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Just hear those sleigh bells jinglin', ring ting tinglin' to
Come on it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.



Everyone knows it as "the season to be jolly" or the time when you get food! and presents! and money! and family time!

But did they realize it wasn't like that for some people?

Ashton had no family to spend the holidays with, no food and no presents.

Luke, stuck with no family to spend time with, no money, and no presents.

Michael, no family to spend time with, no food, no presents and no money.

They each sat quietly as they heard the sounds of people in reception meeting with parents and siblings and hearing all the "Merry Christmas!"es throughout the halls and the laughter and everything seemed wonderful out there but inside nothing was.

Luke threw the ball up, catching it again and again as it hit the padded ceiling with a soft thump before coming back down. Ashton was lying on his back, fingers drumming against his thighs as he stared at said ceiling.

"Why are there rips and holes around the room?"

Ashton's curious voice finally filled their quiet room as Luke's ball fell back with one last thump. "I don't know." He lied, pausing before resuming his activity.

"I thought you said you don't like liars."

"That doesn't mean I won't lie."

Ashton sighed, because he knew after every one of Luke's sessions he would become even more closed off than usual and he hated that because he wanted to know Luke.

But Luke was still an indecipherable enigma in himself.

"I'm going to see Michael."


Luke didn't say another word as he left the room.


"I just--he's just so--ugh!"

"Dude, I know you're gay and shit, but no need to groan in my presence."

Ashton glared at Oliver, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well excuse me, ex-roomie. Who even told you I roomed here now?"

Oliver had a dark complexion with eyes to match; actually, everything about him was dark. He didn't have a childhood; he grew up as an orphan, moving from abusive home to abusive home. One day he snapped, binging on alcohol and almost killing his foster mom.

So, they sent him here.

"Meredith, who else." Meredith was the main receptionist. She hated Ashton.

(Not that anyone else didn't.)

"So," Oliver said as he jumped onto Luke's bed, lying down with his hands behind his head. "Luke, huh? The guy who only does therapy?"

"What's so bad about that?" Ashton asked, siting up. He let his legs swing a little off the bed, even though his feet could touch the ground.

Oliver simply shrugged. "He's just... weird. But a different weird, you know? He doesn't talk to anyone except that Michael kid and Calum, and I heard he usually leaves his sessions early. You're not allowed to do that but he gets away with it. Why?"

"What's your point?" Ashton snapped, annoyed that someone was talking about Luke like this.

"Nothing." Oliver stood up, heading for the door. "I'm just saying to be careful. Guys like that... They hide a lot of secrets."

For some reason, Ashton agreed.


"I'm telling you Luke, it's a great idea!" Michael said cheerily as he fixed the sheets on his bed (which were already perfect). "We can go out for a bit, get a bite to eat--oh my god, I haven't had Macca's in forever--maybe shop a little! You know, it would be awesome if I could get some new textbooks--"

Luke groaned, spinning in the chair Michael had behind his desk. "Just the two of us? Won't you get bored?"

"Luke, it's Christmas! It'll be fun!" Michael seemed so excited it brought a small smile to Luke's face. "And we can invite Ashton too!"

Luke froze mid-spin, turning slowly to face him. He felt kind of misty and light grey, hearing Michael say that. "How do you even know Ashton?"

Michael's face darkened slightly, his smile falling before returning. "It's a long story. But come on! We're going to go ask."

Luke sighed, allowing Michael to drag him out of the perfect room and back to his own.


ok i'm ending it here just bc everything else is happening next chapter and it's getting really long so yip

also ik it's after christmas but i couldn't care less

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