Chapter 18

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Calvin caught me off guard when he attacked me. I was still shocked by his words and even more so by the wings that sprouted from his back. The betrayal was heart breaking. I can't believe that all of these years have been a lie. He was the person who had looked out for me in school. He was the person who taught me to punch. I may not have been as close to him as I was to Claire but he was still one constant person in my life that I always knew I could count on.

I was brought back to reality by the feel of his hands on my body. I wanted to scream but he had my mouth covered by one hand, making it impossible to call out for help. He was much stronger than I had anticipated and my struggles to get free were not working. He just kept mumbling things like "I'll take what is mine" and "So good". I could feel the bile forming in the back of my throat as his hands wandered over my body. Everything began to get blurry and I got scared that I was going to pass out.

My fear forced me to struggle even more. I closed my eyes and concentrated on everything that I had learned in training. I refused to be helpless. He would not take anything from me. This time when I pushed him away I could feel him going backwards. I opened my eyes to see him staring at me in fear. He began to back away but it was too late. Something had released inside of me and I could feel it taking over.

"You are despicable and have been found guilty of trying to force yourself where you are not wanted. Attacking a woman in such a way is forbidden and you must be punished." I heard the words coming out of my mouth and very clearly saw what came next but found it hard to believe.

Calvin was now shaking in fear kneeling before me. He did not even attempt to run. The door to the room burst open with Claire, Zack, and Jeremiah entering quickly. I saw bright blue lights coming from my hands and hitting Calvin in the chest. He was writhing in pain and begging me to stop. Part of me wanted to but an even bigger part of me wanted him to suffer and die. He needed to die for his betrayal to me and Claire. I could hear voices in the room. They were all telling me to stop but I couldn't. Something very strong in me told me that I needed to finish my punishment to Calvin.

I felt something, or someone, hit me in the side and knock me over. It shocked me and I was able to regain my senses. I looked to see who it was and saw Claire crying. She was hovering over me and yelling. Zack was kneeling next to me and seemed to be looking me over to make sure I was fine.

"What are you? Where is Lily? You're not Lily. You're a monster! You tried to kill Calvin. I swear if he's dead I'll end you myself!" She then turned and ran over to Calvin but was surprised when he sat up and looked at me with black eyes.

" I don't know what that was but it wasn't enough to stop me. You may have won this time but I will be back and I will take what is mine." He then looked at Claire with pure hatred. "You disgust me you puny weak human. I should have killed you a long time ago. It would have saved me years of hearing your whining and nagging." with those words he flew off.

"Get him and bring him back. I want him alive! Now!" he yelled at Jeremiah.

Jeremiah flew off in the direction that Calvin had gone. I would have told him not to worry about it but I found that I was too weak to speak or move. I just wanted to lay where I was and slip off into a peaceful sleep. I longed to speak with my mother and have her comfort me.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

I could clearly hear what Zack was asking me but I couldn't answer him yet. I looked up to see Claire staring at me with concern, fear, and anger. Instead of answering Zack I opted to see what Claire was thinking.

"I'm sorry Claire. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I would never hurt you. Hell I would never have hurt Calvin either, but he didn't give me any choice. I know what he said hurts but if you give me time to explain, then I will tell you everything." I wasn't sure if she was going to give me the opportunity to tell her everything and explain myself and that scared me. I don't think I could handle losing her too.

Before she could answer Jeremiah entered the room and reported that Calvin had managed to escape. Zack looked like he wanted to go on a rampage and I put my hand on his arm to calm him.

"It's okay. We will deal with him later. I really need to talk to Claire now. You guys can go if you want and I'll talk to you later." I tried to dismiss them and hoped they would go but they had other plans.

"Nope. I think I'll stay here. We can't take anymore risks and won't be leaving you alone from this point forward. There is enough of us to take shifts." Leave it to Zack to pull Mr.Protrective. I didn't really have any fight left in me and turned to Claire to see if she was willing to hear me out.

"You better have a good explanation for what I just saw or I'm gone."

That was all I needed to hear and quickly motioned for her to sit so that I could explain. I began with telling her how I found out what i am and explained to her why I am staying with the guys. She seemed to take it very well. I was surprised how easily she believed me and didnt seem scared anymore.

"So you mean to tell me you found out that you are some kick ass angel hybrid and you couldn't even tell me? That's bull. And how does Calvin fit into all of this?" Leave it to Claire to make it sound like something it wasn't.

"I'm not some kick ass angel hybrid. I'm a nephelim, which is half human half angel. I just happen to be the only female so there are alot of unknowns. And Calvin fits in because he was under cover all these years working for my dear old psycho dad. Aparrently my dad made some deal with him that he could have me once he brought me to him or have the first child with me. Im not really sure of the details I was in shock when he revealed himself to me."

At my words, Zack visibly tensed up. Claire wore a look of disgust. She was taking it way better than I could have ever imagined. "EWWWW. You're dad is basically pimping you out. So what you are supposed to be some magical baby machine for his army. Yuck! So why would Calvin reveal himself now and attack you? That doesn't make sense."

"I think he had enough and was pissed after he saw me and Zack. It made him desperate and sometimes that makes us do stupid things."

I had forgot that Jeremiah was in the room until he spoke. "What do you mean he saw you and Zack?" uh oh. I wasnt supposed to say that in front of him.

"I'll explain later brother. I had really hoped to keep that part secret until the right time." Zack said as he gave me a sideways glance.

"She means Calvin saw them do the bow chicka chicka bow wow." Claire clarified with a grin.

"Really Claire!" Sometimes she doesnt know when to shut up.

"What? It's not like its some secret. I'm sure everyone knows. You can basically fell the vibes coming from you guys." she defended herself.

"Zack! I can't believe you. You know the rules. Gabriel will punish you and her severely." Jeremiah looked more worried than angry.

"Jeremiah, I know the rules and you know that I follow them strictly but there's something about her. I can't help it. I ask that you keep this between us but I understand if your duty makes you do otherwise." Zack said with resignation.

"Sheeesh you guys act like they committed a murder. It's just a little action" Claire interrupted. I would have laughed at her words and the look on their faces but I knew it would offend them.

What Jeremiah did next really shocked me.

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