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"the vodka burns my throat but your name hurts my head
and i'd rather wake up with a hangover
than stare blankly at my hands trying to forget how it felt to
hold you."


Another drink was set on the table as Calum heaved out a sigh, trying to figure out what he was going to do. Michael was still in the hospital, he was late on payment for his apartment's rent and his mum was going to be coming over soon.

Fuck his life.

He stood up, deciding three drinks was enough and tossed them into the bin, not caring much that they shattered. Just like everything else in his miserable life.

Calum smoothed down his shirt as he walked quickly towards his bedroom, switching out of his worn out sweatpants and into some decent black skinnies his mother wouldn't mind. He was in the midst of buttoning them when the doorbell rung, so he finished up quickly before going to answer it.

"Mum," he said with a fake smile, opening up the door for her to come through. "Come in. How are you?"

"Fine, fine," The elder and proper woman answered with a wave of her glove. "I see you're keeping this place--" she paused, looking at the multiple stains, "tidy."

"I do try."

She scowled a bit but nodded, turning to face her son as he led her to the living area. "So, what brings you here?"

The pursing of his mother's lips made Calum uncomfortable and tap his foot to the beat of nothing. He felt bad vibes coming from his mother, which he did not appreciate at all. She already wore a snarl as a face.

"Your father and I are moving to New York."


"...This means that we're not going to financially support you anymore, Calum."

"Not okay," the raven haired boy said with a furrow of his eyebrows. "Why not? You guys know that this is only volunteer work until I get my degree."

The woman sighed, uncrossing her legs. "We know, Calum, but we can't. What with Mali going off with her career in music and you being such a bright young man, we thought it would be best for you."

Calum stood up, quite angry with what he was being told. "How is this fair to me?" He huffed, staring down his mother with a glare. "Why do you still help out Mali and not me?"

"Simple," she said as she stood. "Mali is the better daughter. Now, I'm leaving. It's one o'clock and I have a dinner with the Artuso family--you know, with the daughter the same age as you? Erica, was it?"

Rage induced brown eyes now stared at his mother as he begun to close the door.

"Sorry to disappoint you even more, but I suck dick."

And he closed the door.


Three days later, Michael was released from the hospital.

They had suggest the rehab centre to watch carefully over Michael by moving him to a different ward, but Calum had quickly stepped in and told them about his fear of change; how it could cause trauma towards Michael and make things worse. The doctors didn't want to agree but figured it could be in benefit of Michael, so they made Calum promise to watch over his intake of at least 150 calories per day, always increasing slightly until Michael got into the habit himself.

Driving Michael home was exhilarating for Calum, finally being able to see his baby boy with no tubes or needles connected and inserted in him. He could hold his hand properly again without feeling the crinkly hospital sheets underneath his fingers and kiss him without worrying about a nurse coming in. It all felt amazing.

"Michael?" Calum spoke up once they arrived at the rehab, not wanting to get out just yet. Michael hummed quietly to the sound of Carly Jepsen singing in the background.

"Why? Why do you do it?"

The pale boy stopped humming and sighed, green eyes looking everywhere except at Calum. "I just--I don't feel comfortable in my own skin. I'm too fat and I'm not good enough and I want to be. I don't want to exercise because pfff, who does that, so this is my only alternative. P-plus, no one really cares that it's also partly a mental disease as well as self-harm. Bulimia is... like a little bully in the back of your head, always telling you that you're not good enough and you'll never be good enough; so after a while you start to believe it. And it's all downhill from there." Michael looked down at their hands that were only inches apart and with a quick burst of courage grabbed Calum's tattooed hand, holding it tightly. "But, I want to get better. And I promise now I'll try to get better, only with your help. I-I need you Calum."

The raven haired boy felt like he was at a loss for words, because he was astounded by the fact that he was so lucky to have a guy like Michael in his life. Yeah, they each had their own fair share of problems, but they would always be there for one another at the end of the day. They complimented one another better than two magnets, and that was truly a beautiful thing to witness.

"I love you. I love you so fucking much," Calum said before his fingers were reaching into Michael's hips and pulling him onto his lap, pressing their mouths together in a desperate and loving way. Going so long without this was torture for each of them, so being able to touch and feel the other between the pads of their fingertips felt out of this world.

Calum was a moaning mess as Michael's lips left imprints against his skin. His usually tan skin was turning black and blue whilst love bites and hickeys were placed anywhere the older boy could find.

Calum was so, so lucky.

"Shit," Calum whispered when Michael sucked harshly on his sweet spot. "Fuck, Michael."

The blonde and blue haired boy smirked, gently blowing air onto the bruise before his lips were connected with Calum's once again. On the outside the whole exchange looked rushed, but to them it was like being on cloud nine; it was absolute heaven, and Calum felt as if he were being touched by an angel.

"Backseat?" Michael mumbled somewhere during their intense make out and Calum nodded numbly, almost jumping onto Michael as he joined him in the back of his car. Their lips met once again and their clothed groins rubbed against each other accidentally, causing double the reaction. Calum began to thrust his hips into Michael's, moving them often in a circular motion and earning gasps and moans from the older boy.

"Holy shit, Calum, please do something. Touch me, fuck me, anything." Michael begged, squirming underneath his partner. His eyes were a dark shade of green and filled with lust, possibly turning Calum on more than he already was.

Hips begun to slow down as Calum started to tease Michael, gently and slowly rubbing their hard ons together. "What do you want, baby?" He cooed in the green eyed boy's ear, biting softly on the raw skin of his ear.

"You. I want all of fucking you."

Calum didn't hesitate to comply in the action.


wOAh ok that was a ride

i hope you guys had fun

i just came back from leadership camp lmao !!

i love you guys soooOOOOoo much :-)

x kat

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