Chapter 4 - Impromptu first date

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 After an eternity, both realized the sun had moved past the horizon and the sky had gotten darker. Nai realized it was getting close to dinner time and as if on cue Wei Wei's stomach growled breaking the spell. They looked at each other and laughed.

Not willing to part with her just yet, Nai said "Let's have dinner together. I know we still need to talk about a lot of things." 

Wei Wei looked up in alarm, she did not want to leave his side just yet, but she wasn't ready to walk past hordes of gossiping classmates on their way to the dining hall. As if reading her mind, Nai said "Don't worry. I want to keep this between us for a little bit longer. I know a short-cut. Let me take you someplace I know our classmates won't be." 

"Okay", she breathed.

Keeping her one hand in his, he led her down a few alleys to Auntie Jian's restaurant- his childhood refuge. Auntie Jian, despite being unable to speak, had kept him company on the long evenings when his parents were off researching. She had become his pseudo family and this was the first time he had brought someone with him.

They sat down at a table and Wei Wei looked around nervously. This was her first date! She knew that girls got dressed up, wore makeup and looked put together on dates. Here she was sitting in an old plain red dress, unwashed face with a bag full of books. She kept thinking "I should have dressed up today". Just as she was about to say something to that effect, Nai said "The color red suits you. You look beautiful Wei Wei". She smiled broadly at this man and took his hand in hers as she realized he could allay her fears even without her needing to express them. Nai smiled back at her, happy that she had held his hand. 

Auntie Jian took their order and understanding that this might be a big occasion for the two of them, brought several additional side dishes. Spent from the physical and emotional exertion of the day, they ate in companionable silence ravenously. After the dishes were cleared out and auntie Jian brought them a bowl of ice cream with two spoons ( silently indicating her approval), Wei Wei started speaking again.

"Nai, I need some time to get to know you in real life before I share our relationship with others. I want to be comfortable with us before we become a topic on the campus forum. I don't have any doubts about us. It's just that this is my first time and I need to wrap my head around us."

"Wei Wei, this is my first time being with a girl as well", he said gently, " As much as I would love to shout from the rooftops, we need to get to know each other IRL". Deciding to tease her a little he said, "Until then my furen, we'll carry on like a pair of mandarin ducks", using her line from earlier in the game on her.

This time Wei Wei blushed deeply and replied teasing him back , with his line from the game "What mandarin ducks? Marital status is important, Wǒ de ài". Nai laughed out loud thinking his life was going to get a lot more interesting with this fascinating woman by his side. They chatted some more over ice cream .

Since Wei Wei had yet to replace her phone, they decided they would communicate over in game chat or voice application. Nai explained to her that he was in the process of launching his own gaming startup over the next few months and had a lot of things he needed to get done between now and graduation. Wei Wei told him that she had a few freelance software development jobs lined up for the summer, but was mostly free over the summer. 

"I did quality control for a game during highschool. I am happy to lend a hand if you need one", she said. Knowing she would be meticulous and excellent, Nai responded half-teasingly "What's mine is yours, help me build the family business". Some more laughs and loving banter followed. It was also getting close to dorm curfew.

Reluctantly, they rose from the table, bid adieu to auntie Jian and started walking back to their dorms. As they reached the bridge, Wei Wei stopped and said "I will go back on my own from here, otherwise we may be seen together".

Keeping in mind that they had made a pact to keep their relationship private for a little longer, Nai said "Bye, Wei Wei. I will be counting the minutes until I can talk to you again.

Oh how he made her blush , thanking her lucky stars he could not see her crimson cheeks, Wei Wei said "Bye dashen" and hurried back to her dorms.

Neither could keep the silly smile off their faces as they made their way to the dorms.

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