Chapter 6

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After I was showered and dressed I went back downstairs. Liam was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with the other guys. They asked me if I wanted to make a supply run with them to town. I don't really think I had a choice, but at least they were thoughtful enough to make it seem like I did. I asked if we could get cookie dough ice cream and once they said I could, I was more than eager to go along for the ride. I was headed to the van with the guys but Zack pulled up in his car and insisted I ride with him.

Liam waved at us as they pulled off first. Zack said it would be safer for us to follow behind the van in case someone were to try to attack us. After thinking about it, I guess he makes a good point. It's better to be prepared than not. It seemed like they were riding too far ahead though because I could no longer see the van.

Now I'm sitting here riding in the most awkward silence. Zack had acted like he wanted me to go with him but since I got in the car he has been very quiet. I tried to turn the radio on but he quickly smacked my hand away and turned it off. He said it causes too much distraction. Sheesh this guy is way too serious. Who doesn't listen to music? At first I was upset but I realized it's okay because the quiet makes it easier for me to enjoy the view. It is so beautiful and serene out here. I can't believe that I haven't noticed it before. I enjoyed the fields full of wild flowers.  They have always been so calming to look at. I had no idea there were so many different vibrant colors of flowers.

After a little while, I got bored with looking out the window and really just wanted to make conversation. Maybe I can get him to answer a few questions for me while on the ride. I just need to figure out the best way to ask. After debating the best way to break the silence, I just decided to go on and bluntly ask him.

"Zack, can I ask you a few things?" I cautiously asked.

"You just did." He responded with a smirk.

"Ha Ha funny. For real, Can I ask you a few things. It's just some things that I have thought about recently." I asked him.

"Sure. I've already told you that I will answer all of your questions, Lily. You don't have to be nervous to ask me anything. Sometimes you seem to be scared of me. I promise I would never do any thing to harm you" he answered.

"Okay, I was wondering why do you and the other guys have wings and I don't? Is it because I'm a woman? I've also been wondering a lot about what other skills I have. Everyone keeps mentioning powers that I have and I am so confused because so far I haven't really exhibited any yet. Can you explain them to me?" I asked.

"We aren't sure why your wings have not appeared yet. Nephilim get their wings at birth but are taught how to conceal them. From what I have seen, you have never had any wings. Jenna once told me that she couldn't find you in your room when you were four and she found you outside the window in a tree. She was convinced that you had wings but naturally could conceal them. She said there was no way you could have gotten there in the tree without flying. I've got Jeremiah researching to see if he can get more information on your strengths and weaknesses. We have so much to learn about you. Be patient. It's important to remember that you are the first of your kind. He has been reaching out to some witches in town to see if they have any information. It could have something to do with the magic that Jenna used to hide your powers. Hopefully we will have the answers soon." He said.

The car fell into silence again. Zack may be answering my questions but he seems really distracted today. I would ask him what was wrong but I doubt he would tell me anything. I kept glancing at him out of the corner of my eye. He really was good to look at. I wonder why he seems to keep looking back behind us? I notice him suddenly tense up and decide to look behind us myself to see what he is looking at. There is nobody following us so I'm not sure what he is focusing on. I look up at the sky and thats when I see it. Someone is flying high up behind us.

"Zack, there is someone following us." I tell him.

"I know. I saw him a while back. We were already too far away from the headquarters to head back. I notified the guys and they are circling back to get behind us. We need to get to town quickly because they wont attack in crowded places. Even Azazel isnt stupid enough to risk being exposed." He told me.

I quickly look ahead of us again. Zack had picked up speed and we were quickly approaching a bridge. Of all the places that we could have been on the road, we had to be by a dang bridge. I absolutely hate bridges. Every time I cross them I get images of running off the bridge and slowly drowning inside the vehicle under water. Dont get me wrong, I can swim very well, Im just afraid of being trapped in the car under water.

I guess Zack noticed how nervous I was because he assured me that every thing would be okay. "Dont worry Sweetie. I've got every thing under control. I told you nobody will ever harm you as long as Im alive." He said with a very serious look on his face.

I glanced in the mirror and noticed that whoever was following us was getting closer. Why can't I have one day of peace. I know I used to complain about being bored sometimes, but really I think I have changed my mind. Boredom is good. In fact, it's great, compared to having psycho nephelims chasing you.

"Zack, he's getting really close now. What is he trying to do?" I almost screamed.

"Just calm down. It's Ezekiel. I can handle him. I saw him a while back. Im not sure what he thinks he is doing. He must have been waiting outside the headquarters. They know better than to try to enter our land. He's probably just following us so that he can tell Azazel where you are. I knew I shouldn't have listened to Liam! I told him it was too dangerous for you to go anywhere." He said

I looked in the mirror and didnt see Ezekiel anymore. Where did he go? Maybe he decided to stop following us. My relief was short lived because suddenly the car started to shake. Ezekiel had positioned himself on top of the car. It looked as if he was trying to rip the top of the car off. I guess he figured he could get to me quicker that way.

I realized that wasn't his plan at all when the car began to lift off the ground. Before Zack or I could react we were hurtling over the bridge. I screamed as we nosedived down and I could see the rocky water below. Okay, this is it. This is how I die. I look over to the drivers seat for Zack to help me but I did not see him anymore. Somehow, in the time that we were being thrown off the bridge, he had left the car. He must have flown out. I can't believe he left me like that. My heart was pounding violently in my chest as I waited for the inevitable crash that was coming.

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