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'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants a taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous


It was Thursday now, and Michael was hanging out with Luke in his room. Both didn't have anything to do today, but Ashton had an examination to see how well he was doing.

"So," Michael said, playing on his Nintendo DS. "What's up with you and Daddy?"

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, slightly confused. "Daddy? Who's that?"

"Ashton. Duh."

"Why is he Daddy?"

"Oh my god," Michael laughed, putting down the game console. "You're telling me you don't know? Or he hasn't told you?"

"Told me?--"

"Ashton has a daddy kink!" Michael said, punching Luke in the shoulder. "I mean, personally I think you would top, but--"


"LET ME AIR OUT MY GAY OKAY. But anyway if he did top make sure you call him Daddy because he gets all flustered and red and he likes it a lot."

Stifling a laugh, Luke nodded his head. "Um, okay. How do you even know this?"

"Brendan's a total perv sometimes and one day he asked us if we had any kinks and Ashton was all 'yeah I have a daddy kink' and I was like 'the fuck man' and he was like 'shut up michael we all know you like dress up' and I mean I do but--"

Luke couldn't help the laughs that fell from his mouth because this was all just so funny to him. "Oh my god." He said between laughs, holding his stomach tightly.

Michael rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "Whatever. What're your kinks, huh? Even you can't be that innocent, Luke."

The blonde felt his cheeks tint pink, unsure of how to answer the galaxy haired boy. "Um, I don't k-know? I guess I have a Daddy kink, b-but more for calling someone that. And uh, I don't know!" Luke's face was a bright shade of red, trying to think of--erm--sexual things he liked, but the only thing that really came to mind was the sound of him moaning & whispering dirty things in Ashton's ear and--

"Holy shit, Luke! Thinking about it gave you a fucking boner!"

Luke glanced down, shocked, to see that Michael was indeed right. He blushed furiously, trying to cover it up by rolling onto his stomach, face in his pillow. "Fuck me over a brick wall." He said, slightly muffled by the pillow, but Michael still heard, laughing loudly.

"Well, my guess is you would only want Ashton to do that but--"

"Michael, shut the fuck up!"

Michael just laughed even louder, going to say something when suddenly the door opened, revealing a very buff man with a bag in his hand. Luke and Michael stopped talking, looking at the guy who suddenly appeared.

Luke could feel himself tense, social anxiety creeping through his veins. "Hi," The stranger said, and Luke noted his British accent. "I'm Liam, I'm a friend of Ashton's. He wouldn't happen to be here, would he?"

Luke remained frozen, blue eyes scanning over Liam. He couldn't deny it, the guy was quite good looking, which worried him greatly. What if Liam was gay? Could Luke lose Ashton when he didn't even have him?

"No, sorry," Michael spoke up, making Luke tear his eyes away from the buff brunette. "He's at a progress examination right now."

"Oh, okay. Um, I'll just uh--can you tell him I stopped by?"

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