkiness.

I've been really nervous because I know that we all have to face him to see what our fate will be. Zach hasn't said much except to check if me and the baby was okay. It was really awkward because I'm not sure what awaits us. Is he angry with me for being pregnant? Will he turn his back on me and our child? I know his duty is with the Watchers and he takes it very serious.

When we got back I quickly showered and changed clothes then went to the kitchen to get something to eat. My body is still weak from the lack of food and water and all of the exertion of using my powers. It's going to take a lot to get back my strength.

I can hear talking coming from down the hall and try to eaves drop but it's hard to make out who is talking and what they are saying. I slowly tiptoe down the hall and try to hear.

"You know it's not nice to listen to other peoples least without getting me first." I chuckle to myself without turning to the voice because I knew Claire was there before she spoke. She's always right there with me.

"Shhhhh. I'm trying to hear what they are saying. Do you know who's in there?" I whisper back to her.

"Zach and Gabriel had started arguing in the kitchen earlier but when they saw me they went to another room. I think it's them." She quietly responds.

I feel like we are teenagers again and listening in on some juicy gossip. The problem is I can't tell anything that they are saying and it's frustrating me.

"Don't you have like super sonic hearing or X-ray vision or something like that?" She asks.

"Really Claire? I'm half angel not a super hero." I rasp back.

"Could have fooled me. You sure were one earlier." I turn and see Gabriel standing at the door of the library with a crooked smile and Zach standing behind him with an annoyed look on his face.

"Well thanks but I'm no hero. I almost lost Claire. Also there was practically a war because of me and so many lives were lost and put into danger. I'm really sorry for that." I tell him.

"Come in. We were discussing very important business. We didn't think you were up but now that we know you are we can go on and include you since it has a lot to do with your future." Gabriel says while motioning for me to enter the library. He quickly shuts the door before Claire can enter and stands with his back to the door smiling as she stands outside calling him some very unholy names.

"Sorry, she can make a demon blush." I apologize.

"It's fine. It's kind of amusing. I'm really amazed by how much spunk is in such a tiny package. Our father knew what he was doing when he created her. You are truly lucky to have her as a friend." He tells me and I'm shocked for a moment because that is the exact opposite of what I expected him to say.

Zach clears his throat and motions for me to sit. "Here sit here. We have a lot to discuss."

My nerves are really working over time because I'm worried that despite Gabriels cheery mood he has decided that I'm too much of a risk to keep around. He saw very clearly what I'm capable of and even I have to say that it's scary to think that someone can end dozens of lives just with the wave of a hand.

"Zach and I have been discussing your future role in the Watchers. I know that we had a very rocky relationship, if you can even call it that. But I think that you could be a very valuable asset to our team. You clearly showed that your allegiance is with us and that you have good intentions.. Now with that being said I'm not too fond of you having a relationship with Zach. My rules have always forbidden it but I think with the circumstances here we can make an exception because it's a little too late to worry about that with a child on the way. Maybe one day he can be a valuable asset to our team as well." He says.

I look to Zach to see how he has reacted to what Gabriel said and his face doesn't really show whether he is happy or not. " So.. You are saying that even after you saw what I am capable of you are willing to let me stay?"

"Lily, you really don't have to feel bad about what you did. You're father was evil and he gave you no choice. If you hadn't killed him then I would have. It's my job to protect he innocent and sometimes doing that requires us to do things that we would otherwise consider monstrous. I was hesitant to trust you because I knew nothing about you and frankly I'm not inclined to trust anyone with his blood. I was wrong though. You will be good for us and I would like for you to consider staying." Gabriel says as he extends has hand.

I gratefully shake his hand and accept his offer. We discuss the arrangements and more about what my role would be working with the Watchers and then Gabriel excuses himself because he has to go back home. I'm not so sure Claire is going to be happy with him leaving. She likes to goad him and with him gone I feel bad for the guys because she's just going to go back to torturing them.

I stand to leave too but Zach puts his hand on my shoulder and asks me to stay so that we can talk. I sit back down and wait for him to break the new that he is upset with me about the baby but am quickly proven wrong when he engulfs me in a hug and gives me the most mind boggling kiss. I swear my mind was turned to mush.

"I'm so happy you are home. I was losing my mind with you gone. I prayed every day that you were just off somewhere hiding or living your life but I was soon disappointed to see you were being held captive by your father. I'm sorry I should have taken better care of you. I promise though as long as you will have me I will make sure nobody hurts you again and I may not know anything about being a father but I will make sure that I am the best father I can be...That is if you still want me?" He nervously asks.

His words make me the happiest that I have ever been. "Thank you. I was so worried you were going to be mad at me. I swear I didn't know I was pregnant and I definitely didn't expect this. I promise I will do my best to be apart of the Watchers, I will love you will all of my heart, and I will be the best mother to our daughter that I can be."

We both kiss again and all I can do is enjoy the happiness Zach has given me. I don't know what our future holds but I know one thing for sure, this is where I belong and my journey is just beginning.

"Yes! There's going to be a little Claire. Did you guys hear that." I hear yells from the other side of the door and pull back from Zach to look at him as we both laugh.

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