Chapter 21 - In sickness and in health

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Nai was about to go to bed, but he wanted to make sure Wei Wei was asleep before he crashed on the couch. As he went inside, he found her curled up to a ball, shivering.

He touched her forehead, it was burning. She had a high fever.

"Wei Wei, Wei Wei", he tried to wake her a few times, even splashed water on her.

She was unconscious due to the high fever. He picked her up and carried her to his car. Thankfully, the rain had slowed to a mild drizzle. He drove to the nearest hospital and they immediately started to examine her.

Doctor :"She has a high fever 104 degrees. She's also severely dehydrated. Let's do a blood test to make sure it's nothing else" he said to the nurse. He turned to Nai and asked "Who are you?"

Nai said "I'm her boyfriend. She got drenched in the rain today. She was fine in the evening. I brought her here as soon as I noticed her curled up. I tried to wake her, she couldn't regain consciousness", explaining frantically." Nai's calm demeanor was obviously shaken by Wei Wei's sickness and he was quite panicked.

The doctor noticed the young man's distress and said "Son, take a breath. She's going to be fine. We're going to hook her on an IV and keep her under observation for the night. If the blood test looks fine, I'm sure she'll be good to go home. Her body had shut down from the stress, that's why she can't wake."

Nai nodded and sat down next to her bed. "It's my turn to keep you company at the hospital", he thought.

He sent a text to his brothers on the group chat: "Wei Wei has a high fever. I brought her to the hospital C when I found her unconscious. I may not be able to make it into the office tomorrow. Yu Banshan, can you make sure the team stays on track ?"

Hao Mei :Forget the office. How is she? What did the doctor say? You know what, never mind. I'll be right over.

Yu Banshan: Pick Yugong and I up on the way.

Nai : Guys, you don't need to come all the way here now. It's started pouring cats and dogs again. Why don't you come in the morning and help? The doctor said she will be fine by tomorrow barring any complications. I will text you

Hao Mei : Are you sure?

Nai: Yes

Everyone : Take care Nai, we'll see you in the morning.

The next morning the boys arrived with some congee and breakfast at Hospital C at 6 am. Never in history had Nai seen them awake at that hour, not even while he was in the hospital. They made their way to Wei Wei's room and found Nai sleeping in an awkward position sitting down with his head on her bed near her arms. Wei Wei was still asleep.

To their surprise, they saw Wei Wei's roommate Er Xi.

Hao Mei was angry, this woman had obviously said something to their Sansao causing her to get drenched and sick. He dragged her outside.

Hao Mei :" What are you doing here?"

Er Xi : "Please, I'm sorry. Listen to me. I'm her emergency contact. When she was admitted to the hospital, they called me."

Hao Mei : "We will take care of our own. You can leave now."

Er Xi :" Look, I am really sorry. I had a horrible day and I kind of took it out on her. I regretted it immediately. I was stupid and immature. I tried calling her all night after you left, she wouldn't pick up. I didn't know where she went. Then I got a call from the hospital. I found dashen. I explained everything to him, I begged for his forgiveness. I will apologize to Wei Wei when she wakes up. Trust me, I am sorry. She has been nothing but kind to me."

Hao mei looked dubiously at her and said, "Fine, you can stay. If I sense even the slightest distress from my sister, I will not hesitate to throw you out", walking back in.

Er Xi admired his dedication to Wei Wei, she also guessed that he had dragged her outside because he hadn't wanted to share their conversation with the others.

Yugong shook Nai : "Nai, why don't you rest on the couch there for a bit?"

Nai now awake : "No no, I'm fine. What time is it?"

Hearing the commotion, Wei Wei started to wake up. She moved her eyes around and realized they were not in Nai's house anymore. Her eyes found Nai and tried to sit up. He gently pushed her back down "Rest. You are in the hospital. You had a high fever last night."

Yu Banshan: "Sansao, how are you feeling?"

Yugong: "Sansao, please accept out apologies. We should have fixed this problem sooner."

Wei Wei said weakly: "I'm fine. It's not your fault. I was the one who insisted on dealing with it myself."

Hao Mei : "Aiyah, don't crowd her. Give her some room. I'll get the doctor. You lie down sansao and Nai why don't you freshen up?"

Er Xi hung back and noticed that they really acted like a family. She was happy for Wei Wei. The doctor checked Wei Wei out and said "The blood test came back clean. It was dehydration and fever. Your fever has broken . You will be weak for a few days, so please rest. You are also slightly anemic, you should eat some foods with iron in them. The nurse will discharge you in two hours."

Nai finally released the breath he had been holding. They all cheered a bit, Yugong and Yu Banshan said, they would go back into the office since they were already up. The Feng Teng demo was very close and they still had a lot left to do .

As Er Xi stepped forward slightly, Hao Mei tensed and observed Wei Wei.

Er Xi : "I'm so sorry Weiwei . That was awful of me. I never meant those words. None of it was your fault. I had no right to talk to you like that especially when you have been so nice to me."

Wei Wei : "You know I didn't think people would transfer a grudge from the game to real life"

Er Xi : "That was not your fault. They were stupid and I was stupid enough to listen to their words and get mad like that."

Wei Wei immediately forgave her : "So, our Er Xi finally grew up , huh ? Who knew this day would come," she teased.

The two girls hugged, crying and laughing at the same time.

Hao Mei and Nai stepped out , leaving them alone for a while. They needed that.

Hao Mei said," I will head back now as well, take care of her."

Nai stuck his head in and said: "I'll fill out all the paperwork for discharge. Why don't you help her get ready to leave" and left.

Er Xi had brought Wei Wei's clothes with her : "Wei Wei, is that dashen's T-shirt?"

Wei Wei : "Don't start. I have just forgiven you. After our dramatic fight, I had to go somewhere and I was drenched in the rain. Mind out of the gutter please."

Er Xi : "I'll go easy on you for now. It looks good on you" , she winked." I'm sure he'll agree"

Wei Wei rolled her eyes.

The rest of the summer passed with no event. Zhi Yi's presentation had impressed Feng Teng. They had won the contract to develop Dreams of Jianghu 2.President Feng Teng loved the speed, fluidity and gameplay while, director Feng Teng had been very impressed with Wei Wei's marketing strategy. It was like watching a younger version of themselves.

At the end of the summer, Wei Wei moved back to the dorms. She would continue to drive the marketing and QC team over the semester. She had elected to double major in Marketing and Computer Science. Nai privately thought she was taking on a lot, but he wisely kept his opinions to himself ( he had already learned that his wife was always right;) ) . When Hao mei asked him why he hadn't spoken to her about the course load, he had simply said, "I know my place" and smiled.

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