Chapter 19 - A Perfect Storm

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Nai felt helpless that he hadn't done anything to prevent this situation and was slightly annoyed with Wei Wei because she had stubbornly refused to inform him of the situation. As they got off the elevators, Wei Wei said "Nai, there is a status check meeting with Feng Teng in 15 min. I suggest you be there for that. I will take the rest of the day. I know you are mad at me but I also need to cool off. Let's talk about this in the evening"

Nai : "Please, let me at least drive you home."

Wei Wei :" You won't be able to make it to the meeting in time. It wouldn't do to keep our investors waiting over a minor office scuffle like this. People in the office are depending on you."

Nai: "Wei Wei, stop downplaying everything. You are more important to me than some investor meeting"

Wei Wei :" I know Nai. But I need a little time to calm down as well. I have never been so angry in my life."

Nai hailed a taxi: "Okay furen, let's talk in the evening. Please text me when you get home. Please make sure to take a hot shower and dry off completely"

WEi Wei : Okay

Nai went back to the office and used the next 10 minutes to calm himself down and compartmentalize. As much as he wanted to run back to Wei Wei, she was right. Feng Teng was too important to ignore.

Just as he was about to walk into the conference room, his phone lit up with a "Reached home" text from Wei Wei. Sending her a heart emoji, he walked in.

Wei Wei came home to find Er Xi on the floor crying. Er Xi had moved into the apartment shortly after Wei Wei had. She had been interning at another big gaming, company J. They had all interviewed ( Nai had seen Wei Wei that day in Company J's lobby), but Er Xi was the only one selected. Er Xi had used Wei Wei's gaming handle in panic, when they asked her if she was familiar with any games and as a result had gotten the job when the interviewer had recognized the handle. Since them Er Xi had been gaming regularly, and had worked diligently to make sure she became qualified for the job. Wei Wei had never held any of that against her.

Wei Wei : "What happened? Why are you crying?"

Er Xi : "Today some mean girls treated me very very badly at work. It turns out they were my bosses' girlfriends. I kept wondering why they treated me that way, when they said,' Luwei weiwei , you are not so tough IRL are you?' "

Then my boss called me, he asked me if I was really luwei weiwei. I admitted I was not and I had used my friend's handle at the time. I told him how hard I had worked since then. I asked him if that was why I got the job and he said yes.

I guess I deserved that.

But you know what, I am so pathetic that everything good in my life is because people think I am you weiwei."

Weiwei : "That's not true Er Xi. Come on, I have never pitied you or thought like that."

Er Xi: True, but you don't know the full story yet. After I started playing the game, I found a disciple. After going on quests with him for months, I fell for him. When I told him that, he said "Finally College A goddess Wei Wei!I have finally succeeded in wooing you."

Wei Wei, even the boy I like, likes you. I am not fit to be in your presence or be your friend.

Wei Wei : What are you saying? Er Xi , this is all a misunderstanding. You would have been fired if you were not good at your job. Also, if the boy is so misguided, then he doesn't deserve you. She consoled her friend.

Er Xi : I have no beauty. No brains. I am not even fit for love. I don't want to be in your shadow all the time Wei Wei. I am moving out.

She said and started to make her way to the room

Already exhausted from the events of the day, Wei Wei said "If anyone is moving out, it's me". She said and walked out of the house just as she had come in. 

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