Chapter 1- The meet cute

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Wei Wei had always been very self contained. But today as she walked across the long bridge connecting the dorms and campus, she was in a particularly reflective mood. It had been a few days since the campus heartthrob , Dashen Xiao Nai, had sat next to her in history class. This had distracted her from her thoughts about Naihe( her in-game husband on Dreams of Jianghu) and sent the gossip mills on the campus forum overdrive. After a few days of being unwillingly in the spotlight, Wei Wei was finally able to walk around campus without being stared at or gossiped about. "All it took was for the campus no. 2 heartthrob to meet with a gruesome accident for the forum to move on" thought Wei Wei, but then again, she never set much stock in gossip forums.

Wei Wei was puzzled by her own reaction to Xiao Nai. She had never been attracted to someone until Naihe, and seemingly Xiao Nai. Despite being surrounded by a room full of people, the tension between them had been palpable. "Was I imagining that?", she thought ,as she noticed someone walking alongside her, albeit slightly further away. There was something inexplicably familiar about the silhouette.

She continued walking, immersed in a Xiao Nai- Nihe debate in her head thinking " Since when did I start getting obsessed with boys?" . Having been beautiful , boys had lusted after and propositioned to her all her life, none really touching her heart. She had worked very hard to overcome people's perception of being just a beautiful girl and secured a top scholarship to study computer science. "No, no I must focus on preparing for my upcoming data structures exam and not be like those silly girls", she thought , just as she heard someone yell "Look, its Xiao Nai, awwwwww he's so cute" next to her. Her feet slowed down involuntarily as she realized she had been walking next to Xiao Nai the whole time .

As the silhouette moved slightly ahead of her , backlit by the evening sun rays, Wei Wei was struck by a realization . The scene in front of her was remarkably similar to the day Naihe had found her on the Vermillion bridge. Her brilliant mind worked furiously as she thought "Wait a minute, since that day in history class, I have been seeing Nai frequently. His mannerisms seem similar to that of Naihe ....and then the name - Yi shao Nai he...Xiao Nai ...It can't be, or is it?"

She came to a complete halt on the bridge as one thought consumed her "Is Xishao Naihe Xiao Nai?". All his seemingly innocent responses, how he never seemed to ask about her schedule as though he knew it all, suddenly started to make sense. Just as she was wondering if she should do something, Nai turned around looking at her as though silently saying "Furen, you have fallen behind". Almost involuntary, she resumed walking briskly, numb from her conclusion. "I have to validate this or I am not going to be able to do sleep tonight", she thought. She noticed that he seemed to be speeding up to keep up with her.

Now that she had a problem to solve, Wei Wei's analytical brain was mapping out different algorithms to solve this (O) complexity problem. A plan began to take shape and she prepared to duck into the alcove at the end of the bridge. Blending in with the fangirls, she pulled a ninja move and ducked into the alcove. Nai moved forward amidst the chaos wondering where he had lost his swordswoman. As he crossed the alcove, he heard a melodious voice call out "Yi Xiao Naihe". He turned out of pure reflex and the words "Yes, Furen?" came out.

They stood eyes transfixed on each other for a few moments, each finally acknowledging what the other had deduced.

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