Chapter 6- Dorm life

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chat messages are underlined

Wei Wei finished her shower and logged into Dreams of Jianghu. Xiao nai, her now IRL boyfriend was online, his brothers weren't. They had planned to meet at an instance dungeon yesterday. they started chatting.

Hi furen

Hi dashen, I'll be right back, my dorm sisters are making tea. brb

Without waiting for his response, Wei Wei sprung from her seat and rushed to the kitchenette as soon as she heard a loud thud.

In her hurry, she accidentally hit the voice call button. Xiao Nai was surprised to see the "Wei Wei is calling you" notification pop up on his screen. He quickly looked around and noticed that his brothers are still preoccupied. He clicked accept and whispered "hello" into the headset.

After hearing some random sounds in the background he quickly realized that , Wei Wei in her haste , has accidentally called him. Curious, he listened on hoping for some unbridled insight into his favorite person's life.

Meanwhile in the dorm, Wei Wei approached her sisters and said "What was that sound? It gave me such a fright"

The three girls look up and noticed Wei Wei's appearance. They couldn't help admire her effortless beauty - slightly damp her, dressed in a red yukata style pyjama top that showed off her collar bones and delicate neck, Wei Wei was the picture of perfection.

Instead of responding to her, Er Xi exclaimed loudly, " Wei Wei, if anyone took a picture of you coming out of the shower, you would be campus belle."

Never one to like receiving compliments on her beauty, Wei Wei responded " I don't want to be the belle. I hate the damn thing and that stupid forum. Who has time for that nonsense?"

As if Wei Wei hadn't responded, Sisi teased her " Many boys would kill to see you in your sexy pajamas Wei Wei. Look at your curves, just washed hair, your beautiful collar bones and that color on you! Swoon"

Overhearing her remark, Nai choked on his tea causing Hao mei to give him a confused look. He had acknowledged that Wei Wei was beautiful. But hearing a graphical description of her beauty made him grow hot under his collar.

Hao Mei asked him "Nai, are you okay? What are you listening to ? You look a little flushed"

Nai said "Nothing just some music. Will you guys log on to the game today?"

They all replied saying they needed a few minutes.

Meanwhile in Wei Wei's dorm the conversation continued unaware of their eavesdropper.

" Aiyoh, it's so hot here, swoon, one look at her and boys would die from nushen's ethereal beauty" Xiaoling said giggling.

Ignoring their usual antics, Wei Wei responded "Did you try to grab the hot kettle again Er Xi? I have told you to touch the insulated handle carefully so many times". Seeing as they were still giving her leery looks, Wei Wei told them "Sisters, you have an exam tomorrow. You should get back to prepping."

They looked at each other and responded in unison "Okay, nushen Wei Wei".

Smacking her head saying "Aiyah", she rushed back to desk only to realize that a voice call to her dashen had been on the whole time.

Blushing tomato red, realizing he may have heard their whole conversation, she disconnected "Sorry that was a total accident. I heard a thud on the other side of the room and accidentally started a voice call" hoping he would let it pass.

"I enjoyed it, nushen wei wei" he typed. At this point, Wei Wei covered her face with her hands from embarrassment.

Xiao Nai wanted to tease her more but his brothers logged in at the same time. They all said hello to their Sansao and made their way into the instance dungeon. They continued on like usual but Hao Mei kept throwing furtive looks at Xiao Nai.

That night both Xiao Nai and Wei Wei went to bed in a blissful state.

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