Chapter 12 - Dazzling mere mortals

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Unlike most girls, Wei Wei usually spent very little time and energy on her appearance. She always looked presentable and had a certain effortless beauty , but she never emphasized it, choosing to highlight her brains instead. She always wore simple jeans, pants, tops and the occasional skirt- nothing special. Boys still chased after her pretty face.

She had fallen in love with Nai because he had fallen in love with her brains and skills first before he got to her appearance. But she was determined to make him "love all of her", she blushed at the innuendo in her thoughts, "don't focus on that, focus on getting the perfect outfit ready for tomorrow", she thought.

Nai's parents had returned to find out their son had been in an accident. They had been most distressed and Nai had spent most of the past day and a half with them while Wei Wei had been busy with her exam. He was happy to see his parents, but he was mostly fine and he already missed her.

The moment they were done with their exams, Wei Wei dragged her sisters to a mall outside near the campus. Sure, they still had a language exam tomorrow, but they were done studying and it wasn't as hard as their computer science courses. Er Xi, Xiaoling and Sisi were somewhat skeptical that Wei Wei was excited about shopping. They had waited for a better part of two years to play dress up with her. According to them it was a crime that a nushen like Wei Wei dressed so plainly. Shopping with Wei Wei was typically a 30 min affair at best where she grabbed boring t-shirts and pants. They were in for a big surprise.

First off, Wei Wei didn't take them to her usual store that sold only jeans and shirts. She dragged them to a slightly upscale boutique that had gorgeous dresses.

Er Xi got excited and yelled "Wei Wei, is that really you? Has our nushen finally decided to dress up?". Wei Wei just laughed "Help me find something beautiful"

Xiaoling : "What is the big rush to shop now? Normally, we have to drag you kicking and screaming and you buy the same boring things over and over again. "

Wei Wei : "No reason. I just feel like it's time I upgraded my wardrobe. I have some freelancing work over the summer and I may have to take a few meetings with some clients". This part was sort of true. After seeing some of her ideas about the game and the investor pitch, Xiao Nai had asked her if she would help them out a little over the summer. They hadn't discussed specifics as she had already made plans to go back to Wuhan to see her parents.

Sisi: "Yeah, but we can go shopping after the term ends as well. Why are you so excited to shop tonight?"

Trying to find a way out of this, Weiwei replied "Umm...I sort of have an important meeting tomorrow. I realized I didn't have anything to war". Well it was very important to her that she dress up for this date. For once, Nai had given her a heads up.

The girls spent over 3 hours helping Weiwei find multiple dresses, pretty blouses, skirts and shoes till they had more than double the number of outfits in Weiwei's current wardrobe. It wasn't that Weiwei couldn't afford pretty clothes, she just didn't care enough to . She was on a full scholarship that saved her parents tuition money. With her coding and gaming skills, she took plenty of freelance jobs to fund her cushy spending account. This was the first time she really spent any of it on herself.

The next day:

Nai and Weiwei had agreed to meet at the bridge near the west entrance and go to dinner. Wei Wei's language exam was until 5:30 pm and she had told Nai that she would be there at 5:35. Since she would not have time to change, Wei Wei had dressed up for the exam.

That was how she had ended up in the exam hall, in a delicate peach colored, knee length chiffon dress with a boat neck that showed off her collar bones. The dress clung to her body accentuating every curve. The color made her skin look shimmery. Her normally tied up hair fell down her shoulder in loose waves. On her feet were a pair of casual wedge shoes and she accessorized with a pair of small pearl drop earrings ( the only jewelry she owned). She had chosen not to put on any makeup except some lip gloss, but her slightly flushed cheeks complemented her overall outfit , making her look like every man's dream goddess.

As she walked in, people stared with mouths agape in awe of this goddesses' beauty; some gossiped as to why she had bothered to dress up for an exam.

For her part, Wei Wei was deeply immersed in her thoughts of seeing Nai soon( it had been two days too long). She just wanted to get through this exam as quickly as possible , so she could finally see Nai. Wei Wei finished her exam by 5:15 pm, quickly checked her answers to make sure she had gotten everything right and practically ran out of the room towards the bridge. When she arrived, Nai was already waiting for her at the end of the bridge.

As she walked towards him, the evening sun on her rosy cheeks, her beauty accentuated by the dress, Nai's mind went completely blank. His only thought was "Goddess!". He could not stop staring at her as she stood in front of him smiling. Wei Wei had wanted to impress him and she was a little hurt when he had simply looked at her dashing in his navy pants and white button down. She was unaware of how her radiance had affected him.

As if moving on auto-pilot, Nai yanked her into the alcove and promptly kissed her fully on the lips. It took a few seconds for her brain to compute, that she had succeeded 100%. She kissed him back threading her fingers in his hair as his hands rested on her back. After a few min, both of them were breathing heavily.

Nai: "That's some dress. Mere mortals are powerless against you, my goddess. I finally realized why your sisters call you nushen. God you are so beautiful!"

Weiwei blushed "Have you looked in the mirror. I had to dress up to match your elegance ", she said laughing.

Nai: "I am one lucky man! As much as I would like to stay here all evening and kiss you, we need to get to the restaurant. I promised dinner"

Hand in hand they walked outside campus to a small but precocious restaurant near Nai's parents' house. Throughout the meal, he seemed to find excuses to touch her, a brush of an arm here or a leg there, holding her hand when they weren't eating or kissing her knuckles. Wei Wei couldn't help but swoon over how perfect he was.

Wei Wei : "So, I was thinking we should tell my dorm sisters and your other brothers about us. It is getting hard to keep things from my sisters."

Nai :"Don't worry I have the perfect plan for that"

Wei Wei: "What plan ?"

Just then Nai's phone rang. It was Yugong.

Yugong :"Nai, when are you coming to the court to warm up?"

Nai:"Isn't the game in two hours? There's still time. I'm busy now"

Yugong: "Aiyah, everyone is waiting for you! Busy doing what? Your mystery friend has finished the investor pitch and exams are over"

Nai: "I'm on a date"

Yugong and Yu Banshan who had reached the phone by then: "Date? With who, your mystery girlfriend? Bring her to the game! We want to see her"

Nai: "Let me ask her if she wants to come"

They were so loud that Wei Wei had heard every word of it. She wanted to see Nai play and she was content to maybe say hello in private to his brothers after the game. She could tell her sisters then as well. This must be what Nai had meant when he told her he had a plan.

Nai: "Do you want to come see our final game as seniors?"

Wei WEi:" Sure, I'd love to"

Nai on the phone: "Okay, we will be there" . "Let me get my bike quickly from home ,its too far to walk, wait here for a few moments" he said to Wei Wei and left.

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