Chapter 30 - Cliché

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NOTE- Dear readers, thank you for sticking with this story! Writing this story during the pandemic provided a creative outlet for me. It helped me travel mentally to a different universe while we were all stuck at home.

Update 1/26- Please do check out some of my other stories. Thank you for your love, comments, votes and support.

Love 020 : Love and family. This story features a different journey for our characters Wei Wei and Nai. What of Weiwei had a different childhood? Will she still accept Nai's love?

The Smiling Chessman . This story is inspired by A slight smile so charming and the corresponding cdrama. The story is about a young girl with a brilliant mind who becomes China's first woman to play e-sports professionally. Some events are the same but the character arcs are different.


A lot happened over the next two years- Wei Wei and her sisters graduated from college, Zhi had made huge expansions into information security and the company was on the verge of getting publicly listed. The company had outgrown its original location near campus which was now a research center. Zhi Yi had over 2000 employees and was housed in its swanky new HQ. The original founders still had the same roles but the scope had expanded to multiple product lines each with its own head. Xiaoling had married Da Zhong and Yu Banshan, Sisi. Yugong was living his bachelor life to the fullest and was very active on the dating scene. Hao Mei and KO had finally come out to their friends and had relocated to TaiPei which was Zhi Yi's second headquarter. Er Xi had reconciled with Cuo Gong and they had been going steady.

Between the new HQ, trying to publicly list the company, negotiating agreements with companies in Silicon valley, California and running the company, the founders were on their toes. Over the past few months Nai had been flying back and forth between San Francisco and Beijing, this had resulted in Wei Wei filling in for Nai in Beijing. They had hired a lot, but not fast enough to cope with the growing business.

As she walked into the meeting with their financial advisors and primary investor Feng Teng, Wei Wei thought, "I need a vacation. I haven't seen Nai in two weeks outside of a video chat screen". Hao Mei, Yugong and Yu Banshan had been present in person and Nai on video conference. The meeting was very successful and they were all set to become a publicly traded company in 10 days. After the advisors and investors had left, Hao Mei said "Sansao, let's all catch up over lunch. We haven't gotten together in so long."

Wei Wei siad, " Lunch ? Now ? I don't think I can take a break now. I have to finish all the stuff I need to do and I need to cover for Nai. I have a mountain of paperwork to get done. Me-ge, I miss the old days where I could just take off"

Yu Banshan urged her, " Aiyah, sansao, you haven't taken a lunch break in weeks. You barely eat the stuff that the food delivery company sends. Nai has been so worried about you. He's even taken to texting us to make sure you eat. Not to mention Sisi is complaining you haven't seen her in weeks"

Yugong added, "Come on sansao. One lunch. Nai will not fault you for taking some time off"

WeiWei responded, " It's not about him chastising me. It's just that people depend on us to get all this done. I can't disappoint our investors and employees because I need a break."

Hao Mei settled it, "Sansao, I haven't seen you in two months. Come on, we'll help you with some of the work later".

"Okay", caved Wei Wei. They went to lunch at their favorite roasted duck place. Wei Wei didn't have much of an appetite. Hao Mei noticed that she barely ate. Wei Wei for her part had been very hungry,  but lately she had been throwing up so much of what she ate, that she tried to eat as much as she could stomach.

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