Chapter 27

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My head is killing me and I really don't want to open my eyes but I know I have to. I think I'll just keep my head down and eyes closed a little longer and try to forget the predicament that I'm in. Maybe I shouldn't have left yet. I definitely wasn't ready for this like I had thought. I foolishly thought that I could take my father on without any help. Man was I wrong. I couldn't even fight off his lackeys that he sent to retrieve me from the hotel.

What happened at the hotel keeps replaying in my mind and I can't help but wish I was anywhere but here. I'm really embarrassed at how easily they restrained me. Ezekiel must be very proud of himself right now. When I opened the door Calvin was standing there with him smiling like the kid that got the last piece of cake. I quickly looked around the room and realized that my only way out was through them.

"Hi." I sheepishly wave at them. "How can I help you?"

"You can come on with us without a fight, or not. Either way it's going to be fun for us." Calvin tauntingly says.

How I never saw how evil he was I'll never know. He sure tricked me. He was there for me throughout most of my life. Him and Claire were there to help me through the toughest times. It's really heartbreaking to see that all of those years were a lie.

"Yeah, I think that's going to be a hard pass." I said with a snort of laughter. I quickly tried to shut the door in their face but Ezekiel was quicker and pushed it back at me so hard that the door came off the hinges and I went flying to the floor with it.

"Hey man! He said not to hurt her unless we have to. If she has any injuries you're explaining them to her." Calvin yelled at him.

"Oh, shut up. I didn't hurt her, but would it be so bad if it killed that mistake inside of her?" He asked Calvin.

"Look, lets just get her and get back quickly so that we don't run into any trouble." Calvin told him while heading towards me.

"You guys are really funny if you think I'm going anywhere with you." I exclaimed as I pushed the door to the side and stood. I glanced past them to see if anyone had noticed. Maybe someone saw them barge in or heard something and called the cops. If I could distract them long enough maybe the police would come and they would leave. Zack told me they don't like to draw attention to themselves unless they have to.

"You're coming with us right now, princess!" Ezekiel growled. He quickly lunged and grabbed my arm. I twisted to free myself but Calvin was next to me and quickly grabbed my other arm. Before I could react I felt something go over my face and I started to get dizzy. Suddenly everything went dark.

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