Chapter 10 - Lets Go Live

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It was almost a week ago since I'd seen Demi last at her parents house, and since the interesting little turn of events occurred.

The whole week has been insane. Tonight was the premiere for my movie,  and I'm so nervous.

My whole team was at my house getting me ready. I had on a long tight red dress, with my hair lightly curled. I had on talk black heels, with an excessive amount of jewelry.

Julie had taken some pictures of me, and kept pushing me to post them. "Hold on, I have to do something first." I told her. I went to facetime and pressed Demi's name. It rang for only two seconds when it said connecting, and I saw the beautiful face of the woman I had found myself falling in love with.

"Hey you!" Said smiling. "Hiii"

"Why can't I see you?" She asked. "Because I'm covering the camera." I giggled. "Well. Uncover the camera you goof." Shr told me.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked her. She looked confused and then let out a little laugh. "I don't know am I? You're making me nervous here."

I set down my phone, still holding the camera. Once I took my finger off of the camera I stepped back so Demi could see the whole outfit. Instantly, her jaw dropped.

Demi🦋 took a facetime photo!

Showed up on the screen and I laughed. "What the FUCK" she said smiling and sitting up. I smirked at her. "You like?" I asked. She nodded her head. "You look fucking BEAUTIFUL holy shit" she told me.

"Thank you baby" I said giving a little spin. "Are you excited for tonight?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Yeah, a little nervous though." I said with a slight laugh.

Demi gave me a reassuring smile. "It's going to be amazing. The movie, the party, you. Everything." She told me. I smiled at her and felt myself blushing. "Thank you." "Of course baby. Now go have fun you SEXY motherfucker" she said and winked. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

The premier was everything I imagined and more. Interviews, meeting new people, the DRINKS like wow. After the premier, i received nothing but positive feed back. "I'm so proud of you, kid" David said, hugging me. "Thank you so much. Seriously. For everything. I don't know how to repay you." I told him. He smiled at me. "You can repay me by telling me what's going with Demi." He asked smirking. I rolled my eyes at the man

"There's nothing going on." I scoffed with a light smile. "Hmmm if you say sooo." He said and walked away.

I felt my phone vibrate and checked my phone.

Demi🦋: let's hang out tomorrow. I miss you. And I hope you're having an amazing time. You deserve all of this and more.

I smiled at the message, feeling my heart do now the common leap every time she texts me, or looks at me, or whenever I think about her.

Me: thank you so much. And of course. I miss you too. I'll come over around 6 tomorrow?

Demi🦋: sounds like a plan :)

I didn't end up getting home until about 2am that night. Everything was perfect. And now I see Demi tomorrow. I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face.


"Hey you." Demi said as she opened the door for me. She pulled me into a hug, and I quickly wrapped my arms around her.

"You look beautiful today." She told me. I blushed and looked down. I was wearing a light brown skirt, with a white crop top. "So do you." I told her. She had on a black floral romper. I swear that woman could wear a garbage bag and she'd still be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. 

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