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(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
You can call me a thief
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
But you should know your part,
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
I'm only here
(I'm a thief, I'm a thief)
Because you stole my heart.



The honey haired boy turned around, seeing Calum jogging towards him. The raven haired boy's all white uniform blended in with the colours of the walls, almost making it look like he was ghost.

He wasn't.

"Hi, Calum, what's up?" Ashton said. He had originally been trying to find Luke, since he had disappeared in the early morning. Plus, it was really hot--considering it was July--and he needed a cold shower.

(With Luke.)

"Dr. Tomlinson needs to talk to you, he didn't tell me about what." Calum said with a heavy breath, placing his hand on Ashton's shoulder. "He should be out back, near the rose garden I think."

Ashton nodded and begun to walk in the opposite direction of where he had been going. Calum followed him, saying that he had "nothing better to do".

You see, patients at the rehab attended it almost like a school, which meant they were released during the summer. Of course, if you weren't ready to be released you weren't. But, if you had shown good improvement there was a chance that you could eventually go home.

"What do you think he needs to talk to me about?" Ashton questioned, trying to make conversation. He and Calum weren't close, so it was always awkward between them.

"I don't know." The boy gave a shrug, continuing to look straight ahead. "Do you have an idea on what it could be?"

Ashton shrugged as well as they walked past the doors leading outside. "Not really. I haven't talked to Dr. Tomlinson in... A long time."

Calum hummed at this as they turned a corner, where the rose garden was. Although, instead of seeing roses, the boys found Michael, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall, Harry and Luke staring back at them. Luke was grinning like an idiot, a guitar held in his hands. Niall and Michael had one as well, while Liam had a keyboard. Calum grinned at Ashton quickly before going to join the group as they all waited for Ashton to react.

"Wh-What is this?" He asked, his hazel eyes wide. "Are you gonna rape me or something? Do you have like a guitar fetish? Please don't. I'm only twenty-one."

Luke just smiled some more, gesturing for Ashton to take a seat on the stool in front of him.

"Come on, baby. You'll like it, I swear." The blonde spoke, his tone light but nervous.

Ashton complied, fitting himself onto the wooden seat. He patiently waited, watching as Luke turned around and counted before he and Niall begun strumming.

Soon words were flowing gently from Harry and Michael's mouth, but Ashton wasn't so much focused on what they were singing then how wonderful Luke looked and how happy he seemed. It made him smile, as he finally tried to focus on the song.

Zayn and Calum were beginning to sing, their voices melding together sweetly.

"So kiss me where I lay down,
My hands pressed to your cheeks
A long way from the playground."

And then they were all singing, each of them harmonizing together to create something beautiful. However, it was easy to tell that they were letting Luke lead the whole thing. His voice carried throughout the garden, and Ashton would've bet it could be heard inside and everywhere else as well.

Then it was Liam's turn, and then Niall's. Before long, the chorus came again, except this time everyone except Louis and Luke were singing.

Once the chorus finished again, Ashton knew that this was the bridge. He watched with impatience as Luke stood up, guitar still in his hands as he walked closer to Ashton.

"I have loved you since you are twenty," Luke sung gently, Louis singing with him but softer. "Long before we both thought the same thing; Ashton will you marry me?"

The song continued on but Ashton wasn't paying attention at all. His heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest and all he could see and hear and feel and sense was Luke and only Luke. Because, Luke was his whole world. Luke was his everything. Luke is what made him so strong, even if he would be the destruction of Ashton.

But they were both okay with that.

"Any day of the year."




well i told y'all the ending would be here soon.

yES there will be an epilogue (or else this would end w an uneven amount of parts and just dkxkclshkw no) BUT it'll probably only talk about malum lmao!!1!!1!!

i love you guys so much, okay? you all mean the absolute world to me. thanks foR THE MEMORIES DJOSKVKFOVPW HAHAHA I LOVE MYSELF LMAO BYE

x kat

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