Chapter 24

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I make my way down the hall looking for Claire I know that she has to be here somewhere. After listening for a minute I think I hear her upstairs. As I make my way up the stairs I realize that I hear her voice coming from her room and she does not sound happy.

"What's the point in having all these handsome hunk of men around if Claire can't play? What's wrong with them? I mean they look at me like I'm crazy. All I did was offer to give one massage and everyone is like "Claire what's wrong with you? You can't just go around touching people." I mean I know that I can't but I'm just trying to have a little fun. Sheesh!"

I stay outside the door listening to Claire vent. Man she sure is upset. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. When my mother passed she was my rock. If I ever needed advice she was there. I never had to worry about her hurting me. I mean sure she's a little kooky but she's what makes everything shine in a dull day. She knows how to bring you up if you are down. I'm holding in my laugh listening to her waiting to go in.

"Well if it isn't miss touchy touchy." I say with a smile as I enter the room.

"Hey you know if you weren't already googly eyed over Zack you would be all over that! Don't judge me. At least I was being friendly unlike Mr.Grumpy pants. And did he call me a thing? I should go back in there and show him what a thing can do. I should kick him in his no no square. I bet that would teach him." She says as she makes her way to the door.

I quickly insert myself in between her and the door. "You do realize that he can end you with the snap of his fingers right?" I ask her.

"Nah! You can tell he's all bark and no bite. Besides I can always run after." She says as she try's to shove past me.

"Really Claire. Calm down I really was hoping to talk to you about something." I tell her while looking her in the eyes so that she knows I'm being serious.

"Sure. I can kick his ass later. What's up hun? Do I need to kick someone's ass. I could just take my frustrations out on them instead. Who did it? Was it Zack? I mean he just came out of a coma but I have no problem putting him back to sleep." Man she is determined to fight today.

"No. It's nothing like that. I can handle my self. I just need to talk to someone. So much has been going on lately and I don't know what to do. I mean before
Zack woke up I was ready to face Gabriel and tell him to go on and end me as punishment. When he showed up though and threatened to I automatically went in to self defense mode and realized I'm not ready to go. I mean sure things have been hard lately but I'm not ready to stop fighting. I do think that being by you and the other people that I care about is a mistake. I think it might be best if I go on my own." I say as I sit on her bed.

She quickly comes to me and puts her arms around me. Her hugs have always been just what I need to calm down. With everything going on, I haven't had one of her hugs lately.

"Listen girly. Everything is okay. You can't leave. Well at least not without me. We can pack up anytime that you feel overwhelmed and tell these clowns see you later gator. It's completely up to you. But stop trying to ditch me. You should know by now that I'm in this with you. I'm not going anywhere without you." She says while rubbing my back.

"Claire, you can't go with me. I am going to leave you here where you are safe. I know that the guys won't let anything happen to you. You can stay here while I go and handle this thing with my dad. I figure I can contact him through my dream and plan to meet him somewhere private. If I take him by surprise maybe I can end all of this quickly. Of course, that means I also have to take Calvin out." I tell her with a sad face.

"Why do you look sad saying that. I don't care what you do with that waste of space.ln fact, you better hope you get to him before me. Angel or no angel, I will pull his wings off and shove them up his ass." She sneers.

"Have I ever told you that you have serious anger issues." I ask her.

"Then it's settled. You talk to the "Mr.Smexy" and "Mr.Grumpy Pants" and if you don't like what they say we head out on our own. Now if you will excuse me, I need to handle something downstairs." She says and then bolts for the door with a mischievous look on her face.

I really don't know what to do with her. I feel much better after our talk but I don't think she realizes that I'm serious about leaving her here and going. My plan should work. I just have to sneak out because I know that Zack and the guys would never let me leave on my own. I just need a distraction. I smile when I hear a crash downstairs and what sounds like Gabriel screaming for dear life. Claire may not forgive me for this but I'm going to let her be my distraction to leave. I hurry up and pack me a bag while listening to the commotion downstairs. By the time they get her calmed down I'll be long gone.

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