Chapter 27- Surprise!

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Wei Wei's parents had successfully persuaded Nai to spend a few days with them before heading back. As a result, he was now sleeping on the pull out couch in the hall, awake unable to sleep.

That night as Wei Wei lay awake on her bed, she thought about Nai's proposal and sincerity. Their relationship had always been low key in the public eye. Due to this, Nai's good looks and success meant that he got propositioned by women a lot and it had only gotten worse since their successful launch. It bothered him more than he let on, his smile had begun to get more and more fixed during interviews when the hosts flirted with him. Perhaps a subconscious reaction to that had been how he clung to her in private, she mused, he would always find a way to be in per proximity following her all around the house.

Wei Wei's situation was somewhat similar, but better in some ways. On campus, because of her busy schedule, boys never got to see her outside of forum pictures where she looked like a goddess. She came to class just before it started, left as soon as it ended, avoiding people altogether. That didn't stop them from sending letters, gifts and trinkets to her dorm which her sisters promptly returned in an effort to help Wei Wei. Seeing those would only stress her out they reasoned. At interviews and other public forums she firmly didn't discuss her relationship, which had recently caused admirers to assume she was single and resulted in a flood of letters, emails, gifts at the office. She was overwhelmed with that and she was sure Nai had been irritated with the situation. He rarely sulked, but one night before her exams, he had said "Why don't they just leave us alone? I wish I could tell them we were dating" . Wei Wei had responded, "You know, if you tell them we are dating, they will follow us around to get couple shots and won't let us live our lives in peace". He had sulked some more and mumbled "if you were my wife" out of her ear shot. She had heard that anyway , but pretended not to.

She knew marrying him would put an end to all that, but she wasn't ready to publicly be a married woman in college, she felt too young and too old at the same time.

Wei Wei also thought back to the conversation with her mother earlier that day at the spa.

Mama Chen : "Wei Wei, are you sure about living with him in college? I know Nai is honorable but you two are not married, you won't have any rights if something goes wrong."

Wei Wei : "Ma, you are thinking too much. Nothing will go wrong."

Mama Chen : "I am not thinking about big things. Let's say one of you, god forbid, is in the hospital. Do you know that you can't make healthcare decisions for each other? I am not naïve, I know what happens when you are young and in love."

Wei Wei : "Ma ..stop. I don't want to discuss this with you"

Mama Chen : "Look, it's nothing to be embarrassed about, please you're an adult. I know that being who he is, if you become pregnant, Nai will immediately marry you. But I know you, you would be always wondering if he married you because you got pregnant or for love. Not to mention, you can stop sneaking around his place. It will be your house."

Wei Wei : "Technically it is my house. When Nai bought the unit upstairs, he registered it in my name. It was my share of Zhi Yi's profit"

Mama Chen: "Wow! I didn't know that, but still think about it. It wouldn't really change anything between you two. That boy is crazy about you."

Back to present-

She needed to see and talk to Nai. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say yet.

She texted him: You awake?

Nai: I am.

Wei Wei : Can you come inside my room. I need to talk to you

Nai : Wei Wei, I don't think your dad would appreciate that. If you are awake already, why don't we take a stroll outside. It's quite pleasant and the moonlight is lovely

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