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"sleep, my darling. the darkness will be gone in the morning."


Luke was tossing and turning and awake and asleep and energetic but exhausted all at the same time except he didn't know what to do with all the thoughts running through his head because it was all just coal black and foggy grey and fire red and kind of forest dark green but the only yellow and honey thing was Ashton.

There was darkness and cold which was weird since there was fire. But not the warm kind, the overheated-inferno-you'regoingtodie kind and Luke's mind raced as memories upon memories filled his head.

But then he saw yellow and tasted honey and he knew Ashton was there and suddenly things were okay and all Luke wanted was okay and to be okay.

And yet--


Luke didn't know why Ashton was on his mind in the first place but somewhere along the way he let him stay there.


"Crawl in."

"I--I can't. I'm too big."

"Then I'll wait until you're not."

Ashton whimpered as his father punched him in his side, closing his eyes at the impact of the blow he was so used to.

"You're a worthless," He growled. "fat, disgusting, bitchy, useless piece of shit." Every insult was followed with another hit--punch--kick--anything the monster could think of.

"I--I'm sorry."

"Shut up!" The man yelled, hitting him Ashton so hard he saw spots and--

"I hope you die."


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