Chapter 15 - The family business

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The last two funding meetings for Zhi Yi technologies, Nai's startup, hadn't gone too well. One investor, Yi Ran's uncle had tried to swindle them, the other was just not so confident that their game would generate revenue. When Nai had discussed this with Wei Wei one night over dinner, she had suggested a collaboration with a popular snacks brand. Implementing a virtual shop for in game characters to eat as a part of game play to boost their energy. The resourceful Wei Wei, had reached out to her high school big sister, who now worked for the brand to put together a proposal. This ingenious, out of the box idea had excited President Feng Teng of Feng Teng technologies enough to offer to hear Zi Yi's pitch seeking investment. Wei Wei had managed to line up a collaborator even before their game was fully developed. Nai had mentioned this to his dorm brothers without stating her name.

They were blown away with the idea as the Snack's company had even offered an advance to them. Yu Banshan had said "Hire that person as our new Marketing and Quality Control head", the others had nodded their approval.

The day after the infamous basketball game, Nai and Wei Wei were in the office, going over the revised pitch. Realizing who was behind the idea, Hao mei had even built some mockups to show Feng Teng effectively showcasing Sansao's idea. This was Wei Wei's first time at Zhi Yi's offices, she loved the light open airy office.

They were alone at the office as it was a Saturday. Nai watched her test the simulation. He was once again attracted by her skills as she sat at his desk and used his computer. As she got up from her seat and turned around, he kissed her firmly. She was more prepared this time and matched his passion. Somehow they had ended up with Nai in the chair, her on his lap straddling him, kissing with abandon. She realized suddenly that they needed to stop before things got out of hand.

Still in his lap, she breathed "Nai, we need to stop. This is too fast"

He agreed with her and let her up. He realized she was a little scared of how quickly their relationship had progressed. He needed to reassure her.

"Wei Wei , sorry I lost control. To be honest, I never thought I'd be in a relationship , given my aloof personality. You bring all of these feelings buried in my heart out. If I could marry you today, I would, because in my mind , it is clear there is no one else", he said as she smoothed her tousled hair.

"But I understand. Let's take the physical relationship slow, I'm not in a hurry."

Her eyes softened, thankful for his understanding.

Wei Wei said, " I don't know how I am going to tell my parents. They are going to freak out. My folks didn't want me dating in college at all"

He laughed and said, "You're going to have to tell them eventually", as he watched her straighten her clothing while smoothing his own shirt.

" My parents think highly of you BTW. My father thought your essays were well researched and my mother asked our neighbor , the department dean about you. He gave them a full overview of all your academics and extracurriculars and they are impressed with you. "

"WHAT!" She said," your parents know already?"

"Wei Wei, I am very open with my folks. Besides, they work at the college. They were bound to hear it, one way or the other. You should not hide it from your folks either."

"No way, I am not telling them now. My dad is going to start looking at me weirdly and my mom will gossip about it to all our relatives. Then I will have to spend the whole summer being gawked at by my relatives like a zoo animal."

He laughed. He needed to lighten things up. They had been working all morning, well most of it anyway, followed by an epic make out session. He needed her to feel comfortable in this office. So he dragged her outside his office to the shared workspace and challenged her to a battle on Dreams of Jianghu.

"Wei Wei, if I win, you have to come clean to your parents. If you do, I will listen to you."

Wei Wei : "Get ready to lose mister and remember I can redeem your promise whenever I want ", she said and occupied one of the stations, ready for battle with her back to the office door. Nai took a seat across her facing the door.

They were locked in a fierce battle, when Yugong, Yu Banshan and Hao Mei made their way into the office. Seeing two bikes outside, they realized their sansao might be inside. Hoping to catch them off guard, they silently made their way in. They saw Nai and Wei Wei engrossed in their PK. They entered from the door behind Wei Wei and couldn't help admire their sanso's skill. They were well matched, actually at the same level. It was difficult for either player to win. Just as they thought Nai might have an edge, his fingers suddenly hesitated for a split second . Sanso won.

"You cheated," yelled Nai. He was a little taken aback by her feisty move.

" What did I do? Don't blame your loss on me. Just make sure to honor your wager", said Wei wei innocently.

They were evenly matched and having played together a long time, they knew each others' patterns. Just as she was about to lose, Wei Wei had dragged a delicate foot across Nai's leg which had caused him to lose concentration.

As he was about to respond, Nai realized that they had an audience. His brothers started teasing him. "Yes Nai, what did she do? How did the invincible Nai lose ?". They had been standing behind Wei Wei focused on the screen, they hadn't noticed her trick.

"Sansao, teach us some of your tricks"

Calming himself, not wanting to say anything else on the subject, Nai said, "It was you monkeys really. Your energy disturbed my concentration".

Hao Mei took a look at Sansao's face and realized she had disrupted Nai's concentration somehow. How had she done it, he didn't want to know.

He just laughed and changed subject.

"So, Ms. Head of Marketing and Quality Control - did you like the mock ups I made based on your idea? "

Yugong - "This is our new head? The whole embedded marketing was her idea?"

Wei Wei - "Aiyah! What head ? It was just an idea", she said modestly

Yu Banshan - "Just an idea? It was the whole reason the new investor agreed to a meeting! Not to mention the advance we got from the snacks company...Now I see why you and Nai are a perfect power couple"'

Nai looked on proudly and said," Wei Wei would you please consider joining our start up ? Your ideas around QC and marketing are amazing. They really helped present our concepts better. Spend as much of you summer with us as possible. We can figure out what to do once the semester starts"

Yu Banshan, "Yes Sansao, you have a talent for it. We could use the assist", the others nodded.

Happy to be accepted again, she said, "Of course, that would be my honor. I just have to head back for a bit to Wuhan. But I'll be back soon." It was almost lunch time, so Nai suggested they all go out together for a meal to welcome their new partner. Nai said he would grab his wallet and Wei Wei's bag from his office and went inside.

Yugong remarked  "I know you are amazing at battling Sansao, I still couldn't tell how you defeated Nai. I was looking at the screen the whole time. I didn't see any movements"

Hao Mei laughed as he saw Wei Wei with a deer in headlights look, "Okay, they seem to be getting very close "he thought, "she had obviously appealed to Nai's other senses". Just then Nai came out and they headed to the restaurant.

Soon after, Wei Wei went to Wuhan for a month to see her parents while working part time for Zhi Yi. She also finished all her freelancing projects which more than funded her personal income. She had even managed to replace her phone . At the end of the month, telling her parents she was going to be working with a start up in City B, she packed her bags. She had asked Xiaoling in advance for the use of her apartment. She was hoping to surprise Nai. They talked every day, but they were both quite miserable without each other.

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