Chapter 2

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My head was killing me. I could hear people around me talking. I was trying to focus on the voices to see what they were saying and who they were.

"You are crazy! Look man I don't know who you think you are but she is not going anywhere with you. How do we know you aren't some crazy stalker who did this to her?" Claire said. She sounded pretty upset and I was curious what was going on.

"Claire, I am her boyfriend. We were supposed to meet last night and she never showed up. That's why I went looking for her. I understand you worrying. I wouldn't expect anything else from her best friend. Once she wakes up I'm sure she will clear everything up." I recognized the second voice but couldn't place it. It was a nice smooth voice. I really enjoyed hearing him talk. Wait! Did he just say boyfriend?

I bolted up in the bed and frantically began looking around. The lights were so bright. Wow they make my head hurt worse. I immediately grab both sides of my head and wince. Claire was by me in an instant.

"Lily, are you okay. Girl you gave us a scare. Please calm down you are safe. Do you remember what happened? Did you run off the road? Did someone do this to you? Lily, Who is this man?" Yep, that's Claire for you, always asking a million questions. I don't think she breathes half the time.

" I remember going around the curve and there was a dark figure in the road, I swerved to miss them. I lost control and hit a tree. Oh my gosh! There was someone with me. I remember them standing over me." I looked up and saw those familiar eyes from the bar. "Zack, what are you doing here?"

He looked at me with a sheepish grin. " I found you last night. I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner darling." He drawled out. What in the world is he talking about. Am I losing it? He winked at me and motioned that he would explain later.

"Lily, you really know this man. I wasn't sure if I should get Calvin to beat him, call the cops, or just off him myself. He keeps rambling on saying the craziest things. He even had the nerve to say you two are dating." Claire has always been very protective of me. She looks sweet and innocent but I wouldn't take her threats idle. She can do damage. I once watched her jump on a guys back and commence to beating him. It took Calvin and two other guys to get her off of him. And all the poor guy had done was look at her funny.

" Well I wouldn't say we are dating per say, but we are acquaintances and we were supposed to meet last night. Claire, he's safe I promise." I hated lying to her but I needed to calm her down before she went Bruce Lee on this unsuspecting man.

I look over at Zack in time to see him grinning. What was that about? This man is always smiling. Maybe I shouldn't trust him.

Claire moved closer to me and gave me a hug. I waited for the pain in my side but there was none. I removed myself from her arms and started checking my body. Am I losing it, I specifically remember the pain and seeing the debris sticking from my side. There was no mark there now not even swelling or redness. That was definitely odd!

"You were lucky, you didn't have any injures, internal or external that we could find. Trust me, when they brought you in I insisted the do a full workup X-Ray, Ct Scan, and MRI. You had no injuries even though you were unconscious for a while. We just have to check you for a concussion and you can go home. To your house, alone! I don't trust this Bozo, even if you say he's safe." There she goes again shooting out orders and not taking time to breathe.  I couldn't help but love her.

"Don't worry Claire, she will be fine. Can I have a few minutes to speak with her alone?" Zack asked while eyeing her wearily. He must have sensed that she could be a little spit fire.

"It's okay Claire. I really need to talk to him. I promise I will use the call button if I need you." I knew that was the only way she would leave. I watched her as she looked at him and slowly slid her thumb across her throat, signaling that she would kill him if he did anything wrong. She then smiled at me an exited the room.

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