Chapter 8

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There is the most irritating noise blaring in my ear. I roll over and start slapping at where it's coming from . Something smashes beneath my hands and the noise is gone. Great, now i can get back to bed.

Someone is knocking on the door now. What's wrong with these people. Haven't they ever heard of getting a good night sleep. They can knock all they want. I'm not budging today. I'm not sure if it's all of the events from the last two weeks or the feeling of betrayal from yesterday but I'm over it.

I heard the door creak open and peered out from the covers to see Elijah entering my room. "Lily, it's time to get up. You didn't eat dinner last night. You really need to get up and eat breakfast. We need you to stay strong and healthy" he said.

"I'm not doing anything but laying in this bed today. Besides, nobody really cares about my health so stop pretending. I saw first hand that y'alls only concern is preventing Azael from getting me. So please go away." I tell him.

He quickly pulls the covers off me. I try to pull them back but he already has them out of my reach. If I have to I'll play dirty, because I'm getting them back and going to sleep. I quickly quick him in the privates and pull the cover back. I ignored his cries of pain and concentrated on resting.

After a few minutes I hear him retreat through the door. It didn't take me long to get back to sleep.

I don't know how long its been since Elijah left but I hear the door slam open and hit the wall. When I glance up I see Zack standing in the doorway breathing heavily and man does he look mad.

"I'm not playing these childish games with you anymore. Get up now and go downstairs to eat breakfast. I won't tolerate you wasting away in that bed." He growled out.

I didnt even bother with responding to him. I just pulled the covers back over my head and wished he would go away. I know I shouldn't test him but I'm not taking orders from him anymore.

After a few minutes of I silence I began to think he had left. The room was very quiet and I couldn't hear him moving around anymore.

I feel myself being lifted off the bed and begin to struggle. It's too late though because he quickly throws me over his shoulder. I begin to kick my feet while screaming but it does me no good. He continues to walk downstairs. With every step he takes down my face bounces off his rear end. This is so embarrassing.

I expected him to stop in the kitchen but he continued down the hall and to a section of the house that I have never seen before. We enter a room that smells like chlorine. I can't see where we are because of the position he has me in over his shoulder. I decided to ask him where he has taken me but was unable to because he threw me into the air.

I was in shock when my body fell into very cold water. I struggled for a moment and swallowed water because I was screaming when he had launched me in.

How dare he man handle me and throw me around like that! To say I am angry would be an understatement. I quickly climb out of the water and approach Zack as he is laughing at me.

"You should have just listened and gotten up." He said between laughs. I'm really angry now because he thinks this is funny. What pushed me too far was when I'm walking away and I hear him call me a drowned rat.

I slowly turn around to face him and I could see his face start to sober up. I think he realizes I have violence on my mind. He turned to run but slipped and fell when the chair I threw at him hit him behind the legs.

" Come on Lily, I had no choice. You can't stay in bed all day like that. It's not doing you any good." He stated defending himself.

"You have no right to treat me the way you have. Stop trying to defend yourself. I trusted you Zack. When it really mattered the most, you proved to me that you don't truly care as much as you say. I found out that you are just like Azael. You would rather me be dead than let them have me. All I am is a pawn to everyone and I'm tired of it." I tell at him while quickly walking toward him.

He stood up facing me with a look of hurt on his face. "Why would you say that? Is that what you truly think? Yes I left you in the car but that was so I could stop Ezekiel. The fall nor the water could have killed you. Otherwise, I would never have chanced it. If what you say is true and all I care about is keeping you from your father then I would have killed you that first time I saw you. I thought you knew me better than that by now but I guess I was very wrong." He said. There was so much disappointment in his voice that it made me feel bad. Maybe I had misjudged him.

I began to apologize but he wasn't hearing it. He left the room quickly. I didn't bother following him because I figured he wanted to be left alone. I went upstairs changed and came back down for breakfast.

It was the most awkward breakfast I've ever had. I guess the guys had heard us yelling. Neither one of them spoke to me the whole time I was in the kitchen. I was waiting for Zack to come get me for training but Jeremiah informed me that he and Liam would be training me from now on. I couldn't help but feel a little nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach.

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