Chapter 29 - Admissions and Omissions

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Er Xi, Xiaoling and Sisi stated as soon as they got into the bed roon, "So, tell us all about your wedding. That is a beautiful ring"

Wei Wei smiled, " There's nothing else to tell. It really was a 20 min thing. Our parents wanted a big celebration, Nai talked them down. I think he secretly wanted a ceremony as well. I wish I had listened to him. I was kind of excited, embarrassed, elated all at the same time."

Sisi winked, "So, how is married life?"

Wei Wei laughed , " To be honest, not that much different. We have been living together for a year almost. I think my mom was finally relieved that we got married. She wasn't very comfortable with our live-in situation. I loved it though."

Xiaoling noticed, " Ai Wei Wei, you have lost all your shyness. What about your in-laws? How did they feel?"

Wei Wei said, " Mama Lin knew all along, she's very open minded. Nai's father on the other hand didn't want to know. He's too polite to ask. I actually love them. Mama Lin is more like an older sister to me. She was actually more worried that Nai had pushed me into living with him. She was worried about my grades and career, till I assured her that her son was too much of a gentleman."

Wei Wei mentally cursed herself for the slip up, she had basically told them she was the one who made the first move. She was too tired, Nai had kept her up all night the previous day and they had a long day at the resort. Her sisters would be merciless now.

Er Xi caught on, "Wei Wei, so you are the wonton one? Its always the quiet ones". They all giggled. Wei Wei decided to embrace her bold, sexy bold persona she had discovered she had. Running a business and being in a secure relationship had made her more confident.

Wei Wei decided to shock them and said "Come on ladies, you must realize that women like it , want it and need it as much as men do. With a hot husband who is very creative, well get my drift", she winked. 

They all blushed and looked at her slack-jawed. Their friend had grown up a lot. One point for Wei Wei, she thought. She had an idea. Changing the subject she said "I have an idea. I want to surprise Nai before all of this news comes out. Tomorrow is a holiday. Can you help me plan a short ceremony where we just exchange rings? I can ask mama Lin for the use of their backyard. It really is very pretty with all the trees and flowers"

Sisi was excited, " Mama Lin, huh? ..Yes, we can help", now switching into execution mode.

Er Xi also jumped on, " If you can have the ceremony around 11, we can do lunch after. I'll co-ordintate the food. You guys can eat and head to the interview"

Xiaoling said, "I'll help with the rings. Wei Wei, I'm thinking a simple set of platinum bands would look good. They'd match your antique jade ring and knowing your husband, he'd like something simple."

Sisi added, " I'll get you dressed up. I can ask Banshan to make Nai dress up without letting him know what's going on. He can bring him there". Wei Wei smiled , tearing up a little, "You guys are the best" and she hugged them.

Xiaoling smiled, " We should get to bed now. You need to look good for tomorrow." Wei Wei got up to leave and they teased her "Going back to your husband's bed Wei Wei. Can't even spend one night away"

"You wait till you get married", she said and went back to Nai who was fast asleep. She texted mama Lin, explained everything . She figured they'd have no objection.

The next morning, the girls had filled the boys in on the plan. Xiaoling had left early with Er Xi. Mama Lin had gotten in touch with Yu Banshan and he had promptly turned to Sisi. Sisi had gone to their house to organize the backyard for the ceremony. They had to take care of important things after all. The boys had worked up a list of questions for Chen , and were running it by Nai when Wei Wei came downstairs. Hao Mei handed her a steaming cup of coffee and whispered in her ear,  "Sansao, operation ring is a go. Sisi is coordinating with your mother in law, Xiaoling is getting the rings, Er Xi left to organize the food. You just focus on getting dressed and looking beautiful"

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