their ends.

253 14 10

And I see fire.


It's kind of an amazing thing, really. To see how much a person can change by the entrance of someone into their life.

For some people, it's for the worst. And, I'm really sorry for them. Life is such a beautiful and valuable thing and it kind of really sucks when one person ruins it. But, in the end it's kind of worth it right? Since it can shape us into a better person, right?

Yet, for others, it's for the best. Kinda like what happened to my friends and me. Things were absolute and utter shit at first, for all of us, but meeting each other made everything... Better. Yeah, it sounds unbelievably cheesy, but it's the truth. After some trial and error, we didn't want to die, we didn't dream of leaving the world, we didn't ignore the fact that their was some hope for us to get better. Instead, we took a chance, and put all our faith into three other people.

(That sounds fucking cheesy, but I'm trying to make a point.)

Luke and Ashton got married two years after their release from the rehab, and I was Ashton's best man. Kind of an honour, he's a fucking god.

(Honestly, have you seen that boy? Holy fuck. If Luke hadn't gotten him first I would've pounced.)

Anyway, I could tell that was the best day for each of them, and I wanted it. I wanted it so bad.

It made me infinitely happy that I got it. For once, at least one thing turned out okay.

Now, I know Calum and I aren't perfect. But, no one is, and that's okay. We all have our differences, our strengths and weaknesses, but sometimes they just work together. The most powerful combination of all. No one can ever take that away from us.

"I love you, you know that, right?" I said to Calum in the dark of the night as we sat on the couch, trying to get warm by sitting in front of the fireplace. "I love you more than Luke loves Ashton. More than Dean loves Castiel. More than Augustus loves Hazel. More than John loves Sherlock. More than--"

"I get it, babe," Calum chuckled, his arms tightening around me as he pressed soft butterfly kisses to the top of my head. "I love you, too, you know. More than Gerard loves Frank--"

"Holy fuck, you do love me." I said, making both of us laugh.

Hours later, we were falling asleep and I was listening to the sweet sound of Calum's breathing as his chest rose up and down. "I'm sorry, but I fell in love tonight." I whispered to him, pressing one last kiss to his chest situated underneath mine.

"I didn't mean to fall in love tonight." He finished with a smile, and wow, I would bet the world to say that Calum would always be the love of my life, and that we could accomplish anything, so long as we stuck together.

Sometimes, all you need is that one extra hand that's willing to reach out and pull you back into the light.

Witnessing that would always be my favourite thing.


ok um wow my heART

I don't think you guys realize how much this story means to me and how much I hope it means to you and helps you. I've never written anything like this before, so to see it come to life with all of you is fucking incredible. I love you all so much.

There's only going to be the playlist and end note after this :-) (js, the end note has been finished for about two months and I'm so proud of it, I really hope it shows this story in a different light and empowers you all.)

I love you, all of you, to the moon and back. Don't be shy to talk to me on here, Twitter (@ _hoodrunk_) or kik (@ sxcialcxsualty) alright :-)



x kat


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