Chapter 9

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A few weeks have passed now and I have been training every day. Jeremiah said that I've come a long way and he's proud of my progress. I don't really feel too great though. I thought I would be way happier. I still haven't gotten any more information about myself. Jeremiah has been working with the witches but they don't really have too much information and he also said it's hard to find a witch who isn't connected to Azael.

I haven't seen Zack much either. He seems to be avoiding me. At first, I tried to catch him at breakfast or dinner but he hasn't been eating with the guys. When I ask them where he is they seem to try to avoid the question and give me an excuse. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out he's avoiding me. I know I hurt his feelings and I just want to apologize for the misunderstanding.

When we had our argument and he had said his peace, I realized that what he said made sense. If the only thing he was concerned with was that making sure my dad didn't get me, then he would have just killed me when this all began. I know now that I was acting childish. Maybe I'll get the chance to tell him soon.

I've been focusing on some books that Jeremiah and Liam had given me to research more about Nephelim. I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams that I could be part of such an amazing species. They are known to be beautiful, strong, compassionate, and mesmerizing. It makes me wonder what went wrong with my dad. What if I somehow turn out like him? From what I've heard about him, I know he is ruthless and evil.

In the beginning of all this all I wanted was to learn more about myself but now I want to help the Watchers stop my dad from his evil intentions. I have made it my goal to train hard and do whatever it takes.

I'm currently sitting at the desk in the library engulfed in one of the books when I hear some commotion from down the hall. That's weird. Its 10 pm. Usually everyone is in bed by now because they get up early. I debate on whether I should go investigate or not. Of course my curiosity won and I'm now feeling my way down the dark hall.

As I get closer to the noise, I realize it's coming from the kitchen. I hear mumbling followed by the sound of glass shattering. I round the corner and see someone stumbling around with a bottle in their hands. Immediately the worst things start running through my head. Maybe it's Ezekiel or Azael trying to sneak in. I look around for something that I can use as a weapon and settle for a pan hanging on the wall.

Stealthily, I sneak up behind him and aim for his head. Before I knew what was happening, the intruder had spun around, grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall. I was getting ready to break the hold but stopped when I heard a very familiar voice. A voice I didn't realize how much I missed until I heard it.

"I know they say a womans place is in the kitchen but damn sweetheart you bring a whole new meaning to it. You my lady are very dangerous. " Zack slurred out. He was smirking while holding my body up against the wall. I visibly gulped and his smirk grew larger.

I wiggled to get free and he stiffened. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said.

I realized how close we were and stopped struggling. "What are you doing in the kitchen so late. And why are you stumbling around in the dark breaking things? I thought you were an intruder." I told him.

"I've already told you nobody can get in here." He said while letting me go and putting distance between us. He quickly turned around and started to walk away or should I say stumble.

That's when I realize that I smell a very strong aroma of whiskey permeating from him. " Are you drunk?" I ask him.

" What if I am? It's none of your concern. It's not like your opinion of me can get much lower anyway." He says while taking another swig out of the bottle.

"Zack, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. Sometimes I can over react. I've been going through alot and I misunderstood your intentions. I really thought I could trust you and in that moment I felt betrayed. After you explained yourself I realized how childish I was acting." I told him.

He turned to look at me and seemed to be thinking about something as he took yet another sip of whiskey. "I shouldn't have needed to explain myself. I find that I have to do that alot with you. Do you know what that means?" He asked.

I really didn't know where he was going with this. "What?" I ask.

"It means, my dearest Lily, that you don't trust me. Despite everything I have done for you, you still question my motives. I didn't want to feel this way. You may think I'm crazy but every since the first time I saw you I knew I was meant to protect you. Somehow, someway, our paths intertwined for a purpose. I've done some horrible things in my lifetime because I was ordered to. Gabriel ordered me to kill my own brother and I did. I never questioned his authority. But when he told me you must die, I refused. Even though I knew going against his direct command would mean certain death for me, I still stood my ground. I knew it would be worth dying if it meant you were safe. I have watched you all of these years because I cant help it. As you have grown older, my feelings have only gotten stronger to protect you." He said.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He let out a tortured laugh. "Lily, I mean that I love you. I can't help it. There is something inside of me that says protect what is mine. That same voice tells me that you are mine and I will die protecting you. The fact the you question me hurts me so much." As he said this he got closer too me and was stroking my face. The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine.

We stood in that embrace kissing. I don't know how long we were there before he stopped kissing me and rested his forehead on mine while gazing in my eyes. "So perfect." He said before collapsing to the ground.

I had tried to stop him from falling but I wasn't expecting him to pass out and wasn't quick enough. I bent down and tried to wake him but was unsuccessful. Someone was coming down the hall. They turned on the light and I looked up to see Elijah standing by the switch.

"Damn it. Not again. He's been like this for the last week. The last time I saw him drink this bad was when his brother died. Did he hurt you?" He asked.

"No I'm fine. Can you help me get him up. He just fell before I could catch him." I explained.

"No need to worry. I'll get him to his room if you can follow and open the door." He said.

Elijah threw him over his shoulders with ease. I followed him to Zack's room. I had never realized his room was right next to mine. I opened the door and moved out of the way for Elijah to get through. He walked over and threw him on the bed.

Elijah turned to me and noticed me looking around the bare room. All that he had in his room was a bed and dresser. "Zack never has cared much for decorations. He says it's not necessary." He said with a chuckle.

"He's always been the most serious of the guys. I guess it's a good thing though because he's our leader and has saved us all multiple times. I don't know what he said to you down stairs but please don't take him serious if it was mean. He's a good guy. He just isn't very good at expressing himself ." He told me.

"He didn't really say anything. I know he's a good guy. Thanks for helping me get him to bed. I guess I'll go now." I said while waving goodnight and leaving the room.

When I got to my room I went directly to my bed. That hadn't really gone how I had expected it to. I had apologized but I'm not sure he will remember in the morning. He had told me private things that helped me understand him a little better. Zack was a tortured man. He feels pain for the things he has done in the past. I can't believe Gabriel had him kill his own brother. That is enough to drive any man mad. Zack was able to overcome it though and he leads the Watchers with great skill. I'm not sure if what he said about loving me is true or not but I do know that now that I know more about the man in the room next to me, it's going to be very hard not to love him.

The last thing I want is to complicate things more so I hope he wakes up and doesn't remember anything about tonight. I know that if he does remember he will probably feel bad about kissing me. I dont want him to regret that moment. It was nice having him open up to me. I slowly drift off to sleep thinking about his lips on mine.

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