Chapter 23 - Deja vu

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Year 3 of college was very busy for Wei Wei. She had immersed herself immediately into her studies , planning the launch activities for the mobile game and starting a big marketing campaign for Dreams of Jianghu 2.

Since Wei Wei's music selection contest was a success, she had planned a bigger launch for the mobile game. She had partnered with college campuses to have an immersive experience for students to test the mobile game out before it launched. As a result, when she was not shuttling between classes or doing assignments, she was coordinating with administrative staff for 3 different universities to showcase their game. In return she had promised to interview candidates from their universities as part of Zhi Yi's hiring process. It was a win win for them.

Wei Wei had been running ragged from one thing to the next. The course load was insane and Nai had tried to help her as much as he could, but he had a company to run. She had hired staff for Zhi Yi to help with Marketing but she still had to do a lot of coordination and planning. This invariably resulted in long hours at the office for Wei Wei. Since fridays were a no class day, she got a lot of work done at the company . During the first couple months, she would run frantically from Zhi Yi to the dorm and beg the warden to let her in. On one such fridays, she got so delayed that it was only Nai and her left in the office at 9:30 pm.

Hao Mei had a special dinner( ahem ahem) planned with KO. The others had given up getting her to leave and her own staff had valiantly hung around till 8:30.

Nai came out "Wei Wei, you're still here! I thought you had left", he had seen so little of her the past few months he thought. Things had been hectic post Shanghai.

Wei Wei just grunted, not looking up from her screen. She was focusing on the design for the display booths for mobile game on campus

Nai : "Wei Wei , do you know what time its is?"

Wei Wei : "What? Time? IT' S 9:30!! Oh no it's an hour past the deadline. She's not going to let me inside the dorms tonight for sure. Last week had been the last warning"

She frantically worried.

She looked so stressed , Nai thought.

Nai "Wei Wei, you look dead on your feet. Why don't you come back to my apartment and relax? You have barely seen the renovations. Besides, there's no point going to campus now when you know you won't be allowed in. I feel like I barely see you these days with how busy we both are." (Nai had bought the apartment above him and had re-modelled his place into a duplex in two months . It was now a spacious 3 bed room apartment spread over two levels)

Wei Wei :" Nai , I can't do that. What will everyone think? "

Nai: "Who is going to know? Your friends Xiaoling and Sisi are at her place. Only Er Xi is in the dorm, but she works here , so she knows how busy you are. If it really matters to you that much, just tell her you stayed at the office". Er Xi had begged Hao mei and managed to get an internship as a game tester.

Not seeing other options, and if she was a little honest with herself, Wei Wei wanted to spend more time with Nai.

Wei Wei and Nai headed off to his place. He was excited that she had agreed to stay. He had decided she needed a little TLC and break from school, exams, and work.

As they reached the entrance, he said, "Why don't you take a long bath in the bathroom upstairs. I will order some food. "

Wei Wei :"This feels like deja vu"

Nai : "Well, hopefully it won't end with a trip to the hospital.  But, I can take you in the same way as last time, "he said scooping her up in his arms

Wei Wei laughed: "Put me down"

Nai : "Naaah! Thresholds are a part of my job description furen."

He kissed her to stop her from protesting and carried her inside. He set her down , kicked off his shoes and went upstairs to draw a bath for her in the bathroom attached to his bedroom.

"Wei Wei , use whatever you want , as always. You can pick out anything from my closet to wear", he said and promptly went downstairs.

Much to her surprise, Wei Wei felt completely at ease. A lot had changed since the last time she was in this situation. They had made out a lot over the past few months, mostly in the office after everyone had left. It hadn't progressed beyond that. Nai wanted her badly but he was raised a gentleman and he hadn't wanted to push her when she was already so stressed. Besides, the office wasn't exactly the best atmosphere.

As Wei Wei, stripped inside the bath room and let the warm water soak her, she realized she was ready for more. She wanted him. The problem was that she had no experience in this department and she was too shy to ask him directly. There was one thing she could do "I will make myself irresistible", she thought. She had taken to lugging toiletries, some colored lip balms, lotion and perfume in her bag as she often had to look presentable for work meetings. Stepping out of the tub, washed her hair, popped on a sheet mask and started rubbing lotion on her body. It had a faint scent of rose and citrus. Dabbing some perfume after discarding the mask, she was trying to figure out what to wear. She rifled through his closet and found a thin white linen shirt that fit her loosely. It came down to her thighs . She slipped on a pair of his boxers underneath that. Her let her towel dried hair fall towards one shoulder

Taking a deep breath, she walked down the stairs.

Nai had started taking dinner out of the boxes in the kitchen, after cleaning up. He looked up and saw Wei Wei walking slowly down the stairs in his shirt

"Is she trying to kill me? I have excellent self control, but god this woman loves to test it", he thought . He swallowed as he saw her walk sultrily towards him.

Bending over the counter across from him, she peaked into the takeout boxes and said nonchalantly "Ooo, you got fried rice. That smells delicious!"

It was obvious to Nai that she was only wearing the shirt and not much else. He stood still, desperately trying to calm himself.

"Am I doing this right? Why is he just standing there?", thought Wei Wei. "Okay, time to make it more obvious." She leaned across the counter, grabbed his T-shirt, pulled him close and plated a long kiss on his mouth. Looking into her eyes , seeing her impish smile, he picked her up and carried her to the bed room. "Are you sure?", he asked "Yes", she said.

That was the last rational thought either of them had that night. The dinner had gotten very very cold when they had finally gotten around to it.

Nai : "That was better that how I had imagined. You totally jumped me, furen!"

Wei Wei lifted a brow and responded "Are you complaining?"

Nai: "Hell no."

They had gotten the best sleep in months after that night. Neither had wanted to go back to reality , but Wei Wei returned to the dorm very late on Saturday.

When Er Xi asked, she had said "I crashed at the office. And then I had to meet some organizers for the game promo event. It was a long day". 

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