Chapter 25 - Happy 21st

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After their day trip to the resort, Wei Wei had taken a much needed break and gone home to Wuhan. Her parents had been over the moon to see their little girl. "She looks more and more like a woman everyday than my little girl" thought Mama Chen

Mama Chen said to Wei Wei "You look more and more beautiful everyday. We saw your interview in the magazine about women in tech. So proud of both of you. Looks like you have found a great partner"

Wei Wei smiled , "It's nothing. Nai kind of pushed me to do it. He thought it would be good for me"

Old man Bei reacted sharply "So, he forces you to do these kinds of things?"

Wei Wei was quick to defend her beloved, "No way, he's just supportive. In this case, he thought I should get credit for being such a key part of Zhi Yi. Also, I am a stakeholder in the company and it's marketing head. It makes sense for me do these kind of things"

Mama Chen swooned a little, "Such a good husband, la! Your dress was also fantastic in that photo"

Old man Bei grumbled, "What husband ? They are not married. What's with the marketing double major? You look so tired. Is all that additional load his idea?" 

Wei Wei said gently, "Pa, he never tells me what I should or shouldn't do unless I ask. It was my decision to double major. I thought I could learn it formally as I was enjoying the practical aspects of it"

Old man Bei's sister had fallen in love with a boy in college and had given up on her education/ promising career. That had not ended well and after a few years, Wei Wei's aunt had a little child and had struggled to put herself through college and make a living. Her father didn't want Wei Wei to be in the same situation.

Mama Chen decided that was enough, "Aiyah, he's such a nice boy. His mother is also very nice. They have nothing but great things to say about our Wei Wei. Let her relax", she said ending that conversation. Mama Chen had shared Old man Bei's reservations with Auntie Lin who understood .

When Nai had told his parents he wanted to marry Wei Wei, his mother said "I assumed as much from the moment I saw you with her. Besides," she paused, "as a responsible mother, I am not supposed to condone two unmarried people living together" , she laughed.

Nai was a little shocked, he knew his parents were open minded, he didn't think they were that open minded though "So, you knew all along"

Lin laughed," Of course. Initially I was worried that you were corrupting the poor girl with love and sex. Then when I saw that she was doing well both professionally and at school. Also, she seemed more relaxed than when she lived at the dorms and you also seemed at peace. I figured that the two of you were mature enough to handle a serious relationship"

Nai thought "why does everyone keep thinking I pushed her into a live in relationship", his furen, the sexy confident creature had literally jumped his bones. He wisely chose not to respond to that and serenely smiled.

Uncle Xiao interjected, "So , have you discussed marriage with Wei Wei yet ? I think you should wait for her to finish college. From what I know of her, she would prefer that."

Nai mused, "I am beginning to realize that. Every time I mentioned it, she subtly changed the subject. She is worried about something."

Lin clarified, "'I think it is to do with Wei Wei's dad. He is going to be hard to convince", and told him about the reservations Wei Wei's dad had and his sisters' story. Nai realized he needed to talk to Wei Wei's father.

Wei Wei spent most of the week relaxing, sleeping , eating or watching her dad cook in their kitchen. She barely even looked at her phone except to speak to Nai for an hour. She just needed to unwind.

Wei Wei's birthday was the day before she was planning to go back to Beijing. Nai wanted to surprise her by showing up at her house on her birthday and also hopefully ease her parents into acceptance.

On the eve of Wei Wei's birthday:

At midnight, all her friends ( dorm sisters + Nai's brothers) had gotten on a group video call to wish her.

Everyone: "Happy 21st birthday !!"

Wei Wei: Thank you ( simultaneously noticing Nai was absent). "Oh no, he must be planning something big like the basketball incident if he is not here", she thought

Xiaoling:" What's the matter Wei Wei , looking for someone?"

Yugong: "Your husband refused to join us. He told us this was childish"

Yu Banshan :" If he could see your expression now, he'd know how heartbroken you are"

Er Xi : "She looks more worried than heartbroken, what's the matter Wei Wei?"

Wei Wei : "Nothing like that. I'm happy to see you all. Where's my birthday present?"

Sisi: "You'll get it tomorrow."

Wei Wei : "How?"

Yu Banshan : "You'll know when you see it"

They all knew that Nai was driving that night to Wuhan to surprise her. Hao Mei suspected that Wei Wei suspected he was up to something.

Hao Mei : "Sansao, Nai got tied up with a Shanghai meeting. I'm sure he'll call first thing tomorrow. Trying to redirect her thoughts"

She didn't buy that for a second.

Wei Wei : "Aiyah! That's fine...I don't really do much for birthdays anyway."

They chatted for sometime and wei wei went off to bed still wondering what Nai was up to.

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