Chapter 16 - The homecoming

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Hao Mei had noticed that Nai had been wound tightly like a coil and was very stressed despite the initial success with backing from Feng Teng for their mobile game. Sure, they still had to build a prototype for Dreams of Jianghu 2 and hone their game engine . He knew that his friend missed his better half. Honestly, they all missed her . She had been constantly in touch mostly over phone calls or emails helping them with anything they needed an extra hand on. She had also successfully charted a plan for Quality Control and Marketing. Now that they were further along in their design, she needed to be here to drive those plans. Nai was running himself ragged trying to do everything. He just wished his sister would return soon.

Nai had told Wei Wei that he was probably going to be the only one in the office on Saturday. Hoping to surprise him, she took a taxi directly to Zhi Yi from the airport. As she lugged her heavy suitcase up the stairs, instead of Nai, she ran into Yu Banshan and an elegant lady in a business suit. Wei Wei had dressed casually in a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt. Yu Banshan stared at her in shock, she was here!

The elegant lady, who turned out to be Director Feng, president Feng's wife, stared from Banshan to Wei Wei. She asked, "Is she also an employee here?"

Thinking quickly on her feet, Wei Wei responded "Hello, I'm Wei Wei. I am the marketing and QC head here. Apologies for my arrival, I was out of town and I tried to rush back to the office when I heard you were coming". Impressed with her smoothness, despite an awkward situation, director Feng, shook her hand and suggested to Yu Banshan , that he help his coworker out with her luggage.

Just then, Nai came out saying "Apologies for my tardiness, director, I have been trying to reach our marketing head all morning.". This was true, he had been calling his girlfriend Wei Wei, who also happened to be their Marketing head, for the last 20 min worried. She hadn't responded to his messages from last night or this morning. Then he saw her. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss her.

He looked at her and said "Hi! So that's why you didn't pick up the phone", realizing his furen was on a plane to surprise him. Before he could say anything else, Wei Wei said "Yeah, I ran into Director Feng outside and introduced myself. I'm glad I could make it to this meeting"

Just wanting to finish this meeting as quickly as possible, he herded all of them to the conference room to review the music for the mobile game.

Wei Wei kept silent as she had no idea what this meeting was about. As Yu Banshan started explaining , she understood, they were here to review the music selections. Nai made most of the selections as he was the musician among the lot, Banshan just talked about integration into the game from a tech perspective.

Director Feng, turned to Wei Wei and asked "I want to hear your thoughts as well. I loved your in-game snack shop idea. I want to get your take on the music "

Again showing her brilliant skills, Wei Wei said "Why don't we have a voting contest to raise interest? We are launching the mobile game in a few months. Nai, you selected two tracks. We could release the two tracks along with a short trailer asking people to vote for one while tagging us on their social media platforms. This way, we can get contact information for our user base. We can then randomly pick a few winners and give some sort of prize "

"Woah! How did she come up with this on the spot? Pretty sure Nai calling her had nothing to do with this meeting ", thought Yu Banshan.

Nai just looked very proud of his girlfriend's idea. Director Feng was also impressed, "I like this idea Ms. Wei Wei, can you put together a proposal and send it to my office in a week or so?" It was obvious from Nai's reaction to Wei Wei that they were together, thought Feng. This woman had obviously managed the situation well. They were well matched.

"Absolutely", said Wei Wei.

"I would also like to have lunch with you, when I come over next time. I'd like to pick your brain", said Director Feng to Wei Wei. She really wanted to get to know the lovely girl. It was obvious that she was very talented and also her potential business partner's significant other.

After Director Feng left, Nai looked at Wei Wei and said "That was some surprise! Welcome back"

Yu Banshan ,"Yes, welcome back Sanso. I will leave you two love birds to catch up"

Surprising them yet again, Wei Wei said, "Actually, I want to take the rest of the day to clean and set up my flat for the summer. Do you think we can all get together for dinner? I want to catch up with the 4 of you together and run something by you"

Exchanging a look with Nai, Yu Banshan said , "Sure. Pretty sure the others are free as well. I can text them on our group and ask"

"Okay, I'll see you all then", said Wei Wei. Now Nai was really curious. He also mostly just wanted to hug her so he offered to drive her to Xiaoling's place. Yu Banshan decided to head back home as well.

Soon they arrived at Xiaoling's house( which Wei Wei was going to live in for the summer), Wei Wei went inside first, Nai followed her, shut the door with his foot , pushed her against the door and kissed her hoping to convey how much he missed her. It surprised him when Wei Wei returned the kiss with as much fervor and clung tightly to him. She missed him just as much as he missed her. Usually she would stop after kissing him for a bit, but she showed no signs of stopping.

One of her hands was in his hair and the other was around his neck. When he pulled back, she simply buried her face in the crook of his neck and held him tightly.

"I missed you so much", she breathed into his ear

"Not as much as I missed you", he said

Neither wanted to let go of each other. So he moved them to the couch. She surprisingly sat on his lap, facing him, legs on either side of his.

Before he could say anything else, she kissed him deeply. Normally, he was the one that initiated contact. This was the first time she had. They continued to make out for a while.

Nai groaned, " Wei Wei, you are driving me crazy. I won't be able to stop if we continue"

They had quickly dispensed with her pants and both their shirts somewhere along the way. She was mostly in her underwear.

Finally coming to reality Wei Wei sprung up embarrassed. She hadn't meant to let it get this far. "I'm sorry", she said as she desperately tried to cover herself up. In her haste, she had grabbed his white shirt thinking it was hers and had now managed to cover herself . She blushed even more deeply when she realized she was wearing his shirt.

Nai laughed "I'm not sorry at all. You look sexy as hell. If that's how you are after a long separation, I should go out of the door and come back again. I think that shirt looks better on you than it does on me", he said.

Mortified, Wei Wei grabbed her clothes , ran to the first room she could find and started to dress herself. Nai decided she had probably scared herself with her own passion, given that this was a first for both of them. A cool off was probably in order he thought and headed to the kitchen to see if there was anything to drink.

Wei Wei came outside, now fully clothed, holding his shirt. He smiled at her "The house is quite nice, but very dusty. Let me help you clean. Also, she only had cold water. You should probably go grocery shopping". They spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning. 

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