Chapter 12

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It took a few minutes but finally I understood, he was implying that for some reason I am contacting my dad on purpose. All this time I have thought that my dad was haunting my dreams and tormenting me when in reality I am the one reaching out to me. Maybe Zack is right. I have been thinking about my dad a lot lately but not because I want to meet him or get to know him. I have just been curious and trying to understand him better so that I can help defeat him.

"I have no idea, honestly. I know that I have been thinking about him a lot lately. I wonder if somehow I am visiting his dreams and not the other way around. Is it a possibility that this is one of my powers and I am somehow contacting him without realizing it?" I ask Zack.

His face softened and he no longer appeared angry. "I guess it is a possibility. I mean we dont fully understand all of your abilities yet. We know that you can see ghosts and your dad isnt the only person that you have seen in your dreams. You also saw your mother, so you could be unknowingly calling them into your dreams. Ill take note of this and maybe we can research more about dream walking." He said.

"Actually, I havent mentioned it yet because you just got here, but I found a book and it has a chapter talking about a prophecy of the first female nephelim. It was at the top of the book shelf and very dusty. The beginning of it just talks about nephelim and their powers and I think I saw something about dream walkers. I didnt put two and two together then because I thought it was my dad doing it. But if I remember correctly that power was one of guardian angels. Give me a second and Ill get it." I tell him.

When I returned with the book he was sitting at his desk and rubbing his temples. I guess all of this is enough to give someone a migraine. Its really a lot to take in. "Alright, here it is." I say while putting the book in front of him.

"Ive never seen this before. You said it was in the library? I wonder where it came from?" he says almost to himself.

He begins looking through the book and stops at a passage then begins to read aloud. "Dream walking is a special power. One only reserved for the very powerful and empathetic. A dream walker is someone who uses the dream to heal, meet with loved ones, journey through the realms, and teach people lessons through the dream realm. It must be used wisely because if you are harmed in this realm, you may never return." After saying this part he looks up at me and our eyes meet.

"There has only been one person ever gifted with this ability. Most refer to him as a guardian angel as none knew his true name. He would travel through the dream realm healing people emotionally and physically. Many years he did this helping people of all kinds until he was slain by an evil being for entering his dream without permission." He stopped reading at this part and looked up at me again with worry in his eyes. Almost as quickly as he looked at me he looked back down and continued to read in silence.

"Does it mention who killed the guardian angel?" I ask.

"No. It only gives the information I just read and then goes on to say that because of how dangerous it was God never gifted another angel or nephelim with this ability." he answers and begins skimming the pages some more.

"Where was the information that you say mentioned female nephelims?" he asks.

"I think it was chapter twenty seven." I tell him.

He turns to the chapter and begins reading silently. I can see him tense up and begin to look worried. Yeah, I guess that information was enough to make anyone nervous. It basically says that I could be really good or really bad for everyone.

"I need to find out who wrote this book and where it came from. Gabriel must not know that it exists because if he did he would never have allowed you to live. In his eyes, any chance that you could go the wrong side, is a chance that we can not take. Dont tell anyone about this. I dont want the word getting to him or it could be bad for you." He says vehemently.

I shake my head in understanding. If Zack says that Gabriel will kill me for what is written in that book I trust him. From my understanding he knows Gabriel better than any of the other guys. I really dont feel like dying.

"Okay, I wont say a word. I swear." I say while holding my pinky out. He just stared at it weirdly.

"Why are you pointing your finger at me?" he asks.

"Its a pinky swear. It means I means I cant break that promise. Here give me your pinky." I say while grabbing his hand and twining my pinky finger with his.

"I dont need a pinky swear. I just need you to promise it is only between us and I will believe you." He says with a smile.

We here the guys coming down the hall and Zack quickly locks the book in his top desk drawer. I guess he didnt think it would be a good idea for them to know either.

Jeremiah and Liam entered the room to let us know that it was time for evening training. I was happy to go. It would be nice to get my mind off everything for a while and the guys were perfect punching bags to relieve some stress.

Two broken ribs and a broken nose later, they decided to call it a night. "Damn Lily, I was just joking earlier when I said you hit like a girl. There was no need to break my nose." Jeremiah said.

"Quit being such a baby, it will heal." I tell him while laughing.

"Yes it will but It still hurts and my pride will be scarred for much longer." He says jokingly. I guess hes trying to make me feel bad. It did the opposite though because I really enjoyed sparring with them. Jasper and the other guys would take it easy on me. I could tell that they held back in training because they were scared to hurt me. Liam and Jeremiah were the opposite though. They trained me harder and didnt treat me like I would break.

We all went inside and ordered supper. I quickly ate so that I could shower and go to bed. I cant believe that Zack is really letting Claire and Calvin come this weekend. I figure the sooner I get to bed, the sooner I will get to see them.

I had just showered and gotten into bed when I hear a soft tap on the door. "Come in." I call out.

"Hey, Im sorry for disturbing you but I just want to talk to you real quick before you go to bed." He says.

"You are not disturbing me at all. Whats up?" I ask.

He enters the room and closes the door behind him. I sat up to hear what he needed to tell me while he made his way to the bed. He sat on the edge and began to speak. "Im just a little worried about the dream walking. I wanted to give you a little advice before you go to bed so that we can avoid any problems tonight." He says.

"I think that, as you said earlier, thinking about your dad too much is how you are able to contact him in dreams. Maybe if you focused on something else before you go to bed then we wouldnt have to worry about it happening again." He says as he hands me something.

I look down to see that he had given me a book The Promise of Sleep. "Do you really think this will help?" I ask him.

"Im not sure but its worth a try." He says as he gets up and makes his way to the door.

"Thanks. Ill definitely read it." I say.

"Youre welcome. Sleep tight. If you need me just call out." He says as he closes the door.

I open the book and begin to read. Ill try anything to avoid another encounter with dear old dad. The book was very boring but it helped because I was asleep within minutes.

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