Chapter 11- Of Trials and tribulations

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Wei Wei arrived at her dorm after a short taxi ride. She made her way back to her room. Her dorm sisters had already left for the library.

They had left a note "Wei Wei, hope everything is okay...Came back to find your note about your relatives. It's 7 am now and we are leaving for the library early to find a spot and study. Please call Xiaoling from the dorm phone when you get back -- Love, your sisters"

Wei Wei quickly dialed Xiaoling.

Xiaoling : "Wei Wei, did you just get back? What relatives did you stay with? I thought you didn't have family in City B!"

Wei Wei thought to herself, must Xiaoling always be so sharp?, with a sigh she responded "Yeah , I just got back. They insisted I stay for breakfast. I have so much to revise. I'll stay here all day and study". Technically she hadn't lied, she thought  to herself, "Xiao Nai is more than family and Mei-ge is her new brother".

Luckily, Xiaoling didn't press and said "Okay, try not to study too hard. See you in the evening, bye bye"

Wei Wei spent the rest of the day studying and when her dorm sisters returned later that night, they found her asleep still clutching her textbook in bed.

Meanwhile at the hospital ...

By the time Wei Wei reached her dorm, Yugong and Yu Banshan had arrived at the hospital. They found Hao Mei outside Xiao Nai's room.

Yugong : "How is he doing? Did he wake up?"

Hao Mei : "I was just about to text you, yes he woke up last night. He just needs rest. Doctors said he will make a full recovery. If all goes well, he will be discharged this evening"

Yugong: "Thank god! I was so worried when I talked to his mother last night. I spent all night wondering what I would tell her if something bad happened. It was all my fault", he agonized.

Yu Banshan: "I kept telling him that worrying himself sick is not going to help Nai. See, it was all for nothing. Nai's fine!"

Hao Mei : "Wait, rewind, when did you talk to his mother?"

Yugong: "I couldn't reach them on their mobile phones. His mother called from some landline number. The connection was so bad. I am not sure she heard everything. Did they come to see him?"

Hao Mei realized that Yugong had mistaken Sansao for Auntie Xiao. Deciding to keep it to himself, he said "No. I don't think they heard anything. Nai's parents are still on their project. No matter, he's fine now. No sense in bothering them"

Hao mei : "I am going back to the dorm to get some rest . I will be back in a couple of hours. Don't let him work. Make sure he gets lots of rest"

With that, Hao Mei left to go back to his dorms wondering what Yugong and Yu Banshan would say if they knew Sansao had spent all night taking care of Nai. He really was lucky to have her.

When Nai woke later that afternoon, Yugong , Yu Banshan and Hao Mei were raving about the game. The game , he realized, wait - the finale of the couples' tournament had been yesterday. It warmed his heart to know that Wei Wei had arrived to take care of him despite him leaving her hanging ( not intentionally of course). Suddenly he wanted to know what had happened with the tournament.  

Nai : "Hey guys!"

Boys: "Nai, you are awake!"

Yugong : "Nai, I am so sorry. I should have been more mindful. I promise that will never happen again"

Nai : "Relax man, accidents happen. I'm just glad we made it out in one piece. Don't blame yourself"

Nai had let Yugong off the hook completely. Yugong would never forget that Nai had saved his life that day. He vowed to remain loyal to him, always.

A nurse brought some food and as he ate some of it, Nai wanted to know what had happened in the game.

"What happened to the tournament yesterday?", he asked.

Yu Banshan replied "You have one hell of a wife! She was amazing! Apparently she used some obscure rule, wagered 5 levels and trounced the other couple! She would have lost 5 levels and be banned from 3 subsequent tournaments if she lost. You must have made some impression on her for her to take such a step! Here, see the video. All the forums are going crazy over her prowess! "

Nai watched the recording of the battle. Wei Wei had battled the couple fiercely and had single handedly defeated them. It was a tough battle, but there was no doubt, for one second who would win. His heart swelled with pride and he gave Hao Mei a side look.

Hao Mei silently shook his head indicating it had never come up once during their conversation last night.

Wei Wei was so competent in all ways, she didn't need to brag about anything. She silently had your back and would not even let you know she had it. He was proud to be her husband and he  wanted to be her husband in real life. They were endgame, he was sure of that.

Yugong suddenly chimed "Nai, you must find out who Sansao is! You must worship at her feet for saving your face. Apparently she told everyone you were tied up with some work! Way to cover for you! "

Hao Mei coughed, hiding his chuckle. Nai, worshipped at her feet, alright, he thought. He had seen reverence for her in his friend's eyes last night when he had walked into the room to find him caressing her head. They were devoted to each other and would be for a long time. He looked at Nai, mouthing "Should I tell them?"

Unsure , Nai shrugged. He hadn't discussed this with his furen. Hao Mei understood more than people gave him credit for. Sensing that his friend may not want to reveal who Wei Wei was, he decided to take another approach.

Hao Mei said: "Nai cannot do that! His girlfriend will be upset if he goes after another woman!"

Understanding where Hao Mei was going with this, Nai chuckled, Hao Mei was a brilliant man.

Both Yugong and Yu Banshan took the bait.

Yogong: "Girlfriend! What girlfriend? Xiao Nai, when did you get a girlfriend ?"

Yu Banshan: "Wait, was she here last night?"

Yugong: "Wait a minute, is that why you have been skipping dinner with us?"

Hao Mei and Xiao Nai exchanged a look. This was enough for now. They had told their brothers a lot, without giving away a lot. Until Wei Wei approved, Hao Mei wasn't going to say anything. When they did make things public, the brothers would be able to understand.

Nai: "I am feeling a bit tired. Let me rest some more"

Outraged, Yugong and Yu Banshan yelled "Nai, you can't leave us hanging!". It didn't occur to them to ask Hao Mei, the only other person who had been in the room all night( well most of it, anyway)

Nai was discharged later that evening. He had phoned Wei Wei's dorm to let her know he had made it back to the dorm and was resting. She had expressed how glad she was that he was okay . She had ended the call with "We should think about telling our friends about us. I don't want to lie to my dorm sisters anymore".

Nai "Don't worry about it. We'll find a way. Good luck on your test tomorrow. I will take you out, the day after for a date. Love you!"

"Okay, Love you too, good night.", said Wei Wei and crashed on the bed. It had been a couple of busy days for her and she needed to rest if she had to do well on the exam.

Of course she had aced it and had proceeded to drag her dorm sisters out shopping with her. She was determined to dress well for her date the next day. For their part, her dorm sisters were happy that she seemed normal finally and was spending time with them!

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